Re: Devil May Cry- Disciples of the Judgement Day Devils [COLLAB FAN FIC - PLANNING F
Eh, I'll try myself to add a new character to the scene. I'm pretty busy with college, and my DMC5 project, however, I'll try and show something...
Samael Eligos
Origins - Seraphim, Highest Heavenly Region
Blood - Both Angelic and Demonic Blood
Age - Since the creation of Heaven
Physical description - Because he fell from grace, he shares both angelic and demonic traits. He wields a knight armor, with spikes, angelic wings, neon-like flowing veins over the armor, and he has eight wings - the upper four ones are angelic, and the lower four are demonic. What is more notable, is his helmet and mask. The helmet has different writings in angelic and demonic languages, symbols, and his mask resembles that of a human face. The helmet includes horns. The mask's eyes are white, and there are engraved tears on the mask's face, believed to be the last tears of him as an angel.
Psychological description - It was believed that because he loved a demon woman of the Nether World as an angel, he was banished from Heaven. He may seem ruthless, cold and silent, his positive feelings are inside him. Samael Eligos is described by his demonic comrades as 'The Punisher' of all humans and angels.
Skills & Equipment description - Samael possesses a large variety of weapons. ALso, the skills accompanied with the weapons are devastating, fast, and stylish-looking ones.
Devil Arms
Ira & Opredon - Samael's most powerful weapons of his arsenal. Serrated amorph swords imbued with the demon-sin of Wrath and with angel-virtue of Forgiveness. They hurl both destructive flames of Hell, and sharp lights of Heaven.
Aurora - A set of a giant shield in his left arm, and a large spear in his right arm, which have the power of the Eternal Sun Apollo, and the Dark Moon Selene. The shield uses the power of the arctic ice to protect, and the spear uses the fury of the sun to charge itself to adversaries.
Long-range weapons(Fire Arms)
Armageddon - A pair of mounted canons on a pair of gauntlets, which fire demonic-like spiritual fires at high rates. Samael often uses a combination of both canons into one, which fires a continuous beam of energy.
Zodiac - A set of armor put in his wings and chest, which unleashes the powers of the once defeated twelve knights of the Costellation. It launches magically-summoned arrows and swords, which protect him, and make him a powerhouse even from afar.
Samael travels with his demonic horse, Bellerophon to battles, which aids him.
A demonic horse, totally armored, with a pair of spiked armor in his front, and with large demonic wings, which are in his sides. This horse is a fear itself amongst humans, and It is said that this animal can unleash flames, ice, wind and electric storms when needed, and ordered.
Samael is able to fly for eternity, If he desires. His magical powers seem to be endless and his knowledge about humans, demons and angels is immense. He can predict the future, tell the past, and condition the present. He is the general of 57 demon legions, and 33 fallen angels legions, easily being the most powerful leader in the Nether world. His mind itself is a force to fear.
Additional description
Samael has his weaknesses, which are the hidden positive feelings he carries inside him. If caught in an inappropriate moment, they can be devastating to him. No one seems to know this weakness, apart one being.
His second outfit, resembles a armorless outfit, with a silk and velvet trench coat, silver hair, and he keeps his mask. This costume is more of a noble.
Well, hope you liked It....