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that zzzombiekid
Here are a few things that I just found out today when I played DMC3: SE. They are cool tips, and well, kinda like secrets too.
Did you know, that when you vs. Cerberus, the blue head shoots out balls of ice to you. When you are battling him with Beowulf, whilst he is shooting the balls, do killer bee attack. Jump and hit to the ground. Do it to the balls, and the balls will break releasing health. Wala! Sweet, hey?
Also, when you are versing Nevan, everyone wants to evade her kiss when she is almost dead. So, when she goes small and comes to kiss you, go DT and hit her. Thats how I killed her, sweet too, huh?
Also, you dont only get the style meter going to its highest point by just doing the special move. If you have 4 enemies around you, when you hit them all, your style meter goes to its highest point. SSStylish! What can I say, it just gives you more pints to the next level!
Also, when versing Beowulf, and you have already completed the game, the best weapons to use for him is, Beowulf, and air hike. Oh, and Ebony and Ivory. With those 3 things, you can kill him easily.
Also, for Leviathen, when you are versing his heart, all you need is a shotgun on level3, Rebellion, and the Swordmaster style. Easy.
Also, with Vergil, when you are versing Arkham on stage 19, he sends out those small eel thingies to attack you. Run all around the arena, and just shoot his magic swords whilst running. So, what exactly happens is, the summoned swords that you are shooting with, stay behind you while you move away, and kill the little eels behind.
Try it out and enjoy! :)


that zzzombiekid
On DMD, you will need it. On easy, medium, hard, and very hard, Cerberus is a piece of cake. But, when it comes to DMD, he is giving me hell over here.


Well-known Member
I keep discovering new things about the game, I try to avoid faqs and stuff, so I haven't heard all this stuff before. I like to keep the hidden stuff a secret, so if I do ever find it out, I'm like 'wow, still finding new stuff about this game'. Every so often, I find out something new regarding weaknesses, or things you can take advantage of with enemies. A couple of things I've been doing recently:

Swordmaster with Nevan, if you do R1+forward+O, it can cut through projectiles that are coming at you, which is really handy against those statue douchebags who fire blue / red darts.

Also with nevan, if you shoot electricity at the Gargoyles, it will turn them to stone pretty much instantly. So if you do R1+left+triangle and make the storm, then all gargoyles in the surrounding area get frozen, which is handy, as normally you have to use guns.

Vs cerberus, I found that if you get up close and use the shotgun, it takes off the ice from a head with one shot, so with 3 shotgun blasts you get all the ice off, which is quicker than using handguns I have found.


that zzzombiekid
COOL!!!! I should try it!
Well, the weapons I am using against Cerberus in DMD mode is actually Beowulf, and Rebellion. With Kalina-Ann and E&I. They work, but he only charges his big body at me. Very frustrating aswell. Getting to Cerberus is frustrating too.
Those damn demons dont realise that they hit me wherever I am. And, using Swordmaster for them with Beowulf takes much patience. All the moves with him take quite long to charge up. Especially the one where he says, "Catch this!" And punches in the air and spins whilst saying, "Rising dragon!" (Or something of the sort)
I need to get more secrets or fighting techniques more often. The battles keep on getting harder, unless I could use Quicksilver. But, that isnt always so effective at times. My shotgun is on level3, so, it should blow off all the ice from Cerberus's head. But, I have to admit, Beowulf on Very Hard was easy. Just using his own weapon against him, made him the easiest boss so far.


Well-known Member
I find that the Rising Dragon is useful after you've knocked an enemy off its feet. That way, they aren't going anywhere, and they take a while to get up, so you get to hit them with it for free. Otherwise, they'll normally hit you out of it before you get started :(

Yeah when Cerberus charges forward, that's a pain! You have to get right back and jump as he does it / just before he does it, to avoid getting slaughtered. I think that Cerberus doesn't like Agni & Rudra because of the fire. With sword master, you can stay up in his face with them, and you do quite a bit of damage.


that zzzombiekid
Yes. True, I used it for them on stage 18. And when I used Agni&Rudra, it took up quite alot of health.
Also, Gigapede gets hurt the most/his weakness is behind his head. I killed him with Beowulf taking only 10/15 hits and it died! Easy.


that zzzombiekid
Also, when you hit Beowulf to his eye, he kinda goes crazy and starts hitting the air. You might get hit. To avoid being hit and taking up more health, go behind him, use quicksilver to stop time, and then, you can hit him all you want without getting hurt.


Well-known Member
Another thing I do against Beowulf is when he is stood in the corner knocking those metal cylinders at you, you can use DT for like 1 second to sprint behind him and hit him in the back. Then he turns slowly to face you, and makes another cylinder, but you can run around the back of him again, and hit him some more, and repeat. It's pretty skanky, but I don't see why not.

Against Vergil, when you get your hits in on him, when he eventually recoils and says "UGH!", if you hit him again he will counter your attack. However, if you don't attack, then he just stands there, so I use this opportunity to get a taunt in. If you are quick, then you can do your taunt before he recovers, so it's completely safe! And looks funny too.


that zzzombiekid
Hehe, in the walkthrough video that guy only used tsunts against Vergil3 on DMD. Damn, that guy was freaking brilliant!
Also when you taunt, your DT goes higher. Well, you get more DT. When Beowulf hits those cylinders at you, they break to the wall when you dodge them. They release red orbs.
When using Rolyagaurd style when Versing Vergil3, he will use Judgement cut on you. Where the blue balls come at you. They take up quite a bit damage so you can block them. But, when you hold down block, the second ball that hits you, will hit you. So, you block, let go of the block button, then block again.
But remember, once he hits you, you are finished. So, try to dodge his every move. ;)


Chrysander;52823 said:
Swordmaster with Nevan, if you do R1+forward+O, it can cut through projectiles that are coming at you, which is really handy against those statue douchebags who fire blue / red darts.
You refer to ENIGMAs there. And the BEST weapon against them, especially in DMD Mode, consists of using Nevan’s Combo II over and over again.

As for Cerberus done easily and quickly, let me refer you to this video:

Kamui vs Cerberus = FIGHT!


that zzzombiekid
Yes. Nice startergy is used there. But, most of the time many have been getting stuck around the part on DMD mode. For me, it is the same too. Royalguard, I am not good with. The only style I never use.


Well the easiest and cheapest strategy involves using a slightly slower technique in Swordmaster mode. You arm yourself with Cerberus the weapon, and simply switch cancel between E&I and Spiral shots (a bit slower than G–cancelling Spiral as Kamui did in his video). When Cerberus the boss does the Ice Fall attack (you see him lift his head and roar) then do the Ice Age move (R1 + back + O) for complete invulnerability.

Rinse and repeat for the win.


that zzzombiekid
Wow! Cool one! Though, Spiral shoots slow. I would prefer to use the shotgun if you have it on lv.3. Also E&I if you have them on lv.3. Then, Cerberus is cake on any level. Heaven or Hell he would be quite a problem to take out the ice from his head. So, you will need many upgrades for all you guns, and Beowulf for the Killer Bee attack.

Also, when vursing Beowulf on hard, very hard, Dante must die modes, it is preferable to use the style, Royalguard. Because, when he shoots out the white feather lasers, you can block and not much health goes.
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