I see no problem with a DMC movie. Probably because even though I like DMC, I'm not too big of a fan of it to care if the movie is good or bad. I say, whatever. If Hollywood wants to make a DMC movie, then good luck to them. However, I hope they don't do the Resident Evil thing and make great CGI affects but a story that has NOTHING to do with the original plot from the games.
Then again, isn't the RE movie suppose to be BASED off the game and not be canon with the series? I know there have been some characters from the original series, like Chris (Looked nothing like game self) and Wesker, Oh God, he looked like a pussy compared to the game Wesker!
A DMC3 movie is also a bad choice in making a DMC movie, cause it's just the same damn thing but in movie version. I played DMC3, I know how it goes. I don't want to see a whole damn movie about it, I'll play the game. If anything do a Movie for DMC1. In that one he's cool and cocky instead of arrogant and immature. (DMC3)
That's all I gotta say.