Devil May Cry: Conquering

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Nero sure is pretty hot-tempered. As may be seen in the later chapters (after Kyrie's demise particularly), Nero just went into 'Berserk' mode!

~Can't wait for Mundus to beg for mercy xDD
Chapter 10

Out of all of the demons that Dante could fight, he got stuck fighting Phantom...again. Phantom's front two legs swept forward, stabbing the ground as they chased Dante, who was quickly retreating while firing rounds from his twin pistols. Phantom shrieked in anger, "You pest! How long do you plan on using those pee-shooters, boy?!"

Dante shrugged, "Fine, you want the big package, you get the big package." Spinning around, Dante holstered his pistols and drew his sword, extending it out to the side. As he began making the second full-circle, Rebellion slid through Phantom's jaw, ripping away one of his mandibles. Phantom once again disintegrated.

Credo had engaged and killed Griffin already, while Sparda took on Tiamat. Dante looked up. The skulls were all floating above him, staring at him with the black voids that were in place of eyes. Dante smiled, "Sargasso. You guys suck."

No sooner did Dante taunt them, they all began clapping their teeth together, making loud, harmonized clicking. "Jeez, would you stop already?" Dante asked. And so they did.

Dante raised a brow, " stay there so I can...shoot you?" And so they didn't.

At once, all of the Sargasso flew at Dante, opening their mouths wide. Dante sighed, taking his sword and jumping into one, slicing it in two. Using one half of it, he kicked off jumping even higher, shooting right past all of the skulls. Swinging his sword over to his back, Dante whipped out both of his pistols and devil-triggered. "Eat this, ya hungry bastards!" Dante screamed before releasing a barrage of demon-enhanced bullets into the crowd.

Not even a minute of shooting and all of the skulls were destroyed. Now it was just up to Sparda to kill Tiamat with out making more of her. It was as simple as kicking her over the edge into the acidic pit of Nightmare's stomach. Dante laughed when it happened, before a bright light surrounded him, Sparda and Credo.

Before he knew it, he was falling on top of Vergil, who just came out in time to break his fall. Vergil grunted under Dante, "Guh! Get your disgusting, fat body off of me."

"Come on Vergil, lighten up. You'll live." Dante smiled, before being pulled away by Sparda.

Sparda looked at Vergil, "Glad you're here, because in order to defeat him quickly, I think all four of us are going to need to transform."

Credo joined, "Sparda, the demon is regaining its senses. I suggest that we act fast."

Sparda looked over to Nightmare, who was thrashing about over the hole that he and the other two created upon blasting out of the monster. Vergil looked over to Dante, "Well, if we're going to do this, let's get it over with."

Dante nodded, and devil-triggered yet again, followed by Vergil, Credo, then Sparda. Sparda glanced over to the three of them, "Alright boys, let's get him."

Credo glanced over to Sparda and noticed that for the first time in a long time, there was smirk on his face. Credo smiled as well, and then all four of them charged Nightmare. Dante went for the legs, while Vergil attacked the arms. Credo assaulted Nightmare's chest, and finally Sparda jumped up to the air, and sliced through Nightmare's head, revealing a spherical, shining core.
Ooooooo Nightmare isn't going to like that... If I were him I'd be SERIOUSLY ticked. Let's hope Dante finishes him off before that happens! (Which, knowing your sadistic streak, won't happen. Instead Nightmare will probably go into desperation mode like Nightmare A does during the last battle with him in DMC1.)
Funny how just Vergil reacted after his unconsciousness. He seemingly like doesn't care what had just happened to him exactly... lol xD... When Dante accidentally landed on him, he acted sarcastically.

I also lol'd when Sparda insinuates Vergil to join the party and he just merely response like '...uh...okay...Bring it on!' :lol: It seems like Vergil didn't bother who he has been talking to. Guess his eagerness to take revenge of Mundus is what playing in his mind during that time...

Nonetheless, loved this chapter! It's awesome. They are fighting altogether in unison! xD
Chapter 10: Part 2

Nightmare roared and screamed as his core became exposed, glowing a luminescent blue, strange markings all over it. It was the writing of his demon brothers, but now it was about to be shattered. Sparda jabbed through the core, shattering it completely. Nightmare shrieked, "NO! I cannot be destroyed! You will not triumph. You will die by my hand. YOU WILL DIE!"

Sparda smirked, still standing in the gash on Nightmare's head, "You think too highly of yourself. I think it's time for you to say goodnight."

"No. You are wrong! I'm not going anywhere!" Nightmare said before swinging at Sparda with his last arm. Vergil had managed to already destroy one of them. Sparda jumped up at the last second as Nightmare's arm crashed through his head, sending sludge everywhere.

The giant, toxic demon fell with a thud, plates of armor and piles of goo spreading all about. All four of the warriors landed next to eachother. Dante walked forward, kicking one of the head plates, "Hmph...that was, to say the least, significantly less epic than it should have been. Why do big monsters suck anymore?"

Vergil, Credo and Sparda all looked at Dante with a quizzical expression, before Vergil spoke, "Shut up, Dante."

Sparda glanced over at Vergil, "So, I suggest that now that we're done with this one, we go help Nero."

Credo nodded in agreement, "Indeed, before Mundus kills him."

Vergil sighed, "The boy won't accept help. He wants to do this on his own. We'll just infuriate him."

Dante shook his head, "I don't give a damn about his anger. I just don't feel like helping him."

A vain bulged from Vergil's forehead, "Then why did you speak in the first place. Your voice is just unnecessary racket in my ears."

Sparda chuckled, "Just like old times."
Chapter 10: Part 3

Nero gasped for air as Mundus' clutch on his throat tightened, "Ah, being a Son of Sparda, I thought you'd provide a more interesting challenge, especially with this new devil form. You look more like an angel than a demon. You must take after your mother's human side more than your other half. None the less, I shall crush you and be done with it."

The red in Nero's eyes began to fade as his entire body reverted to its old, human form. Including his right arm. Nero struggled against Mundus' arm, "I...give up. Finish...this."

Mundus shook his head, "You're no sport at all. You are lacking the spunk that all of the rest of your family have. From reports, even your mother resisted death more than you."

Nero growled, "Well...good...for her, whoever...she is."

Mundus laughed, "You really have given up on this fight, haven't you? Too bad. Even in death, you won't be reunited with your love. I'm sending you straight to hell."

Nero stared into Mundus' eyes, "Not going to be reunited?"

"Yes, it's too bad. I would have enjoyed seeing that little wench burn for what she did to my host in that church. She practically ruined my original plan."

Nero's grip tightened on Mundus' wrist, "Wench...did you say, wench?!"

"Yes. Don't like that title, huh? Would you rather me use another?" Mundus laughed, unaware of Nero's sudden surge of power.

"How about this. You shut the hell up and DIE!" Nero screamed as he planted both of his legs on Mundus' chest, pushing away with all of his strength, holding Mundus' arm as he did so, ripping it away. Mundus screamed.

Nero looked at Mundus in his agony, "I don't need weapons or powers to defeat you. You're just a scumbag! A little kid could whoop you!"

Mundus grunted in anger and pain, looking up from his arm at Nero, "Why you! YOU WATCH YOUR TONGUE, BOY!"

"Why don't you just shut it already?!" Nero said, tossing the arm away.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" Mundus yelled as his sword once more materialized in his other hand.

"THEN SHUT UP AND TRY TO ALREADY!" Nero replied angrily before charging forward.

Mundus' blade came down hard at Nero, who blocked with his arm. As he did so, his arm formed back into it's devil-state. Mundus swung around to his other side, where Nero blocked with his other arm. The same thing occurred. Nero smiled at Mundus, "Alright you freak! Let's see you block this!"

Mundus hesitated before attempting to block whatever Nero had planned next. Nero grabbed Mundus' sword, tearing it from his hand, and then swung it down, severing Mundus' other arm from his body. Nero caught it, and spun around, bashing Mundus across the head with hit. He twirled through the air. Nero screamed, as he threw the sword at Mundus. It spun through the air like a fan, before hitting Mundus in the side, locking itself in place.

Nero growled, "NOW YOU DIE!" A sudden aura of blue fire surrounded him, as he exploded into his full devil form, and dashed through the air. Clutching the hilt of Mundus' blade, Nero allowed all of his power to supercharge the sword. Nero screamed, as removed his hand from the blade and kicked it further into Mundus' body. The sword exploded. Nero was knocked back, and Mundus fell through all of the ash and fire with a gaping hole in his body, organs and blood slipping out.

The place began to rumble, and a white light surrounded everything. When Nero could see again, he was no longer in the same room. He and Mundus were falling through the central area of the Nine Levels. Sludge covered the majority of the place, and as Nero landed with a thud, and bounced twice off of the ground, he landed in some of the stuff himself.

Mundus managed to land on his feet, but his wounds were still showing. He was minus two arms and chunk of torso. Nero looked from the ground up to Mundus, "You don't learn when to die, do you?"

Mundus grunted in pain, attention leaving Nero and landing on four other figures, "Well, this is an unpleasant surprise. All three sons, the father and his follower."

Sparda looked at Mundus, "You picked a bad place to transport to. If you'd waited just a little longer, it would have been safe in here. We were just about to go looking for you."

Dante chuckled, "Je-sus-christ. What in the hell happened to you, man? You look like walking, sloppy, dog food."

Vergil smirked at the remark, "Did that boy do all of that to you?" Vergil asked, pointing at Nero, "If so...I'm sorry to hear it."

Credo stared, "We should go ahead and finish this now."

Sparda nodded, and they all four began stepping towards Mundus. Mundus growled, "I'm not going to die yet!" He jumped back in the air, and began chanting in a strange dialect.

Demonic symbols made of fire began appearing in front of him, and all of the sudden, the metal plating and sludge from Nightmare began to slide towards Mundus, "Prepare to see the true use of the Nightmare weapon!"
Love it, Love it, Love it....
I love them all fighting together.
I especially loved this -

"Hmph...that was, to say the least, significantly less epic than it should have been. Why do big monsters suck anymore?"

Brilliant :D
Chapter 11

Mundus laughed evilly, completely changing in appearance as he absorbed Nightmare's remnant. Surges of physical power rushed outward, stunning all five of the warriors. As soon as Mundus could be seen again, Sparda strode forward, drawing his sword. Credo and Vergil followed closely, while Dante went over to help Nero up.

Dante put his hand out for Nero to grab, pulling him up as he did so, "C'mon kid. Looks like this is the grand finale. Let's go take him out."

Nero stood, nodding, "Yeah. Let's give this bastard some payback."

Dante chuckled, "That's the spirit."

Nero sighed, looking around, "Damn, Red Queen is missing."

Dante smiled, "You know, I figured this would come in handy at some point. I've already got Rebellion, so, I figure you can use this. I brought it 'cause it's the same sword I fought Mundus with before. I was sure to grab it up before we even began this little journey."

Nero raised a brow as Dante allowed Force Edge to appear in his hand, and he slipped it over to Nero. The sword was remarkably well preserved for all of its past uses, and Nero gave it a quick swing, "Wow...thanks."

Dante nodded, "I want it back by the end of the day, though."

Nero shrugged, "Whatever."

Dante shrugged as well, turning to face Mundus, who was being closed in on by the other three, "Let's go get him."

Nero and Dante jogged over to join the other three, and together, all five of them walked up to face Mundus. Mundus roared, "Let's get this over with! I have a war to win on that putrid planet, Earth."

Vergil unsheathed Yamato, and sped his pace up to the point of sprinting. Dante released Rebellion, charging forward right next to Vergil. Sparda and Credo both drew their swords, and followed up behind the other two. Nero, took the back, holding Force Edge. Before he left after the others, he said one thing to himself, silently. "This is for you, Kyrie."

With that, Nero took several, long strides forward before exploding into a flurry of speed, dashing past the other four. Leaping through the air, Nero raised the sword given to him by Dante, into the air. Sweeping down hard with it, his blade clashed with Mundus'. Mundus grinned, knocking Nero back with the slash of his sword.

Nero landed in the midst of the other four, and at once they all engaged Mundus. Blade strikes became so fast from all five of the heroes, that their attacks, and Mundus' deflections, began to blur their bodies. Sword clashes began to sound like rapid gunfire rather than blade against blade. Sparda spun through the air, slicing at Mundus from above. Mundus took the attack in the shoulder, and laughed, punching Sparda in the gut, and slamming him into the ground.

Credo launched himself toward Mundus' torso, pointing his sword towards Mundus like a spear. The blade made it through, and Credo smiled with an expression of victory. Mundus denied his triumph, bashing Credo away with his forearm. Credo's sword ripped out of the side of Mundus, as he toppled into the ground.

Mundus laughed, and screamed out as a massive shockwave exploded outward from his body. The bluish-green energy dimmed the entire cavern of hell. The fire and lava no longer illuminated the area, but was turned into the turquoise, demon crystal, Luminite . The only light source was now the green aura of Mundus' energy and the crystals all around. The shockwave created knocked Dante, Vergil and Nero back.

Vergil grunted, "Dante, devil form!" He and Dante both devil-triggered simultaneously, charging Mundus and attacking him just as fast as they all did before. Mundus laughed, swinging his sword to knock the two brothers away, "Surely all five of you can do better."

Sparda sighed, standing, "Yes we can."

Sparda and Credo both devil-triggered as well, leaving Nero as the last one to do it.
Chapter 11: Part 2

A gust of wind blew around Nero as he transformed. It was a second nature to him now, so simple to do after the first few times. Nero sped after the others, Force Edge at his side.

Once again, all five of them engaged Mundus in battle. Dante was the first to strike, landing a clean cut down the center of his chest. Vergil crossed over the cut with a horizontal slice. Mundus laughed, "Getting biblical on me, Sons of Sparda?"

Dante smiled, "Well, least I wasn't, but I guess Vergil had to go off and ruin that for me."

"Shut it you twat!" Vergil retorted, avoiding a fatal blow from Mundus.

Credo passed both of the twins, sliding his blade upward, scarring Mundus' new face. Mundus grunted, bashing Credo away with his hand. Sparda caught Credo, quickly putting him down to follow through with his own attack, but a burst of energy exploded out of Mundus' arm, hitting Sparda. He flew back, a pillar of smoke rising from his body. Nero blasted right past Sparda, quickly unleashing the power of Force Edge onto Mundus.

Dante stopped in midair, and dashed over to Sparda, " Come on, now's not the time to pull out of the game."

Sparda flipped over, revealing a hole in place of his left arm, "Dante, I'm out for good. I can't come back in. Don't worry...I won't die, seeing as how...I'm already dead." Sparda chuckled.

Dante frowned, "Don't worry. We'll beat him."

Vergil appeared out of nowhere, "Dante, help Credo and Nero finish Mundus. I'll get father away from here." Vergil waved Dante off, but as he reached for Sparda, Sparda began to fade into the air.

Sparda looked over to Dante and Vergil, "Finish Mundus. I'll be waiting on the other side."

Dante raised a brow, "What the hell is happening?!"

Credo stood from the ground, rubbing his face from the previous blow, "He is going back to High Realm. He hasn't necessarily died, just lost the ability to appear in your realm for some time due to a serious amount of injury. It is, to say the least, very much like dying. But we musn't concentrate on that! Nero has now engaged Mundus, and if we do not help him, there's no telling what will happen.

Dante and Vergil nodded, and they all three jumped back into the fight, slicing at Mundus, right next to Nero. Mundus' booming laughter filled the air as he shrugged off all of their attacks, and stabbed through Credo, ripping the sword upward and out of Credo's shoulder. Blood spattered onto Nero. Credo faded away just as Sparda did. "Good luck...Nero."

Nero, once more watching his mentor and childhood brother-figure fall by sword, felt the rage flow through him again. It wasn't half as bad as it was for Kyrie, but it still fueled him. Nero screamed, thrusting his blade through Mundus' neck. But the sword stuck. Feeling Mundus' foot push hard into his gut, Nero flew back. Mundus tore the sword from his throat.

Vergil's eyes widened, and he looked over to Dante, "How much can this beast take."

Dante grunted, slicing at Mundus body once more, "I have no idea...perhaps we should try that old trick!"

Vergil smiled crookedly as he caught Ebony, Dante's steel, black pistol. They both went back to back, and Dante looked over his shoulder at Vergil, "Should we say it too?"

Vergil, "Makes it that much better."

Dante laughed, and as they both fired a powerful shot from the twin pistols, their favorite childhood word slipped from their mouths, "Jackpot."

The bullets twirled through the air, but, much to the twin brothers' surprise, Mundus cut through the bullets with Force Edge, four mini-explosions appearing behind him, "Fools! Is this really all you have to offer!"

Dante's and Vergil's mouths both opened slightly, before both of the blades Mundus was carrying plunged through them. Mundus ripped the swords out of the brothers, drawing them in and forming an X with his arms. Then he spun around and spread his arms out again, like a pair of scissors. Dante and Vergil fell to the ground. Vergil struggled to look over to Dante, lying in a pool of his own blood, "Have we...failed?"

Dante smiled, coughing up his own blood, ", there's still one more more Son...of Sparda. And he will win this."

Vergil frowned, "Preposterous!" And then he fainted.

Dante chuckled, "Asshole..." And then he fainted as well.

Nero had long recovered from Mundus' kick, and seeing all of his friends...his family, fall. Nero felt something inside him. Some power, even more ferocious than his new devil-form. He looked up to Mundus, " bastard. You may have killed my love. You may have made me relive the last moments of mentors life again. You may have slain all of my family...but you will NOT take my victory. You are DEAD!"

Nero screamed, before all of the blue, glowing skin on his body, turned completely black. Once more, his body began changing again. His white, feathery wings, turned into black, devil wings, and his blue, flaming aura turned into a purple vortex of power, swirling around him. The only thing that remained the same was his red eyes.

Mundus grunted, "What the hell is this?!"

"As I said. You. Are. Dead."
Chapter 11: Part 3

Nero stepped past Dante, staring straight at Mundus. Dante's voice caught Nero by surprise, "Go...get 'em're...the hero."

Nero sighed, "Mundus. Give me my sword."

Mundus grunted, and then laughed very loudly, "HAH! You expect me to just help you in killing me?!"

"No. I expect you to help me in killing you faster. I'm sure you don't want a slow death do you? Because this is going to be very painful either way."

Mundus growled, "You arrogant little brat! I'll show you the true meaning of pain!" Mundus slid across the ground, impaling Nero right through the heart with Force Edge. Nero clasped the blade with his clawed hand, "Thanks."

Mundus screamed in anger, trying to pull the sword away, but Nero's other hand came down with speed and power, as he broke Mundus' wrist, and then used the same hand to punch Mundus in the jaw. Mundus lost his grip on the sword as he was knocked away. Nero pulled the sword from his chest, gripping it tightly.

Mundus roared, twitching his broken hand before it snapped back into place, "You...won't get away with doing this! You're the last one stand, and you'll be the last one to die!"

"Shut up." Nero said, before instantly appearing right next to Mundus. He swung his blade upward, slicing a deep wound into Mundus' chest. Mundus cringed in pain, clawing at the cut, and then retaliated, swinging his sword in a wide arc. Nero caught it with his free hand, and then cut Mundus' arm off. Mundus yelled out, Nero pulling his sword from the clutch of his large hand.

Mundus backed, blood squirting from the stub. Nero took both sword, leaping into the air, and plunged them into Mundus' face. Mundus gurgled as Nero planted his feet on his shoulders. Nero smiled, "You like that? Here, have some more!"

Mundus struggled to stand as Nero began pulling the swords apart. It wasn't enough just yet. Nero paused, and kicked both of the blades' hilts, shoving them farther into Mundus' head, and once more began pulling them apart. Putting all of his strength and power into it, Nero finally ripped the blades apart, splitting Mundus' head into two halves. Throwing Mundus' blade away, Nero jumped upward, and came back down, slicing Mundus in two the rest of the way down his body.

As the two halves fell, pools of blood forming beneath them, Nero landed in between both halves, jabbing Force Edge into the ground. Blazing spheres of energy formed around his fists, and Nero plunged both hands into the separate pieces of Mundus, disintegrating him. "Finally." Nero said, exhausted. Landing on his knees, Nero fell back into his human form, and then he toppled over on the ground.

(Ignore bad grammar and spelling. I didn't have time to check.)