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Developers Should Make New Games, not Reboot Old Ones


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D

E3 is only one week away, and I’ve been looking through the big companies to see what they have in store for us. During this venture, I noticed a trend that I’m not sure I feel happy with: a lot of companies are rebooting old franchises. Sometimes a series simply gets old, and the same formula doesn’t work. So, why not start the franchise over, pumping in some fresh story and gameplay ideas?

My problem with this is that a lot of these games vary so greatly from the original material that I wonder why the developers won’t simply make a new game. As an example, take a look at DmC, Ninja Theory’s upcoming Devil May Cry reboot. The game looks like it’ll be fun enough to play, but reading through interviews and seeing other trailers makes this game look less and less like a Devil May Cry title. The only thing from previous games we’ll be seeing is Dante himself (with quite the makeover), some of his iconic weapons, and the potential return of other characters from the series…maybe.
The developers of DmC have assured us that the game’s story will be great, and what I’ve seen of the gameplay looks at least passable, but with all of the changes they’ve made, why didn’t they just make a new game? They keep assuring us that the game will live up to Devil May Cry, when in reality they could’ve made their own game without having to live up to anything. The worst part about it is that Ninja Theory keeps talking about the story and how amazing it will be without actually showing us anything, which is almost always a red flag. All of this could be avoided if they had simply made something original.

Another big reboot coming out is Tomb Raider, which will have a new, darker take on Lara Croft’s origins. She will be as strong and nimble as ever, but she will now also have weaknesses and fears. I really like where Crystal Dynamics are going with this game, and seeing as they’ve taken up the Tomb Raider mantle before, I have faith that the game will be good. However, the same issue presents itself.
It’s clear to me that they want to make a completely new story, so why does it have to be Tomb Raider? No one would be offended if they made a game about jumping puzzles and survival starring a completely new woman. Crystal Dynamics have already made a name for themselves with the recent Tomb Raider games, so why not use their creative freedom to make something genuinely new and unique? They are limiting themselves by sticking to what they know.
I’d like to say that I’m not against the idea of reboots. I will be playing DmC and Tomb Raider when they come out, and will probably enjoy them. I just wish they’d put more time into making something unique without having to live up to a fanbase. I think the same feeling can apply to sequels, too. How often have you played a game that left you saying, “Well, if it wasn’t a _____ game, I’d have liked it more?” But that’s another story.
Of course, starting a new franchise is risky. I do think that developers should make a name for themselves on smaller projects before trying to bring something new to the table. Part of the comfort of releasing endless sequels and reboots is that the game will sell on brand name alone. However, there are many other ways to make new games sell. Press has a lot to do with that, which some companies cannot afford. But there is one other way, one that has worked quite well in the past and one that I think we should see more of.

Who here remembers a little game called Portal? Alright, alright, put your hands down. Portal was originally a one-off, low-effort title made to fill up the Orange Box. Unexpectedly, though, the game’s popularity skyrocketed. More people were talking about Portal than the highly anticipated Half-Life 2: Episode 2 it shipped with. Portal was different; it was an FPS game that focused on solving puzzles with a nonlethal gun, coupled with some pitch black comedy that somehow made the atmosphere even heavier. For science. Eventually, demand was high enough for a sequel, and Valve had more money and time to make the idea into something amazing.
I bring Portal up because I think Valve was on to something with this. If you have an idea that’s new and interesting, but don’t want to devote too much time and money into it (just in case it flops), why not make a small game and ship it with one of the big ones? Many consumers will give the game a shot, and you’ll receive feedback. If there is demand for more, you can put some more elbow grease into it and release a full-fledged title with no worries. Developers used to do this all the time in the form of demo discs, which is another way to get a new game out there. Hell, the only reason I played the original Devil May Cry was because a demo disc for it came with Resident Evil: Code Veronica X.
This is just one title that proves new ideas can take off if it catches enough attention. Games like Prototype and Assassin’s Creed did well because they took familiar concepts (sandbox gameplay with missions throwing you through the storyline), but added a twist that caught the eyes of consumers. Also, indie sales have been on the rise lately, and I think it’s because they’re coming up with new ideas; they also put a lot of time, money and love into their personal projects, which only adds to the charm. I don’t see a reason why more big game companies cannot do this as well.
On the subject of independent developers, another way to get some new ideas into your game is to find a small indie company and offer them the time of day to make their idea really shine. Some indie developers will undoubtedly be against this—rightfully so, as it could potentially dampen their original idea and label them as sellouts—but, once again, Valve has already done this and the results turned out great.
Do you have any ideas on how a developer can make a new franchise? Let us know.

This article is right. Why not make a new game/serie? And as always i know why publishers don't do that.
I respect that Ubisoft made AC, because it's spiritual successor to Prince of Persia. Both series are different story wise but the gameplay has many similarities.


Well-known Member
I get what the article is saying. I do think reboots can be a good thing if done correctly. Sometimes a series gets stale or lost as it grows older. Rebooting it gives developers the chance to try again since it would be a shame to throw out an old series because the last few games went no where. I'm not a Tomb Raider fan, but I think going back and doing an origin story is a cool idea. I will be playing that game when it comes out. To me, the Tomb Raider reboot works because it is still recognizably Tomb Raider. You can tell the main character is Lara Croft: even though she is younger. Reboots that are still recognizable are the best kind because it allows developers to start fresh, picking up new fans, without alienating old ones. I mean, I've never played a Tomb Raider game before, but I'm going to play this one because 1) it looks awesome and 2) it's a great starting point. I don't have to know anything about Tomb Raider because it's an origin story. So hell yeah. :cool:

Now for Devil May Cry. I'll admit, the story was going nowhere and had so many plot holes and unexplained plot lines, and cliff hangers. It was a mess. I do think a carefully constructed sequel could have fixed at least some of these problems, but a reboot could have worked well too. That way, they could stay true to DMC why starting the story over, so it can actually make sense this time. However, instead they went for a reboot that is nothing like the original. Why? Why not make it a new game? It's going to sell well regardless simply because it's targeted demographic just so happens to be the demographic that plays the most video games. There is a very good chance this game is going to sell well. However, DMC isn't that well known or popular, so trying to pass this game on brand name doesn't make sense. This game just does not make sense in any way.

So yeah, sometimes reboots can be helpful and a good decision, and sometimes....we get DmC.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
The unfortunate thing is... If you make a new game, and you aren't a big name company, you can expect it to sell averagely at best. :/
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Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
I get what the article is saying. I do think reboots can be a good thing if done correctly. Doesn´t apply for everything else?

Sometimes a series gets stale or lost as it grows older. Rebooting it gives developers the chance to try again since it would be a shame to throw out an old series because the last few games went no where. After a game has reached a level of perfection, giving out more of it makes the game boring.
Take Call of Duty games FOR EXAMPLE, they keep laying a Cod egg every year. And despite other games are good they provide pretty much same game with fresh weapons etc.
But at one point you must just STOP making games of that type, and continue to do something else - Make a new game.
You can´t forever keep riding on one game and think it will never stop being liked. DMC 1 - fair and good gameplay (but not perfected), DMC 2 (similar to DMC 1), DMC 3 (a big step up - great gameplay), DMC 4 (kinda same gameplay relation to DMC 3 as DMC 2 has to DMC 1).

I'm not a Tomb Raider fan, but I think going back and doing an origin story is a cool idea. I will be playing that game when it comes out. To me, the Tomb Raider reboot works because it is still recognizably Tomb Raider. You can tell the main character is Lara Croft: even though she is younger. Reboots that are still recognizable are the best kind because it allows developers to start fresh, picking up new fans, without alienating old ones.
I agree. The team behind DmC spoke of "DMC DNA", and they had found out for sure that gameplay is what DMC DNA consists mostly off. But taking into consideration the backlash from fans - would´t you say the character is also?
I rather get a new character to like than a copy of a other.

I mean, I've never played a Tomb Raider game before, but I'm going to play this one because 1) it looks awesome and 2) it's a great starting point. I don't have to know anything about Tomb Raider because it's an origin story. So hell yeah. :cool:
I don´t think i will buy it, but it looks graphically great :) And wash´t there a big margin of years until they decided to reboot the series?

Now for Devil May Cry. I'll admit, the story was going nowhere and had so many plot holes and unexplained plot lines, and cliff hangers. It was a mess. I do think a carefully constructed sequel could have fixed at least some of these problems, but a reboot could have worked well too. That way, they could stay true to DMC why starting the story over, so it can actually make sense this time. However, instead they went for a reboot that is nothing like the original. Why? Why not make it a new game? It's going to sell well regardless simply because it's targeted demographic just so happens to be the demographic that plays the most video games. There is a very good chance this game is going to sell well. However, DMC isn't that well known or popular, so trying to pass this game on brand name doesn't make sense. This game just does not make sense in any way.

So yeah, sometimes reboots can be helpful and a good decision, and sometimes....we get DmC.
I dare say i KNOW why DmC is a reboot:
Because they can use DMC fan base to bring in sales, at same time attratch new fan base (causal gamers at west) and POSSIBLY use NT´s fan base.

What they are doing with DmC project is what ubisoft did with AC. They used gameplay knowledge from Prince of Persia and applied it to AC.
But Capcom is greedy and want´s to keep the things that makes people love DMC. Such as Sparda, Vergil, Dante, etc so they decided to not make a new game.

If Capcom decided to make a new game with Ninja theory - it would be amazing:)
Ninja theory would bring their Story telling skills, and Capcom gameplay.
But they didn´t.

But DMC being one of few games left for them to earn a lot cash on they aren´t bothering to take a risk.


Well-known Member
snip for space

It makes no logical sense to compare DmC to Assassin's Creed. AC is a completely new series based on the gameplay from Prince of Persia. And besides, the reboot alienated a lot of fans. Sure, there are many who like the new game so far. But most of those fans are the target audience of the new game (young boys) and so would by the game regardless of what label it has.

After a game has reached a level of perfection, giving out more of it makes the game boring....

That's not even what I was talking about. I'm not talking about games that are put out every year with little to no improvement because they are already so good. Like Call of Duty. I'm talking about games that aren't that great and/or popular anymore. Those games could benefit from a reboot because, if done right, will make them relevant again and open the doors for new ideas to advance the story.


Ninja Theory trying to say DmC has DMC DNA is ridiculous. It's a hack and slash game. Wow. The same genre as DMC. So what? There is more to any game than just its gameplay, and NT seems to have missed that.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
There's a rumor about a Soul Reaver reboot. Yes, I'd like the see the original LoK series carried on, but if they reboot it, then the fans know that they are still thinking about the series (in some shape or form).


"Plough the lilies"
Castlevania: Lords of shadow 2 made me stop less caring for DmC, and yes Castlevania: Lords of shadow is a reboot of the original castlevania series, and i'm happy of what they have done and where they are going on in lords of shadow.
That makes sometimes reboot is a good thing and sometimes it's bad in my opinion.

Good article by the way.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
It makes no logical sense to compare DmC to Assassin's Creed. AC is a completely new series based on the gameplay from Prince of Persia. And besides, the reboot alienated a lot of fans. Sure, there are many who like the new game so far. But most of those fans are the target audience of the new game (young boys) and so would by the game regardless of what label it has.
Well Ubisoft applied PoP platforming (plus stealth) experience onto AC. And i feel this is the same thing Capcom is doing except the game is not a new serie.

That's not even what I was talking about. I'm not talking about games that are put out every year with little to no improvement because they are already so good. Like Call of Duty. I'm talking about games that aren't that great and/or popular anymore. Those games could benefit from a reboot because, if done right, will make them relevant again and open the doors for new ideas to advance the story.
Well rebooting a game to me is something i would do in early process (when developing the game). Example let's say i have planned story but then decide "No, this will not be as awesome as i have in mind, i need to dig deeper and find a newstory".
But i am not against nor for rebooting a game that's not popular or great, or has potential.


Ninja Theory trying to say DmC has DMC DNA is ridiculous. It's a hack and slash game. Wow. The same genre as DMC. So what? There is more to any game than just its gameplay, and NT seems to have missed that.
Btw how did you do that snip thing?

@ Vergilsbitch:
If Kain voice actor isn't part of next LoK game it may be very bad.
Kain is a very awesome character, and voice actor makes a good contribution to that.


Well-known Member
I like reboots. A fresh take on something familiar. That way your beloved games aren't all discarded, but refreshed and introduced to the next generation in a more modern take on it. I'm just not hipster enough to think the original should be preserved as something sacred and untouchable.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
I like reboots. A fresh take on something familiar. That way your beloved games aren't all discarded, but refreshed and introduced to the next generation in a more modern take on it. I'm just not hipster enough to think the original should be preserved as something sacred and untouchable.
I love people i care about, but i don't intend to ressurct them after they die.
Neither do i intend to ressurct any litterature, movie or games i like after their "death".

Instead of future generation ses a modern take on a game, book or movie they can instead go to the source.

And what\s also fresh is making a new game (new character and story) but similar gameplay.

Instead of using success of someone's work i rather go and make my own stuff. Refering to how rebooted games are using originals to attract gamers and sell well.


Well-known Member
So because I can enjoy a reboot, I am suddenly not a fan of storylines or characters? That's a rather judgemental and bold statement. But you guys can say what you want and make up any excuses in your minds if you wish, I don't have to prove myself to you about anything. I just wish people were less judgemental.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
I don´t know much or am familiar with hipsters but i hold original DMC character sacred because i like him way he is. I don´t want to CHANGE him. If it was up to me he would have a bigger wardrobe.

But changing the fundaments of a character and going on about how he is better etc is just bullshit.
If you don´t like a character, walk away and say "I don´t find him cool".
You should´t be like certain girls where they meet a guy and want to change him because they want him to be different than how he is.

However, i don´t mind spiritual successors and new characters.
What i don´t mind also is a rebooted game that maintains it´s original character look. Tomb Raider reboot for example.

By keeping the character intact your paying tribute to the character.
I don´t like Dante wearing red coat to much, so i would prefer if he wore similar but a bit normal clothes.
But change of clothes is something i would call NATURAL. Humans wear more than one set of clothes.
So with that said i am not being hypocrital about it because i said "If u don´t like Character walk away".

Change character´s clothes, weapon, etc as much as you like - just make sure the character is the same but better developed :)


Humanoid Typhoon
I say the more the merrier. If they want to make a reboot or an original game, i'm all for it.

If they can make 5 new first person shooter games that are basically the same thing, why not have more hack and slash games like DMC or DmC to play? I hold no loyalty to any franchise, i just need a video game fix and thats all.


Oldschool DMC fan
Sometimes reboots or tangents do actually work out pretty well. DMC itself was kind of a high-risk tangent from Resident Evil 4 that became a successful franchise. Risks can pay off, if you put the work in.

However, things have a tendency not to work out well if little effort is put in, and I'd expect a good reboot to result from careful consideration of the source material and what makes it popular in the first place, and effort to 'bring more' to the new game on the part of the developer, rather than just to basically 're-skin' an idea. These days though almost everything is being rebooted or prequelled simply to cash in on the fanbase of a particular I.P.. I don't think as much effort is going into it as should be. Actually, that's an understatement, since the new business model with most games is 3/4 of a game and bunch of DLC, copy-and-paste sequels/editions of successful titles, and so on. There's a LOT of corner-cutting going on.

I assume development of new titles from scratch is a drawn out and expensive process in comparison to just churning out sequels with characters and worlds already designed. But there has to be a point at which they take more risks on new things, or we'll be left with a stagnant industry that just regurgitates and re-digests the same stuff over and over.
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I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
@ Vergilsbitch:
If Kain voice actor isn't part of next LoK game it may be very bad.
Kain is a very awesome character, and voice actor makes a good contribution to that.

I wouldn't expect them to cut out Kain from the series altogether (or in a reboot).
If Kain had an influence in the making of the Vampire Bretheren in Soul Reaver, then really they have no right to drop him.
Also, I also really hope they don't drop his voice actor Simon Templeman. His voice and characterisation makes Kain unique.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
I say the more the merrier. If they want to make a reboot or an original game, i'm all for it.
Reminding you we are talking about reboots, and not original games (that is new character and story).

If they can make 5 new first person shooter games that are basically the same thing, why not have more hack and slash games like DMC or DmC to play?
I don't mind NEW hack and slash games at all (looking forward to Darksiders 2).
But HACK AND SLASH is about hacking and slashing, it's not about a new story or character. "GAME" - to play/interact. Not to observe. By that i mean they reboot mostly the story and character.
With that said creating a new hack and slash is not what we are discussing. We are discussing rebooting the story (and it's character) OF a hack and slash.
If DmC project was a hack and slash but with new character and story, everyone would welcome it with open arms. But that's not the case, it's a reboot, and that again is what we are discussing.
If you think i am being wrong about what i have said to you please feel free to object :)

I wouldn't expect them to cut out Kain from the series altogether (or in a reboot).
If Kain had an influence in the making of the Vampire Bretheren in Soul Reaver, then really they have no right to drop him.
Also, I also really hope they don't drop his voice actor Simon Templeman. His voice and characterisation makes Kain unique.


Well-known Member
If you were a fan of an original storyline or character Zero then you would understand why those that don't like the idea of a Reboot would hold the original as something sacred & untouchable.
Your quick to say you like Reboots & DLC.
Congratulations Zero, your the target audience.

But why the need to make it sound like I am a bad person for liking those things? Why insult me just because I do not share the same opinion as you? Why judge me like that?

I am just as quick to say I like those things as others are to wave them off.
And I do understand why there are people who don't like reboots and DLC, I never said I didn't nor did I ever say they are bad people for disliking it. Just because I like those things doesn't mean I am totally oblivious to other people's opinions and notions. Please stop being so judgemental.


Well-known Member
I never said you were a bad person Zero, i'm saying your what developers are looking for in a gamer.
Hipsters as you call us would be the bad 1s to developers actually, simply because we're more unwilling to erase the original so quickly because in away we respect the original for what it was for that something that got us to like it in the 1st place. To have all that easily tossed aside & over written with a Reboot like it was never there isn't something i'm fond of.
And hipsters don't look forward to new DLC with each game so we can just run out buying it cause it supposedly adds to the game or simply because it's available, we don't like it partly because it's costly.

But I don't see it as erasing the old games or tossing it aside. The games are still there! It's not like when making new games or reboots, the original games are being burned on pyreflames. They don't just disappear from the face of the Earth. I still enjoy playing old games from time to time, but I also recognize that the industry has to move forward and evolve. They can't be stuck in the same place doing the same things over and over just to please the minority. In the end, it is an industry and an industry can only work if they get money. That's the reality we live in.


"Plough the lilies"
I agree with zero here.
We all want new games every year to entertain ourselves as gamers.There is enough, at this pace.
But stopping now is not good.We should continue advances to keep providing more entertainment and innovation.

Having fun is good.

There are people who is complaining that Castlevania: LoS(casltevania again? lol) is not a true castlevania game and they want the old 2D style.But they don't understand that it's not just our fanbase that the developers care about and it's outdated now a days and needs to advanced to the modern gaming.But that doesn't mean we should forget the old series of course.


Humanoid Typhoon
If you think i am being wrong about what i have said to you please feel free to object :)


Well comics have done this since, well, forever. the only difference is is the price. I could careless what game creators make as long as they keep it up. I'm in no position to tell people what to make and what not to make considering i have no clue how to make a game, let alone a game thats a Triple A title.
Sure when it says reboot, you automatically think its the easy way out, but i happen to think its just another game. Especially if its coming from a completely different company.
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