I'm a believer of the 'too many cooks spoil the broth' notion. I think give one studio free reign to do what they want; if you involve too many studios they all want things done their own way and it never works imo.
The thing I think Ninja Theory need to look at with Lords of Shadow is the database entries. The beauty of Lords of Shadow was how the database entries and the monologues in the game communitcated the world mythology to the player.
When you find scrolls on dead soliders and they fill in a peice of the world's history, its that type of depth Ninja Theory needed with DmC. You can have plenty of cutscenes, but it helps to have more than that to give the player that feeling they are completely immersed in the world.
Hope they are watching this and take it on board for future work. It was needed or DmC, imo.
hmmm.. yeah you're right, it'll mess things up, it's just that what some games lack, was done nicely in other games. Like the first LoS lacking is the combat and control, and DmC has it; what DmC lacks in terms of using unreal engine, remember me did it well; what remember me lacks in ---i actually don't really know what it lacks, just i know something is lacking with the game..
Story wise, i think what we got in DmC is capcom's order, maybe like they told NT to just make it simple.. maybe..
And by database entries do you mean to let the player learn about the world themselves? and about LoS, the cutscenes itself is so powerful that it gave me awe everytime.. anyway, is it possible for DMC/DmC to be story-driven like that --epic, colossal, cinematic and all, or was is what capcom wanted it to be and that they are supposed to be 'simple'?
and absolutely, i hope they are reading these..