new cutscene yea!!!!
The camera pans to a young woman who has just walked up.
However she did see the end of the battle. she is wearing, black victorian style boots, a
black leggings with lace at the bottom, a white petticoat style skirt, a pink corset, and
black lace glovettes. Her long white hair was in a braid.
Young woman:you have to top everyone, don't you, Vergil?
Vergil: You know the answer to that, Meggie.
Persephone then recongized Meg and ran to her.
Persephone: Hi! Aunty Meg! Gives Meg a big hug
Nero:I'm confused.
Narcisse: why are you confused, Nero?
Nero: *to meg* who are you?
Meg:Megara Sparda.I'm Sparda's daughter. Vergil and Dante are my brothers.
Nero: oh.The order of the sword doesn't even know you exist."
Vergil: that's because Dante and I had her removed from the forbidden text, to protect her.
Nero: Oh.well i should get going or Kryie will wonder where i am and start worrying.
*Dante and Trish stroll up*
Persephone:Bye Bye a$$hole.
Vergil: PERSEPHONE RACHEAL SPARDA!Did you seriously just say what I think you just said?!
Persephone: Opps. Sorry Daddy.* sadly dropping her head.*
Vergil: That's it, no more weekend visits with your uncle.
Dante: Hey! No Fair!She was the best student I ever had."
Vergil:Student? what other choice pharses are you teaching my five year old,bro?
Dante:It was a joke, Vergil.The student thing was a joke. Look, I must have a called a costumer an a$$hole and she picked it up. well at least she didn't say f*ck."
Trish: Vergil, I appolgize for Dante's truck driver mouth. I promise I'll make him watch his language around Persephone,from now on.
Vergil: Let's hope you keep that promise.
Dante sighs in his head...
Persephone: I am sorry I said those bad words, Daddy. I won't do it again.
Vergil: It's okay, I don't blame you...
Dante: *under breath* Nah, he blames me...
Persephone: do you blame uncle Dante then....?
Vergil: It doesn't matter who's to blame.
Dante: *in head* That's a yes then.
Trish: nobody's blaming anybody, Dante. Just next we watch her you'll try not to swear so
much right?
Dante: Right right.Uncle Dante promises to swear less.
Vergil: *gives look*
Dante: I meant. Promises to not swear at all.
Trish: *to Dante, so no one else can hear* Should we tell them the good news or question
them first?
Dante: Question.
Trish: ok. What are you up to Vergil?
Vergil: Well, sorting out all of this stuff here, why?

k.why is Narcisse with you?
Vergil: She was helping out with the demon trouble, why do you ask?
Trish: Maybe because of who father is....
Vergil: Hmm... If she's a useful ally, why shouldn't she be allowed to help?
Meg: so your not trying to open the gate to hell again, Vergil?
Vergil: Are you accusing me of something?
Meg: *defensively* No.
Trish: well since there is a gate underneath the city, we were just wondering Vergil...
Vergil: Keep a close eye on me if you must. But believe me, I'm up to nothing.
Trish: *so only Dante can hear* Do you believe him?
Dante: not one bit...
Trish: well then you question him? You know him better.
Dante: then he'll think we don't trust him.
Trish: we don't, do we? ya know maybe we should just tell them the news...?
Dante: Yeah, perhaps you're right.
Meg: huh?
Narcisse: what news?
Cianissa: *smiles*
Trish: I'm pregnant.
Everyone stares at Dante and Trish with shocked expressions. Only Nero, who apparently has not left yet, speaks.
Nero: *to himself* oh great!
Dante: what do you mean, kiddo?
Nero: You reproducing is a little scary, Dante. That's all.
Dante: Someone has to keep the Legend alive.
Nero: didn't Vergil already do that?
Dante: Yeah, but you can trust me.
Nero: huh?
Narcisse: whose to say your not going to spoil this child, like Vergil spoils Persephone.
Dante: We won't spoil the kid. Not until they are at least 10.
Vergil: *ignores comment* Dante, you'd be an unreliable father.
Dante: What was that bro? You have something you'd like to tell me? Come here and whisper it in my ear.
Trish: Now now, let's behave.
Narcisse: *whispers to Persephone* Ask him for a pony.
Persephone: Daddy? Can i have a pony?
Vergil: live or stuffed?
Persephone: I don't really want one. she told me to ask. *points to Narcisse*
Vergil: *glares at Narcisse*
Narcisse: i was trying to prove a point.
Vergil: what? that i spoil my daughter.
Narcisse: yes.
Vergil: i see.
Dante: and you do spoil her. there is no doubt about that, bro?
Vergil: what are you saying?
Trish: you spoil her, Vergil. you give her everything she wants. I mean every single weekend she stays with us, it's always the same thing, if i take her shopping she wants the most the most expensive dresses. She picks out this real cute designer dress, and she says I want this aunty Trish, and she throws a temper tantrum when i refuse to buy it for her and says that you would.
Vergil: How expensive are these dresses that she picks out?
Trish: these are 5th aveune clothes,Vergil. They are like hundreds and hundreds of dollars.
Vergil: oh great. so maybe a due spoil her a little. but that's just cause i love her so much. you guys will see. you won't be mocking me in 10 months time.
Dante: Right, bro.