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Devil may cry ...... haters (want them dead)


Well-known Member
4 days ago when i started playing dmc i opened youtube to see some clips of dmc 5.And i heard some comments saying that this part is a sh*t and that is boring the new carachters are not interesting that the game is not worth playing.But when i started the game i liked it even more than the previous parts.This games is ruling and for the haters..... dont know what to say people are just mad becuase capcom isnt making the game, but ninja teory but what of it.The game is really really good.And i really liked kat and vergil dont know why people say virgil looks like homo and things like that.Share ur thoughts about previous DmC and this one.Which part do u think was best and do u regret playing DmC 5?I know the game is awesome and i cant wait for the next part do u ? I dont meant i hate them or something, but they are discourageing the people from buying the game and playing it.Yes they will be always people who dont like one thing and other people who like it, but does it needs for them to spam negative comments on the videos and stuff like that.I am not threatening them or something like that i just dont want them to discourage people thats all.Ou and i didnt post anything bad i am just asking.I sawed some people saying that i am bringing the whole fansite down by posthing these threaths but i am not posting anything bad like i said i am just asking why they need to do theese stuff.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
dont know what to say people are just mad becuase ubisoft isnt making the game anymore but what of it.

You mean Capcom right? Ubisoft have nothing to do with the series. I see you want peoples opinions on the game but again no need to flog that dead horse & start another pro/anti DmC argument & even mention them or want them dead as your thread title suggests...


Well-known Member
Campcom gaved the rights to ninja theory i just got confused, becuase i was talking on skype with one friend about asc 3 and he mensioned about Ubisoft.... Still yes i think it have to do someting with capcom not making the game anymore or it is that the haters didnt gave a chance to dmc 5.They just sawed the new dante and they just said whatever dude i wont play this dante he is boring i am sure of it. Becuase i have 4 friends who say that the new dante is boring but they even didnt try to play dmc ......


Come on, if you like game enjoy it. Nothing is ideal or perfect. Does it realy bother you when some people dont like same things as you?

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Campcom gaved the rights to ninja theory i just got confused, becuase i was talking on skype with one friend about asc 3 and he mensioned about Ubisoft.... Still yes i think it have to do someting with capcom not making the game anymore or it is that the haters didnt gave a chance to dmc 5.They just sawed the new dante and they just said whatever dude i wont play this dante he is boring i am sure of it. Becuase i have 4 friends who say that the new dante is boring but they even didnt try to play dmc ......

Capcom could still make future games, this game was merely a reboot to reinvigorate the series. Some people feel it was not needed & others welcomed it, some people dislike change thats all. All in all no matter what peoples opinions it has done what it set out to do & gave the DmC series a kick start again. It got media & fans talking about it & in this current economic climate it has sold well, been rated well & tops the charts so seems to have been a good business move regardless of any other factors at the moment.

Cant please everyone all the time of course but seems they pleased a decent amount of people. Lots are still unhappy but im guessing they will try to cater to those fans more with the next title after bringing lots of new fans to the series. The controversy has done its job this time around so they will play it a little safer in the next title no matter who develops it id say.


Keyser Söze
Youtube is full of kids and immature schmucks,... don't mind them

I think new DmC is a good game on its own Merit it borrows heavily from old DMC and creates something unique i think its definitely worth a try


Your Friend and Mine
graters, dude, seriously, you're letting whole fanbase down by opening up threads with death threats right there in the title, and you don't make a great case by claiming that youtube comments made you feel this way. You might want to look into spell checking, grammar and post structure too, but if English isn't your first language it's more understandable.

I think DmC squandered it's potential to take legitimate risks with the IP and provide a richer experience than it's predecessors by failing to integrate gameplay into the narrative in a meaningful or original way, that the story was a slipshod-written puerile power fantasy for petulant teenagers with all the depth of an infected skin pore, and the combat system even moreso.

Even so I'm glad for anyone who walked away from it without feeling they've been robbed, but also hope that as a community we can come to appreciate what the game did well and what it did horribly wrong, and move on to the future with more refined expectations for the series in the future.

- The True Nephilim -

Devil Trigger Expert
Very true. I dislike the new DmC and adore the original but I have gotten over the hating comments for the game. Though I still don't like it, I keep those comments to myself.
Which is what all gamers with opinions need to do, not liking a game is fine, but ranting, hating and overreacting to things is just childish..


Member of the Order
Everyone is going to have different viewpoints on different things.

I've encountered many people hating against certain games that I adore. I don't take it to heart. Love what you love and don't let others opinions or ideas change how you look at it.

Personally, I love the new DmC reboot. People complained about the new Dante; I love his look, his one-liners (hehe) and how he progresses into a more interesting character throughout the game.



Well-known Member

Welcome to my follow list.

I'm just sorry that this thread won't be appreciated. It seems that the rules only apply to the supporters while the skeptics can say whatever they want.

And incoming flamewar/ban in 3....2....1....


Praise the Sun!
Ignoring Downfall's post :| everyone has their own opinions about DmC like pretty much everyone else has said so yeah if a DMC fan doesn't like DmC *me for one* theres a ton of good hack n slash games you could play like Bayonetta or God Hand for example ;)


Devil hunter in training
Welcome to my follow list.

I'm just sorry that this thread won't be appreciated. It seems that the rules only apply to the supporters while the skeptics can say whatever they want.

And incoming flamewar/ban in 3....2....1....
It won't be a ban or flamewar till someone starts hurling insults or cussing. It's fine for now^_^
People who give the game a try and it's not their thing, that's fine. But people who hurl insults at others who like the game or whatever is not right. Being anonymous on the internet shouldn't make people think they can be hurtful to others or insult because of a different opinion. It goes both ways.


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
Lol knew Downfall would love this thread.

Moving on,

Your thread title to say the least is......off putting.

This kind of topic has been beaten to death around this forum and considering your new I would have to say this isn't a good start by drawing those unnecessary battle lines you just did.

Everyone isn't going to think the same way as you or love this game as much as you.

If someone voices their dislike for the game and list their reasons for liking it in a civil and respectful manner than they should not be labeled a hater or have their opinions belittled by being labeled as such.

I myself have found things I like about DmC and things I did not.

I made a topic for it not to long ago.

And you really should not use youtube as a basis for your hate, that place has all kinds of idiots who simply enjoy getting a rile out of people in anyway. It would be bests to completely ignore those types of fans.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Look man, you gotta realize that people wont always be nice about their opinions so it falls on you to be the bigger person and deal with it responsibly.

At the end of the day this is the internet and no one is threatening you to your face so there are easier ways to deal with cyber-bullying than violence.

plus advocating violence against them makes you no better than they are.


Well-known Member

Do you know why people are much nicer in real life than they are online? It's because they're afraid of violent reactions. The internet gives them safe anonymity.

That being said, there's a limit to everything.

However, I'm not advocating violence unless it's a last resort. An act of self-defense against others who would commit acts of violence towards you first.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Do you know why people are much nicer in real life than they are online? It's because they're afraid of violent reactions. The internet gives them safe anonymity.

That being said, there's a limit to everything.

However, I'm not advocating violence unless it's a last resort. An act of self-defense against others who would commit acts of violence towards you first.
look man , im not bringing real life into this I just felt there are other ways of dealing with hurtful youtube comments than to respond with violence.


Well-known Member
You mean Capcom right? Ubisoft have nothing to do with the series. I see you want peoples opinions on the game but again no need to flog that dead horse & start another pro/anti DmC argument & even mention them or want them dead as your thread title suggests...
I'm sorry but that title is the best "Dark Lord Of The Forums". Lol, I can't get over that.
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