Devil May Cry: Conquering

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Chapter 6: Part 2

Nero came at the Mundus-controlled Vergil from the air with a powerful downward strike, eyes glowing red. Vergil hopped away and snapped his fingers. Phantom faded away from his fight with Dante and Sparda, appearing in front of Nero. A shriek of fear was all the Phantom could manage as Nero sliced through him like butter.

"You're going to pay for this, Mundus." Nero said, almost oblivious to the fact that he'd just mutilated Phantom's face, splitting it in half.

Nero used the half of Phantom's head that remained attached to his fiery body to propel him back up into the air so he could come down on Vergil once more. Phantom finally began screaming in pain, rampaging in wide circles, destroying more of the church wall and nearly crushing Dante with a stray step.

"C'mon kid, finish up the job, don't just leave me to do the dirty work." Dante yelled out before annihilating Phantom with a powerful stinger strike to the inside of the neck. The spider demon flailed wildly before flipping over and crumpling in, disintegrating.

Vergil snarled, planting his feet on the back church wall and blasting forward, crashing right into Nero, both of them grunting in slight pain. Vergil attempted to slash at Nero, but Nero grabbed his arm and snapped it, "I'm going to KILL you!"

Nero then grabbed Vergil by the face, spinning around in midair before flinging him into Griffin, who was preoccupied with Credo and Evangel. Both smashed down into the ground, but Vergil shot back up off of the ground right back into Nero, snapping his arm back into place before cutting Nero clean across the chest. Blood sprayed out onto Vergil, and Nero hit the ground, clawing at his wound.

Vergil landed on Nero, crushing him with his boots. A quick shot from his pistol, and Nero knocked Vergil away, hopping back up before coming at him with Red Queen from the left. The sword caught Vergil in the stomach, slashing it open. Mundus growled, making Vergil devil trigger once more. The wound quickly healed, and Vergil launched back at Nero in attack.

Nero deflected the sword, kicking Vergil in the chin. Vergil was lifted into the air and Nero jumped up, grabbing him by the ankle and throwing him back down. Vergil impacted, forming a crater, and Nero mimicked his previous move, landing on him, but Nero drove Red Queen into his chest. Vergil cringed in pain, before kicking Nero away, and sliding his body up the sword, until he painfully made his way to the hilt, where a bone-crunching pop occurred upon his standing up.

Grabbing Nero's sword, Vergil charged forward, cutting Nero across the face with Yamato and driving Red Queen through his gut. With the sword in his stomach, Nero grabbed Vergil with his Devil Bringer arm, and smashed him face first into the ground three times, and then threw him into the nearby wall.

Vergil smashed into the wall and bounced off, hitting the ground. Nero ripped Red Queen out of his body, and jumped back on Vergil for a second time, raising the sword above his head and screaming as it came down, cutting the air. A stray blade knocked Nero's sword out of his hand.

Dante tackled Nero off of Vergil, "If you keep this up, you'll just kill Vergil, not Mundus."

"Get the hell off of me!" Nero kicked Dante off, and whipped out Blue Rose, firing at Dante in craze from what happened to Kyrie.

Dante fired his pistols back from the air, deflecting the bullets fired at him, "Hey! C'mon kid, I'm not the enemy! You're fighting the wrong person!"

Nero snarled, and stopped firing at Dante, instead looking at Griffin, who was currently firing more lightning beams at Credo and Evangel, and now Sparda. Nero jumped up, and kicked off of the ground, flying towards Griffin, and grabbed him by the wing, planting his feet on Griffin's mangled body. From there, he tore the wing off and jabbed it into Griffin's head with the sharp edge of the bone sticking out like a spear. Griffin screeched, spiraling downward until a violent crash completely snapped his neck. Griffin disintegrated.

Nero landed, looking back at Vergil, who's limp body began to float and glow. Rays of light beamed outwards and then Vergil's body fell lifeless to the ground. A small, white, glowing orb was left in the air, and began to fly away.

Sparda yelled, "Quick! After the light, it's Mundus."

Upon the words being said, the light came speeding back and flew into Lord Evangel. Words echoed through the area, "Brother Evangel, this is what happens when you defy me and attempt to stop demon-kind from taking over."

Evangel began to float in the air, unable to control where he moved. He began to flail as his skin cracked and blood flowed out. Evangel screamed in agony before exploding. The light then retreated, leaving a bloody pile on the ground.

Credo screamed, and rushed to the side of what remained of Evangel. Dante ran over to Vergil, slumping him over his shoulder, and ran after the light. Sparda reassured Credo that they'd see Evangel again, and the both of them set off after the light as well.

Nero stood, looking across the battlefield, and rushed over to Kyrie's side. She was pale, and blood trickled from her wound. She rolled over into Nero's arms from laying on her side, and lightly opened her eyes, smiling at the sight of him.

"Kyrie? Come on, Kyrie! You can live through this!" Nero put his hand on her face.

She opened her mouth and spoke very softly, "Nero, I'm sorry."

"Sorry...why are you sorry?" Nero asked, already feeling tears trail down his cheek.

"I didn't mean to...go so soon. I wanted together." She said, a tear trickling down her cheek as well.

"Kyrie, it's not your fault. Don't die,!"

"Nero, I wish...I didn't...have to tell you...this now."

"Tell me what? Don't be afraid, Kyrie." Nero caressed her cheek, wiping the tear away with his thumb.

"You...were going to be...a father." She said, trying to keep the gentle smile on her face.

Nero lost the ability to speak, eyes widening. His tears fell down onto her cheeks, making little splashes as they landed on her smooth skin.

"Nero, I love you." She told him, before closing her eyes.

"K-Kyrie...Kyrie? No...please no, not now! Kyrie! Talk to me! KYRIEEE!" Nero's scream blasted out over the mountains.

Chapter 6: Part 3

Nero couldn't stop screaming. He didn't want to either. He let all of the anger, hate and sadness flow out of him. What he didn't notice was that his entire body had ignited in a blue flame.

Nero screamed so loud and so hard that his body almost locked in the position he was in, kneeling over Kyrie, facing the sky, arms outstretched.

The mountains around him began to crack. Even the fires in the city below danced away from the might of his scream. Far away, Dante and the others even heard it.

Nero's skin began fading into another color. The bright blue skin tone on his right arm was now covering his entire body, and the bronze plating on his arm was beginning to bulge out of his skin all over. The pain began to kick in, making him scream even harder. His pupils and iris' turned black, and the whites of his eyes turned a deep, blood-red color. Horns rose from his scalp, and all over his body, ridged rows of spikes formed at his joints.

Nero bashed his hands into the ground, sending a shockwave of energy up through the ground. The mountain behind the church cracked and the waterfall increased in size by two times, crashing down into the stream below violently. Half of the city's fire flickered and died out. Dante and the others felt a wave of energy vibrate through the ground below them.

Nero lifted into the air, and a giant pair of wings exploded out from his back. Feathers flew all about, as the thick, white, angel-like wings with golden, laced tips fluttered and flapped.

Nero screamed louder, still unable to control his anger and pain, and the rest of the church and the large, protruding bits of mountain surrounding it came crashing down on him.

Several minutes passed when the rubble around Nero began to glow, and he exploded outward, flying up into the sky. He turned in the direction of the others, and his voice rasped as he spoke to himself, "Mundus, I'm coming for you. And this time, you will not escape."

His wings softly carried him higher into the air, where he began flying speedily towards the others, while Kyrie laid quietly below the rubble of the church, buried in a fitting place.
:O O_o :O O_o

Very interesting story.....I had to go to work yesterday, so I just dedicated my Saturday morning catching up. :)
GobbledefriggidyHOLY**** *is shot with Coyote-A* This is the ONLY and I do mean ONLY fanfic that has EVER made me feel as though I were Nero. When Kyrie died, I felt anger, pain, sorrow... Just like him. And then when he got his DT, well, that was just an added bonus for me. You're very good at this!
Poor Nero.
You are good at writing... you can really picture the story in your head as your reading it. Can't wait for the next bit.... Come on Nero... kick Mundus' @ss!!!
Chapter 7

The light that was Mundus had led everyone out of the mountains and into a small forest. It was getting darker too. The moon was peaking up above the horizon, and a few stars twinkled in the sky.

They kept running and jumping from tree to tree until Mundus led them into an open field. It was almost a perfect circle within the trees. The light stopped, and Mundus voice echoed, "This is where you all meet your doom!"

Dante and the others hesitated, when all of the sudden, the light turned into a huge, black portal, inhaling everything. Dante attempted to resist, but he, along with Vergil, was the first to get sucked in. Credo came next, followed by Sparda.

Upon landing in wherever they were, Dante set Vergil down, looking around, "Okay...I'm getting kind of ****ed off. This day has been filled up with more portals than some freaky dance video."

Credo and Sparda glanced at him. Dante raised a brow, "It's just the honest to God truth."

Sparda shook his head, "Son, you're not how I imagined you at all."

Dante smirked, "I'm my own man."

Credo was about to add another comment, but as he turned around, Yamato was swiftly put to his throat by a very angry Vergil.

Dante backed off a bit, "Calm down bro, he's on our side."

Vergil snarled, holding at his gut, "What happened? Who is he? Where the hell are we?"

Dante shook his head, chuckling, "Come on now, put'cher damned sword away. We can explain everything later, but right now, we gotta give big daddy demon a big baddy spanking."

Vergil paused, "Mundus...that's the last thing I remember. Seeing Mundus' statue."

"Makes sense, he took your ass over...again." Dante laughed, dusting off his jacket, "Now put your sword down and come on."

Vergil nodded, putting Yamato away, leaving Credo to rub his throat uncomfortably, "Thank you, Dante."

Dante shrugged, walking away, Vergil following. Credo looked over to Sparda, "So, did we get moved to Mundus' insides?"

Sparda raised his brow, confused, "I honestly can't answer that right now. Let's just hope not."

Walking down the hall that they were placed in, which was terribly devoid of any detail, minus a few fancy looking torches on the walls, Dante and the other three came to a door.

Vergil stared at Dante, "Go ahead and open it."

"You open it you sissy." Dante retorted.

"I'm the older of open the door." Vergil's brows furrowed.

"No. I refuse to open it when I don't know what's behind there." Dante shook his head, smiling.

"But we both know you've had more than enough experience figuring out 'what's behind there'. And that's not just with doors." Vergil chuckled.

"Hey, you shut the hell up! That was one time way back when we were still stupid teenagers and he-she had a smokin' hot body." Dante snarled.

Vergil laughed, kicking him into the door, busting it down. The other side was huge. Dante got up, staring at what had to be bigger than a skyscraper in height, and wider than about two football fields. They were looking at an excavation site...demon style.

There were cherubs, goatmen, lizard demons, and a ton of other varieties of workers mining rocks, digging in the ground, or creating tools. Way at the very bottom, a lake of lava spat angrily, occasionally burning an unfortunate passer-by.

Dante smirked, getting up from the ground and peaking over the railing of the bridge that the door opened up to, "Heh, look at that. Demon slave labor."

Credo and Sparda walked out behind Vergil, looking over as well. Sparda sighed, "I know where we are."

Vergil looked at Sparda for the first time now, and had the same reaction that Dante originally did, "Wait...father?"

Sparda turned, staring at Vergil, "Yes, it's me."

Vergil clicked Yamato forward, unlatching it from it's sheath, "It's been a long time. I've got questions."

"I have answers, son, but now isn't the best time." Sparda sighed, "Despite the fact that Mundus retreated, the world is still under demon-siege. We must hurry if we are to have any hope of getting civilization back up to working condition."

Vergil snarled, "You'd better stay here long enough."

Dante gave Vergil a pat on the back, "It's okay, Vergy. I think he's got plans to tell us a few bed time stories before he runs off in the middle of the night."

Credo shook his head, looking at Sparda, "As you were saying, you know where we are?"

"Yes. This is a production facility. Perhaps the two most important creations to originate here were Nightmare, and it's counterpart, Nightmare-B." Sparda sighed.

Dante raised a brow, frowning, "Aw, you ****tin' me? Sludge galore?"

Sparda nodded.
Oohhhhh now I know why you waited to introduce Nightmare... I have to tell you, when I saw his name, it made my stomach sink, in a good way! :P
Chapter 7: Part 2

You know, I didn't think he was serious.

Dante stepped away from the railing, walking back into the group, "So, daddy-o, what's on the other side of this bridge?

Sparda looked at Dante, "An elevator. It's the central form of transportation, along with blimp-like vehicles, but I haven't seen any of those yet. The elevator leads through all nine of the levels in this place. Every level has a different purpose."

A voice interrupted everyone's thinking, "Too bad you won't be getting to the elevator, Sparda."

A female figure closed in on the group from across the bridge. Sparda raised his eye brows in surprise, "Tiamat...I thought I killed you already."

"And kill me, you did. But Mundus has his ways around." Tiamat smiled, stopping a few yards away from everyone.

Dante chimed in, "Oh yeah, lady...we've all witnessed his ability to bring back you poor suckers. And you know. You keep dying. Waste of his time if you ask me."

"Oh, you've got quite a yapper on you. I like my men to have a dirty mouth." She grinned evilly. Her raven-black hair fell from behind her head, and two, gigantic bird wings jutted out of her back. In her right hand formed a rather large scythe.

Vergil shook his head, "You really think you can handle all four of us, hag?"

Credo looked at Vergil, pulling out his sword, "Now now, I think we should give her chance. After all, she's the guardian of the nine levels of hell."

Vergil spat, "We haven't the time for this. Out of the way, wench."

Dante chuckled, "Damn, Vergil, you sure have a way with the babes."

"She's not a babe. She's a filthy witch." Vergil snarled, "And she's really getting on my nerves."

Sparda glanced at Vergil, "Calm yourself son."

"Don't talk to me like you're actually my dad. Honestly, you were dead to me when you left us." Vergil frowned.

Tiamat laughed loudly, "Enough of this senseless talking! Let's get on with the tango. I wouldn't mind a few new boy-toys."

Vergil finally lost his patience, darting forward, quickly unleashing the full power of Yamato into one, precise strike to Tiamat's neck.

She gurgled, trying to speak, but instead only spitting up blood, and smiled. The giant scythe spun around and caught Vergil in the back, and she swung him off of it, into Credo.

Dante smirked, "Damn. Lady-friend's got some pow-wa." He chuckled before stretching his arms out with his twin pistols and blasting away at her.

She laughed, coughing up blood with every giggle, as her body became riddled with bullet holes. Dante stopped firing, and Tiamat stood there. Her body slowly healed itself in front of everyone, and the blood on her seeped back into her skin.

Dante grinned, "Well ****, I'm startin' to like this chick."

Sparda leaped into the air, sword high above his head, and sliced her in half. Both halves formed a new Tiamat, and both Tiamat's laughed at Sparda before attacking him at the same time. Sparda smiled, recognizing the technique.

Deflecting a few of her attacks, Sparda yelled out to Vergil, "Take the elevator to the third level. That is where you will most likely find Mundus."

Credo and Dante joined in the fighting, leaving Vergil to dust his jacket off. He snarled and dashed into the fight, planting his foot on one of the Tiamat's shoulders, launching himself past her and into the elevator, where he shut the door and punched in the third button from the bottom.

The elevator screeched, and began rumbling down to the lower levels. Vergil sighed, "Of course I get picked to go find Mundus. Of course I don't get to settle the score with that hag for taunting me. Of course-" The elevator stopped. Something sounded as if it snapped, and then the elevator began plummeting into free-fall.

Vergil yelled in fury, "Of course every damned thing in this day has got to screw up in some way or another!"
:lol::lol: Yeah, exactly why are they sending VERGIL to fight Mundus again? I don't see the logic there, honestly. Who says Mundus isn't just going to possess him, AGAIN?

But gosh...I love the comic relief. :lol::lol: You write Dante really well - I want more Dante!!!

Btw, the fight with Mundus and Sparda and the boys - EPIC. Seriously, I went to reread it just to relive the awesomeness of it :) And Nero...sigh... all I'll say is, I can't believe he shot at Dante. In the middle of probably the biggest fight ever. Dimwitted boy.:dry:

This might just be me, but I always figured the boys would address Sparda as 'father' rather than 'dad'. I could go into detail about why I think this, but only if you're interested in hearing it.

Anyway, you might want to reread your work because I picked up on a few spelling errors, or inappropriate words used in certain cases, and there's one sentence somewhere that needs to have its structure revised. But other than that, your writing is pretty darn good :) Hope to read some more from you.
Alrighty. I'll go through it in a bit. I'm not sure about spelling errors because I've got a spell checker (unless I'm just blind to a few red squigglies)...but I'm sure there probably are some grammar errors xD. And the logic behind Vergil being sent will be explained.
Maybe the logic is that after so many times, possession starts to be less effective. Like in Red Vs. Blue, when Church's ghost keeps being rejected by Lopez.
Chapter 7: Part 3

Tiamat already had four of herself running around, fighting everyone when Sparda decided it was time to send Dante off. "Dante, see if you can get to the fifth level. With any luck, the main power source for this whole place should still be in there."

Dante shrugged, and looked at Sparda before blasting off the head of one of the Tiamats, "Shouldn't you have sent Vergil to level five, and me to level three? What if Mundus does his juju-takeover **** again?"

"He won't. Even if Mundus wanted to, he wouldn't be able to take Vergil over again. He won't have enough power." Sparda explained, rolling out of the way of a scythe, quickly separating the legs of the attacker from her body.

"How do you figure that? We're in his crib now. He's got the home-field advantage." Dante shook his head, kicking another one of the attackers over the edge. Pointless attempt at a kill, as she just flew back up.

"Mundus expended the vast majority of his power on Earth. That still takes effect here. He just needs to spend less time rejuvenating. That should give Vergil the edge he needs to get in a few revenge shots before the rest of us can group back up with him. Now go, Dante!" Sparda said, all the while fighting away the vicious Tiamat clones.

Dante nodded, waving a goodbye with his pistol before running off to the elevator, which was, much to his dismay, apparently destroyed. The more he listened, the easier it became to hear his ****ed off brother a good ways down. Dante dropped.

Upon landing, his eyes met with Vergil's, and they both exchanged a look of discomfort before Dante spoke, "Allo dearest brother o' mine. How's life in the shaft?"

" of these days, it will be your head in my trophy case." Vergil snorted, looking away.

The elevator had landed on level one. Level one wasn't anything but an excavation site. Vergil kicked the door down, and walked out. A whole lot of demons turned to check out the newcomer, and a whole lot of demons began running at the site of both sons.

Dante smiled, "Well look at that. These bastards just made our lives a lot easier."

Vergil turned to look at Dante, instead noticing what was behind the elevator. Yes, it was big enough to tower over the box. Dante turned to see what Vergil was staring at, and turned back around, grossed out by the site of what looked to be a large demon covered in feces, bile, and other visceral things. Actually, it looked to be made of the stuff.

A guttural sound was heard, before the thing's booming, baby-like laughter echoed through the work site, "HEHEHE, RENALDO GET NEW PWAY FWIENDS?"

Vergil's eyes widened, and his left brow instantly shot up in sheer terror. Dante refused to look at it, eyes also wide. He began slowly walking away, right past a petrified Vergil.

"RENALDO WANT PWAY! PWAY PWAY PWAY PWAY!!!" The large demon yelled in a whiny fashion, before stepping forward rather quickly.

Vergil backed away, tripping on himself, and the thing laughed. "YAY...BLUE WANT PWAY WITH RENALDO!"

"God no!" Vergil said before leaping up and running away. As he made it past Dante, he shouted, "Go ahead, Dante! Kill it."

A chill went up his spine before Dante made a strange moaning noise, and began running right behind Vergil, "You kill it!"

"NO!" Vergil retorted

"Agh, the thing is gaining on us!" Dante screamed.

Vergil glanced over his shoulder, "It's just not...sanitary to have something like that running around."

Dante glanced back as well, "Maybe that's what everything else ran from."

Vergil furrowed his brows, horrified by the amazing leap that the demon made. It practically flew over to them, landing in between them and whatever escape there had been.

"UGH! BLUE AND WED NO WANT PWAY? PWAY WITH ME!!! AAAAAGGGH! YOU MAKE RENALDO SAD AND ANGWY!" Wherever it's eyes were, Dante was certain they were staring straight at him, peering into his soul. Vergil felt the same way.

Dante turned his head in Vergil's direction, still staring at the demon, "So, hotshot, what now?"

"Uhm...I don't know. You come up with the plan." Vergil felt a drop of sweat trickle down his cheek. He wasn't sure if it was from stress or the lava lake next to them.

Dante sighed, stepping forward, "Ugh, hey little fella. H-how are ya?"


"Y-yeah...sure. You know what?" Dante gritted his teeth, playing along with whatever the thing was thinking.


"Yeah, but first you gotta go over there and get us a big ball! It's right in there...right inside of that orange stuff." Dante said, pointing both fingers at the lava lake.


Dante laughed in a fake manner, "Well...uhm...there's a ball in there now! And, I can make it not hurt!"

The thing gasped, "YOU CAN?! WOW! DO IT DO IT DO IT!"

Dante nodded, smiling and looked at the lava. He began swirling his arms around in a circular motion. Vergil's mouth fell open and he became even more frightened, "Dante...what in the world do you think you're doing?!"

"Shut the hell up, Vergil." Dante whispered.

"IS IT WORKING?!" The thing yelled excitedly.

Dante looked over at the demon and smiled, before waving his hands frantically at the lake, making a whoosh sound with his mouth. "There you go! Now go get us that ball! Hurry! I can't hold this awesome magic in place for much longer!" Dante said, holding his arms out as if he were struggling with some greater force of power.


It searched frantically, it's outsides beginning to pop and bleed, split and fester up like a wad of pus. It still screamed in pain. Dante let his arms drop, and he smirked, "Adios, Renaldo."

"BUT WED AND BLUE AWE RENALDO'S FWIENDS! USE MORE POWA! IT HURTS! RENALDO STILL CAN'T FIND BALL!" Renaldo screamed before beginning a long line of shrieks and shrills, still slowly being burnt alive by the fire. It all ended when Renaldo finally sank under the lava.

Vergil's mouth had never been opened farther in all of Dante's life, and he turned his head very slowly to stare at him, "You're one sick man, Dante."

"Get's the job done."
It may have been covered in poop, but i feel sorry for it.
I was thinking the same thing "You're one sick man, Dante."
Even my mouth was gaped open.
It may have been covered in poop, but i feel sorry for it.
I was thinking the same thing "You're one sick man, Dante."
Even my mouth was gaped open.

I seriously laughed so hard that I cried when I read this.
The whole time I was thinking the same thing that Henry Townshend says all the way through Silent Hill 4... "What... the hell...?"
BlueDevil;202621 said:
Upon landing, his eyes met with Vergil's, and they both exchanged a look of discomfort before Dante spoke, "Allo dearest brother o' mine. How's life in the shaft?"

" of these days, it will be your head in my trophy case." Vergil snorted, looking away.
"God no!" Vergil said before leaping up and running away. As he made it past Dante, he shouted, "Go ahead, Dante! Kill it."

A chill went up his spine before Dante made a strange moaning noise, and began running right behind Vergil, "You kill it!"

"NO!" Vergil retorted

"Agh, the thing is gaining on us!" Dante screamed.

Vergil glanced over his shoulder, "It's just not...sanitary to have something like that running around."

Dante glanced back as well, "Maybe that's what everything else ran from."

"Get's the job done."

ROFL :lol::lol::lol: I love this so so so so so much!!! Those were my favourite parts, but the whole thing was just ridiculously good. Running away from a piece of poop, bwahaha!!!
I liked Dante's tactical move. It's so... Dante. LOL.
Dude this is seriously awesome, I can't wait for the next load :D