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Devil May Cry intervention: Let's talk about this sudden DmC spike


Beer and big tits all around! XD
Thank you for visiting this thread.

Now, since I got here, I've been noticing a sudden spike in DmC talk yesterday ever since that new DMC4: SE trailer came out. DragonMaster also told me that there's also been such talk before the new trailer came about as well. So now, it seems like with DMC4: SE slowly drawing close to release, DmC has been getting the short end of the stick with criticism and negativity that's all been said back when it first came out and is suddenly brought up here.

Reason: I think most of it came from that one thread about westernizing Devil May Cry that absolute started.

Since then, there's been heavy tension in this forum about DmC that's caused some choice of words, harshness, and one member whose been here since 2010 (DM2010) leaving the forum in the span of a few days. And now since the 2nd DMC4: SE trailer came out with that one DmC Dante palate, the negativity within the forum for DmC and members as a whole has gone up a bit too.

So, I make this thread today as a way to bridge some sort of understanding with one another on this matter. People like DMC better then DmC and there's no point in arguing about it. People like DmC over DMC, and you can't change their minds about that.

Besides both sides have admitted the mediocrity of both versions of Devil May Cry so it's really comparing apples to green apples; their both apples either way.

So let's say we stop jumping down each other's throats and calm the **** down, huh? Because honestly, all this pettiness is making this fandom look like the sonic fandom with the "sonic has green eyes" mess.


Well-known Member
I call the controversial palette Dark Dante, based on a very popular fan-created character, and go skipping along my merry way. DmC ain't my problem, go enjoy it, you don't need me for it, but Sparda help me if I'm not going to stop every now and then to kick some bitter smartass in their heiny.


Well-known Member
Yeah, the issue isn't DmC fans or DMC fans. It's just the fact that people seem to like dishing it out anywhere and everywhere in order to have a public stage for their criticism, no matter how inappropriate it is to the topics at hand. It's usually sparked by tiny things people say, too, then it suddenly evolves into a massive orgy of hatred for no particular reason.

Maybe it's just the nature of the fanbase? Then again, meaningful conversations tend to thrive elsewhere. I think it's just the fact that these forums have made an attempt more than anywhere else to bring the fandom together and show mutual respect that people are drawn into these conflicts so frequently.

But yeah, it's definitely time for it to stop. It's just that I don't know the most reasonable way to chill things out. The mods keep reminding us to report these issues, so we should probably just stick to that and avoid feeding the flames at all costs.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I guess the only for it to stop is for people to learn how to let things go which something that doesnt happen right away in fandoms (any)

if there is a new game (a legit new game not a remaster etc) we could see how things go.


Legendary Devil Hunter
I guess the only for it to stop is for people to learn how to let things go which something that doesnt happen right away in fandoms (any)
So true, example. The first American Godzilla remake came out in 98, and people still talk about it. The new film has made people start hating it more
Like so

Which in turn brings out the people who did like the 1998 movie. Believe me I've seen this on several forums, and this is over a film that came out 17 years ago, and I'm sorry to say, I think the DMC fanbase is being pretty similar. I can't count how many forums I've seen suddenly turn to people arguing (Which I am partially guilty of, a nice few of us are), Mark my words, when the next game gets announced, if it's DMC5, the DmC fans will complain, if it's DmC2 the DMC fans will complain. If they reboot again (Looking at you Spider-Man) EVERYBODY will complain.


Supporter 2014
Yep. And that's exactly what our own fate will end up being.

Talking about it two decades later when everyone else will stop caring.


Present Day. Present Time.
I don't think there's any hostility surrounding this matter. From what I see, everyone in this forum are passionate about their beloved side of the franchise, make it DMC or DmC. We love the series and when someone doesn't like one another, we take it as some kind of a personal attack, hence our language goes a bit more vulgar each time.

Believe me, there's no one in this forum that states "DmC/DMC is objectively better than DMC/DmC and will be till eternity!" or stuff like that. In Costume thread people stated that they liked or disliked the DmC Dante palette and/or the other costumes. I see no one arguing about "Sparda DT is better you ****!!!", "No Nelo Angelo DT is bettah!!!! You're st***d!! Capcom sucks!!!!" Do you? Understand what I mean with "personal attack"?

I, for one, talked a bit harsh about the DmC palette; but I didn't even realize it was a DmC palette until someone stated it. I was rewatching trailer to see the stuff I missed and was telling to myself "WTF? Who is this asian guy? A Sengoku Basara character or something? Looks bad." When I realized it was a DmC costume I didn't get more upset nor send curses upon DmC. And I'm pretty sure who didn't like the DmC palette didn't like it because it looks bad to their eyes, not because it's simply a DmC costume.

My advice to you people; Keep yourselves calm. No one likes a flame war and no one hates any of these games. At least not anymore. I understand your passion but please try to think before you speak. And if you read something disturbing, just report it and then ignore it. Keep the discussion as usual.


I Saw the Devil
Well... That's half of it.

The issue isn't all about people talking about why they dislike DmC but rather the way they go about expressing it. Some people get pretty assertive about their criticisms, aggressive even. On the other side, however, when someone simply wishes to express something the don't like they are met with an equally aggressive responses themselves.

It's in the language. When you use assertive or demanding language you come off as confrontational. It's not hard to tell; If your response or post reads like a command rather than opinion or a statement that implies 'I am right and you are wrong' take a wild guess as to how people will respond.

Everyone here is entitled to their own opinion and they have the right to have that opinion respected. Which means that A) People here are allowed to like/dislike/care/not care/vote for/vote against/applaud/laugh at/sing anything they so choose and B) Just as others need to respect your opinions so do you theirs. And I'll remind everyone that no game is above criticism, not DmC, not DMC 1-4 and not the all around much love Super Mario Galaxy. It would be great if your criticisms were constructive but I'll settle for sensible.

Bambino 1: I don't like DmC Dante's hair.
Bambino 2: Why?
Bambino 1: I just don't. I think it looks ugly.
Bambino 2: Well, I like it. I'ma thinkin' to get that hair cut next time.
Fine (Not the most eloquent and it really doesn't add anything to any conversation but at least it's passable as respectful conversation)


Bambino 1: I don't like DmC Dante's hair.
Bambino 2: Why?
Bambino 1: Because it's stupid. It's (Insert long paragraph describing why it's stupid using the most condescending words in the thesaurus for the English, Spanish, German, and Gaelic languages while using the hair as a metaphor for the rest of the game).
Bambino 1: I don't like DmC Dante's hair.
Bambino 2: Why?
Bambino 1: I just don't. I think it looks ugly.
Bambino 2: That's not good enough. You need to have a better reason because the hair is (insert long paragraph of why other person is wrong and therefore must agree with you and never find or point out any faults with your favorite game without actually saying so).
X Not so much

You can agree to never see eye to eye. The other person doesn't have to like what you like in order for them to respect your right to like it. I know it seems like a personal insult that they don't but get over it, it is their right. Just talk about the one you don't like the same way you would want the other side to talk about the one you do like.

Last thing. I know that everyone feels like their opinions are not so much opinions as they are the truth, that's how I see my opinions, too, but they are not, they are just opinions, and everyone's carry equal weight here.
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the devil is not as black as he painted
all this pettiness is making this fandom look like the sonic fandom with the "sonic has green eyes" mess.

it's all up to the fanbase how they want others too look at themselves.. i personally think my thread is still in a healthy discussion, or argument, but it still is healthy.. i'm still enjoying reading it and don't find any of them posts hostile, it's a fuss, but not hostile or destructive..

share out thoughts, that's the point of all discussion, and if it doesn't come to a conclusion or a common shared view, well that's just how it is, it don't have to be, can't force that, can't change that.. but i know fans want their loved game to expand, and to exist so they could always play them..

i love DMC, and i wanted the game to expand, i love DmC, and also want the game to expand.. but if you don't want the game to expand, well it's not like the game will expand just because some random fans made a thread of it..

if we ended up like a notorius fanbase, well that's all on us, do we want to be?
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