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DmC Dante x Kyrie

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Well-known Member
"Gentleness,caring,sweetness etc' Those are TRAITS which ANYONE should posses,not just women.

Traits that were listed are 'generally' accepted as feminine in a woman but did not in anyway imply that they were not applicable to men or ANYONE. However, it is accepted they make woman feminine. Which contradicts your claim that women who can be opposite of these traits can still be feminine. I would agree if there are any other means besides these traits listed that make a woman feminine but not the opposite of ANY trait listed, in a woman that makes them feminine. Comprende.

So,if a man is gentle and caring he's not considered manly but feminine. Don't bring that up.

I never said that, you are 'generailizing'.

I know guys who think that if one of them shows compassion or cries he's considered a 'p*ssy'. Those need a reminder that feelings are totally human and so is crying.Not just something women do.

And it's nothing wrong in showing a weak side,but many men don't want to because it's considered 'feminine' and it makes them less of a 'true man'. THIS is a stereotypical way of thinking,even for men.

I don't quite get the analogy there. We weren't discussing on wat makes men 'masculine' but how a woman is 'feminine'. To that my answer is, a woman is not feminine jus because she has a pair of boobs. Femininity is from character,personality and the way they look. Its ignorant to say a woman who wears pants(Which is general attire of men) is not feminine. But is also not acceptable to say a tomboy is still feminine jus because she has a pair of boobs.

There can be men who don't like violence,but at the same time there can be women who practice it.Just look at women in martial arts,there are plenty. And they can kick ass and many guys are afraid that a woman can take care of herself and be herself without being LABELED.

I was talking about what feminine is considered in society and how many women are stressed about it because they fear that it if they do something not feminine they might be labeled as unladylike and not a true woman. What's the matter if a woman can fight? What if a man can't?

Okay, When women choose to be feminine , I don't think it is to jus get a guy or attract men. Certain job profiles demand women jus cuz of their feminine nature. Eg: Air hostesses. Also Beauty pageants need women to be feminine. Ofcourse, Women who aren't feminine in every sense of the word can compete and still win but they would have to satisfy categories that need them to be feminine. Its not jus out of stress from society but women are naturally feminine and there is nothing wrong in expecting women to be feminine cuz its natural.

I don't know about you,but I'd be happy to live besides someone who can feel comfortable near me and won't act in a certain way to prove ANYTHING.

Again, I never said i won't credit women who aren't feminine in every sense of the word. What exactly is wrong in expecting a female character to be feminine?????There is a natural way of things and i enjoy things in their purest forms. I never discredit any non-feminine characters but compared tomboys(who aren't strictly feminine).

My point about Eva wasn't about that. Eva has a different story. Eva put her life in danger knowing that there won't be anyone to save her and she protected something she cherished. She didn't have to wait for her knight to save her because she was on her own,she didn't have anyone to rely on to save her. Besides this,Eva doesn't give the feeling of a stereotypical damsel in distress.

Kyrie never relied on nero. Nero felt obligated to protect kyrie. In fact, Kyrie almost denied nero when she found he had a demon arm(At the end of credo boss battle). Hardly relying on nero or credo.

Then again,who defined the term 'FEMININE'? I tell you who,not women,but mostly men. (not all,so I won't be generalizing)
What does it mean? What does MANLY means? These terms were looked in a stereotypical way for ages,and if you don't behave accordingly to them you basically are an outcast and you're looked down because you're not fitting in their selfish STANDARDS of what they think is or isn't feminine or manly.

Sorry, as i said, Anyone with boobs can't be accepted as feminine.

Again, I wasn't talking about innocent ones ( I repeat nobody is innocent in essence because we're human beings)


I don't like innocent characters

You were saying?????

I don't try to degrade the term feminine,but I want to prove that women aren't only reduced to that and that many of them are capable of many things.Just likethere are male cooks,there can be scientist women but that doesn't make them less of a person.

Being feminine or manly doesn't define you as person.

Women can wear dresses in their free time but at the same time they can work in automobile repair shops.Men can wear large clothes and work as a babysitter. And these people don't need anyone to define who they are because that's their choice.
I can wear a suit and the next day wear a dress.What's the deal in it? I can play video games the the next day bake a cake.
Why should we refrain anybody from who they really are and what they like and be considered not feminine/manly?

Again, I never said women who weren't feminine weren't capable of anything. When did I say that???Could you please quote me if i am wrong.

You generalize. And you gave that example as a way to say that women are the ones who should take care of the children because they have maternal instincts. What about mothers who don't have children or those who even kill their children? Where is their maternal instinct? What if a father takes care more than the mother? Is he considered feminine? Does that mean he lacks what many call 'parental instinct' ? No.

And this is where the justice system is wrong.
They favor the mother simply on the fact that she has maternal instincts.What if that woman doesn't have any love for her child but the father DOES? The father won't have the custody of the child because the mother was choosed to take 'care' of it even if she doesn't love him,it's because she possesses that 'maternal instinct'. See where this is wrong.

Woah, Woah, Woah..... I said a mother is favored in a custody battle of a very young child. Custody battle is when parents divorce and when either party does not agree to give up custody of the child. In such cases, If the child is very young, Mother is favored. Also there is a thing called 'maternal instinct' which is a special bond shared between mother and child. Can you give me a word for special bond between a father and a child???In fact a mother goes through 9 months of carrying the baby in her body which a father does not share.If mother is proven to be unworthy in any way to raise the child, then yes, Father would get the custody. But everything is fine with both father and mother, Favor would still be mother.

Femininity is a natural characteristic of female characters and there is nothing wrong in expecting them to be feminine. It only means i enjoy things in their purest forms and never said a non-feminine female character isn't capable of anything.In fact, You were claiming that feminine characters are nothing more than "Good looks" and always need a hero to save them.
By feminine, i mean by the way they dress and act. We don't call tomboys as feminine cuz they aren't. If women weren't characterized by their personality/looks/dress sense, we would not have the term feminine. In case you didn't know what feminine means, please google.

There is a certain way of things that specifically define women and hence the term feminine. Mostly feminine character is known for softness and maternal instincts.

Also women can't be violent and feminine at the same time. Jus like tomboys aren't feminine.

Here. I didn't say you specifically said that women aren't capable of anything,but you basically labeled some of them as non-feminine when in fact the term has no solid meaning . As I said a couple of times,this is just a made up term brought to a level of a huge superficiality to make women look just like pretty and useless objects and if they prove capable of anything out of hand and of something that usually a man is capable of,they're looked as non feminine. And don't say about violence because that was about the DMC universe but it's applied in real-life to. If a man can be violent then why a woman shouldn't be?
Sure,a tomboy isn't feminine is the society's eyes but a woman can be feminine in her eyes because a she's a human being in essence and we're all the same after all.

My argument was against of what 'feminine' society think it is,they dictate what is and what's not feminine. Do you really think what's written in a paragraph on the internet makes women as a whole group?

First of all,I DIDN'T say anything about that. I was saying that the whole MEANING of the word 'feminine' is superficial and that's how it's perceived by many.
My whole point revolved around the fact that the labeling as feminine/manly doesn't make you as a person.

There's a difference between not liking an innocent character and what MEANS an innocent character,while an opinion is subjective,what is a fact is a fact.

You don't understand some things.Women often try to be on the liking of their boyfriend.We have to wear dresses,to always do our hair,to always shave,to wear high-heels,to wear make-up,not to have our hands in our pockets,to always smile,to always seem innocent and girly,to always let our man speak first,to always be quiet, in other words to be like a doll,looking always good and masking our trueselves,because that's why it took such a long time for women to be allowed to have a good job,because they were only looked upon as objects to take care of the children,to look as feminine as possible and to satisfy their husband's needs.
Because if you don't behave feminine(in the meaning of society) you don't matter.
Why do you think women are still in our days prohibited of taking the word even in politics? Because they think a woman in only capable of being a lady and shouldn't be allowed to 'THINK' and possibly make a decision by herself.

So,you still think it's an easy task to be 'feminine'?
As to traits,everybody can be capable of them.I'm not talking about looks here.

Personally I don't care what feminine is or it's not because a simple word like this won't make me any less of the person I am.


Well-known Member
Here. I didn't say you specifically said that women aren't capable of anything,but you basically labeled some of them as non-feminine when in fact the term has no solid meaning .


That's because many portray women as innocent,way too feminine or way TOO emotional.

Even in gaming,all female characters have to posses a perfect body and less clothes but many of them have no personality.Because they're viewed only as sexual objects and that's all.And those who act all innocent are supposed to be ALWAYS the ones who aren't capable of anything rather than be saved by some guy. Just like in Kyrie's case.

I don't try to degrade the term feminine,but I want to prove that women aren't only reduced to that and that many of them are capable of many things.

I'm sorry but you can't accuse me of alienating/degrading/discrediting non-feminine female characters without any basis to back yourself up. Please quote as to when i 'LABELLED' a non-feminine female character in this entire discussion where i said a feminine character like kyrie is a better person than her.I gave the example of tomboy as oppose to 'general' feminine nature of women. I never said a tomboy is inferior to a feminine women.

The irony is, you don't hesitate to call feminine characters in-capable of anything besides being saved by some guy but are claiming that i was discrediting/labelling non-feminine female characters.*sigh*

As I said a couple of times,this is just a made up term brought to a level of a huge superficiality to make women look just like pretty and useless objects

Mother teresa wasn't known to be pretty and useless but was an inspirational woman and can't think of anyone as feminine as she was. Again, for the love of god, I don't expect every woman to be as feminine as mother teresa but am pointing out that feminine female characters can jus be as influential as non-feminine female characters.

Do you really think what's written in a paragraph on the internet makes women as a whole group?

LOL, I didn't refer a blog by a user or a reply from a consumer from forums/boards but wiki is as equivalent to a dictionary. Its ignorant to say a dictionary is jus a book and I can't agree to what it says. 'Feminine' is a dictionary word which means anything associated with female gender. Yes, times may change but sun will still rise from the east and set in the west as long as earth rotates on its axis and orbits around the sun until there is an Armageddon. Though times change, A woman cannot be totally independent of feminine characteristics and there's nothing wrong in expecting a woman to be feminine.

There's a difference between not liking an innocent character and what MEANS an innocent character,while an opinion is subjective,what is a fact is a fact.

Great, Now we have a dilemma on what makes someone 'innocent'. And What fact might that be???That a woman need not be feminine????Actually that is subjective. The fact is woman are feminine by nature.

You don't understand some things.Women often try to be on the liking of their boyfriend.We have to wear dresses,to always do our hair,to always shave,to wear high-heels,to wear make-up,not to have our hands in our pockets,to always smile,to always seem innocent and girly,to always let our man speak first,to always be quiet, in other words to be like a doll,looking always good and masking our trueselves,because that's why it took such a long time for women to be allowed to have a good job,because they were only looked upon as objects to take care of the children,to look as feminine as possible and to satisfy their husband's needs.
Because if you don't behave feminine(in the meaning of society) you don't matter.
Why do you think women are still in our days prohibited of taking the word even in politics? Because they think a woman in only capable of being a lady and shouldn't be allowed to 'THINK' and possibly make a decision by herself.

Hellooooooo!!!!!!!!! we are 13 years past 2000. And none of what you said is expected from woman in current standards nor characterizes a woman as feminine.

So,you still think it's an easy task to be 'feminine'?

LOL, I guess it would be difficult for a guy to be feminine.

Sure,a tomboy isn't feminine is the society's eyes but a woman can be feminine in her eyes because a she's a human being in essence and we're all the same after all.
My argument was against of what 'feminine' society think it is,they dictate what is and what's not feminine.


Great...Another internet debate that ends with 'opinions'. Why didn't i see this before.

Personally I don't care what feminine is or it's not because a simple word like this won't make me any less of the person I am.

Honestly, I really don't get why you think i wanted you to be feminine.


SSStylish Swordsman

I'm sorry but you can't accuse me of alienating/degrading/discrediting non-feminine female characters without any basis to back yourself up. Please quote as to when i 'LABELLED' a non-feminine female character in this entire discussion where i said a feminine character like kyrie is a better person than her.I gave the example of tomboy as oppose to 'general' feminine nature of women. I never said a tomboy is inferior to a feminine women.

The irony is, you don't hesitate to call feminine characters in-capable of anything besides being saved by some guy but are claiming that i was discrediting/labelling non-feminine female characters.*sigh*

Mother teresa wasn't known to be pretty and useless but was an inspirational woman and can't think of anyone as feminine as she was. Again, for the love of god, I don't expect every woman to be as feminine as mother teresa but am pointing out that feminine female characters can jus be as influential as non-feminine female characters.

LOL, I didn't refer a blog by a user or a reply from a consumer from forums/boards but wiki is as equivalent to a dictionary. Its ignorant to say a dictionary is jus a book and I can't agree to what it says. 'Feminine' is a dictionary word which means anything associated with female gender. Yes, times may change but sun will still rise from the east and set in the west as long as earth rotates on its axis and orbits around the sun until there is an Armageddon. Though times change, A woman cannot be totally independent of feminine characteristics and there's nothing wrong in expecting a woman to be feminine.

Great, Now we have a dilemma on what makes someone 'innocent'. And What fact might that be???That a woman need not be feminine????Actually that is subjective. The fact is woman are feminine by nature.

Hellooooooo!!!!!!!!! we are 13 years past 2000. And none of what you said is expected from woman in current standards nor characterizes a woman as feminine.

LOL, I guess it would be difficult for a guy to be feminine.


Great...Another internet debate that ends with 'opinions'. Why didn't i see this before.

Honestly, I really don't get why you think i wanted you to be feminine.

I did warn you that this was not a debate you were going to win...*sigh* regardless to who is right and who is wrong and regardless of the fact that you both have very valid points...you are arguing feminism, how females cannot be both innocent and "indepentent, strong, or "badass", and how females are protrayed in general with a "GIRL" not to completely rip off batman but" you think that you can go on the internet and dispute how a female should and shouldnt be protrayed and whether or not women can be both innocent and badass on a forum on with a "FEMALE" and your plan is to argue with her???? my friend this is one of those discussions that should have been "agree to disagree" 10 comments ago...she is a female regardless of whether or not one of you is right she is still a female and female's win 99.9% of arguements, discussions, and debates and you can dispute that all day however i know that fact is true...lol


Well-known Member
you think that you can go on the internet and dispute how a female should and shouldnt be protrayed


I was more defending feminine women who are labelled as 'pretty faces','boyfriend/girlfriend material' and that they are basically incapable of anything besides being innocent. I agree kyrie was stereo-typical but i didn't start the discussion on non-feminine women but jus meant kyrie was feminine.*sigh*
I was more defending feminine women who are labelled as 'pretty faces','boyfriend/girlfriend material' and that they are basically incapable of anything besides being innocent. I agree kyrie was stereo-typical but i didn't start the discussion on non-feminine women but jus meant kyrie was feminine.*sigh*
Alright. This started from an opinion on the female characters in DMC and DmC. I know you said your preference towards a certain group of females but I stated that not only feminine but also non-feminine women should be taken into account, because they're still women and even if you don't like them this doesn't mean there shouldn't be any characters like them or to be ignored.
What I wanted to point out in all this discussion is how women who are classified as 'non-feminine' aren't important and how there AREN'T many because if a girl can kick ass she is looked down by the rest but this doesn't mean she is worthless and shouldn't be classified as a strong woman.Strong women can be physically or when it comes to personality but this doesn't mean they can't be feminine. I wasn't talking is terms of what truly means feminine,but in what should be.

Now,don't think I hate on feminine women because I DEFEND that. As I said in my posts women can look good but can also prove they're more than that.I'm feminine myself but I don't like to looked only as that.Get it? And I also defend those women who aren't pretty or too feminine but still can do something on their own.

So no,I wasn't trying to say that non-feminine women are feminine but I was trying to prove that this term makes all women act and look in a certain way when in fact it doesn't hold any importance because all women and men can behave and look in a certain way without being labelled/ignored/to be laughed at.


Well-known Member
Alright. This started from an opinion on the female characters in DMC and DmC.

Fine, I will stick by the DMC example.

I don't like suicidal girls

Which was a response to

Even though kyrie is not physically strong, she does put herself in danger to warn credo and put herself between the kid and demons (suicidal). Something i really admired about her.

And for the eva example:

Eva wasn't exactly an ordinary woman.The fact that she fell in love with a DEMON,a powerful one at that and beared twins knowing that she might be killed one day putting her life in danger is badass enough.

I'm sorry but you think eva was a badass for being suicidal but you hate suicidal characters like kyrie. That's very self-contradicting.

What I wanted to point out in all this discussion is how women who are classified as 'non-feminine' aren't important and how there AREN'T many because if a girl can kick ass she is looked down by the rest but this doesn't mean she is worthless and shouldn't be classified as a strong woman.Strong women can be physically or when it comes to personality but this doesn't mean they can't be feminine.

You will have to quote me again where i said an "ass kicking girl would be looked down".

I wasn't talking is terms of what truly means feminine,but in what should be.

Yeah..No..Anyone with a pair of boobs don't make them feminine.

Now,don't think I hate on feminine women because I DEFEND that.
So no,I wasn't trying to say that non-feminine women are feminine but I was trying to prove that this term makes all women act and look in a certain way when in fact it doesn't hold any importance because all women and men can behave and look in a certain way without being labelled/ignored/to be laughed at.

Fine, What i get is that when anyone expects a woman to be feminine, You say its degrading.

Uh...No.I will give the example of a human mind. There is an active side to it and a passive side to it. Passive side does all the thinking and active side is what we use to speak or do things on the fly without thinking. For example, A right handed person does not think to use his right hand any time he needs to use his hands. Thats the active side of mind. But when answering a question, Passive mind first understands the question, thinks of possible answers, then chooses the right answer based on reasoning. Now the answer could be wrong but my point is passive side of mind is important when answering questions.

Resident evil is a game with a lot of passive gameplay. We have to think a lot before making our next step. Ofcourse, we could make a move and if it proves fatal or involves re-thinking we can start-over. But we would lose all items,ammo,upgrades that we collected since the last check point. So we have to passively think a lot. Like managing inventory space, concentrating on getting aiming accuracy, watch the reloading of guns, collecting items before they disappear, exploring the map for clues,puzzle solving. So there is a lot of passive thinking. Yes, the active side was enhanced RE 5 onwards with on the fly inventory management. Even though inventory was on the fly, if we go to the inventory screen, we would not be able to walk or run but navigate on inventory. But we would still be able to shoot. But my point is switching to inventory will restrict the active side of walking or running. So Passive thinking is what makes resident evil an interesting game.

Now for Devil may cry.I am going by DMC 3/4/DmC. Anything and everything about these games involves active side of the mind. Its basically muscle memory. Totally based on instincts. Ofcourse, we could choreograph our combos but when its time to dodge using trickster or block using royal guard, It needs to be active side of mind that triggers it.There is absolutely no inventory or passive menu switching. Unless if anyone wants to use vital stars. But that's beginner stuff.So devil may cry has very little passive thinking besides upgrading weapons which does not involve passive thinking because we would anyway want to get ALL the upgrades.Actually there is one passive ability of nevan(DMC 3) that truly enhances its performance and thats volume up.Basically, It summons more bats. It would be highly ignorant to think nevan was useless since it is more passive weapon.

The reason why i gave these examples is when i said 'feminine', I meant passive side of women. I can't say Resident evil isn't capable as Devil May Cry because it(RE) is more passive.There is a saying "Behind every man, There is a woman".Basically, women influence anyone passively. And that's what makes them special. I greatly disagree to the phrase, "Those who can't do, teach". Its basically degrading teaching profession. But i used word 'feminine' to consider women as special and never degrading. And so would anyone who respects women.


Well-known Member
*ignoring the above comments cause what is going on*

I can just imagine Kyrie making breakfast while Dante, in limbo, is being attacked by a demon oven. Then Kyrie would turn around like: "Dante, breakf- Dan....te?" Then suddenly Dante would come bursting out of the oven and go: "Sorry, it tried to eat me."

This is a promising relationship.


Well-known Member
So, Basically some of them want

BTW, 'I'm a slave for you' is a song by britney spears in case you didn't know.




Devil hunter in training
*ignoring the above comments cause what is going on*

I can just imagine Kyrie making breakfast while Dante, in limbo, is being attacked by a demon oven. Then Kyrie would turn around like: "Dante, breakf- Dan....te?" Then suddenly Dante would come bursting out of the oven and go: "Sorry, it tried to eat me."

This is a promising relationship.
I bet they couldn't even go on a Date without Dante getting pulled into Limbo>_<


Smile it confuses people
Both were from different worlds...until their eyes met for the first time.

The kind and innocent flower

The rebellious and thorned rose


And it was at that point, a fire sparked in the garden of life.

So that's how my next fanfic will go ;)

But seriously though, how do you think it'll be? (Also Nero and Kat do not exsist at this moment)

Dante: Sorry pal, no can do. She's a nice girl and all, but I only dig the feral chicks that know how to handle their game, preferably sexy blondes clanned in leather who look like my mom. Although if Kyrie ever takes a walk on the wild side, you be sure to tell her to give me a call me ;)

[Serious answer: give it a go. You never know. He was nice to Kitty, he could be nice to Kyrie too.]

He'd tear dat pussy up.

Dante: And eat it for breakfast.


Devil hunter in training
Its no different from Nero going on a date and demons attack.
True, but at least Kyrie can see where Nero is if demons attack...Dante on the other hands disappears from sight and Kyrie would have no idea what is happening to him.

LOL sounds about right
Poor guy can't even take her on a date to the fairground at the pier without demons and limbo being involved.

Kyrie: The fair! What a great idea for a date!
Dante: I can see demons...they're everywhere...
Kyrie:...Okay....why don't we buy some food...
Dante: I wouldn't do that if I were you....the hotdogs are made of demon rage meat and the drinks are puked out by a succubus.
Kyrie: :blink: Right...then why don't you win me a cute soft toy...
Dante: They're possessed by demons too. I had one attack me in limbo. They're not so cute when they're trying to stab you.

That would be a really lousy date.:p


Don't mess with a Mage, bitch.
Personally, I see oDante trolling Nero so hard, it crosses the line to mean and right back to funny.

oDante: One shot with a girl and you ruin it. You really are Vergil's kid.

Nero: There's a train coming in 10 minutes. BE UNDER IT!!!

oDante: At least you still have the Devil Bringer.


Well-known Member

What the heck is that thing between her legs?????

I'm jus messing with you.:lol:. Honestly, I am not aware of myth behind succubus. I thought it was somehow related to 'Incubus'. God, i hate that animal(Incubus).

Okay, Funny i jus googled succubus and it is indeed related to incubus.
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