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Dead Space 2 (Discussion + Information)


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
First of all, ^ I laughed my head off at that hilarious sig. Second, what are peoples thoughts on slaying Necromorph children? Anyone think the ESRB's gonna disapprove?

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
DreadnoughtDT;196496 said:
First of all, ^ I laughed my head off at that hilarious sig. Second, what are peoples thoughts on slaying Necromorph children? Anyone think the ESRB's gonna disapprove?

Chances are that they will ban the game upon release, since it is a game that has a high level of violence, particularly violent dismemberment of Isaac or Necromorphs. Don't forget, there are baby Necromorphs called Lurkers in the first game, yet ESRB has no problems of us players killing the Lurkers.

It is kind of a shame the next day Dead Space 2 released, then the game is banned for reasons like 'excessive violence' and 'intense graphical dismemberment'.

Here is a scary Dead Space wallpaper. Imagine yourself fighting them, alone...



Well-known Member
I really enjoyed the first Dead Space, primarally because I feel it was the only Survival Horror (EXCEPT Resident Evil 4) that was a) worth a damn and b) actually 'scary'.

Although the story was somewhat copy+pasted from various different sources, I enjoyed the elements that it INTRODUCED to the genre. Limb decapitation on strategic level was incredibly refreshing from the ol' 'BAM Headshot! BAM Headshot!!'.

Plus, really did create a great atmosphere for a long period of the game, I spent alot of time stamping on corpses and removing their limbs in fear that they'd be resurrected - -few games nowadays give you that kind of paranoia ^_^

I'm all fore the sequel, I proudly got my 100% Gamerscore from that title and I'd do it again.

Now, onto the new guy (DeadSpace2).
Isaacs new suit is cool, without a doubt! However, it appears to simply be a more toned version of the Military Suit that you receive as a 'reward' for beating the main story and although it looks cool, I personally DON'T like it. I preferred Isaac as a nobody, an engineer. Now, our beloved mute has leant towards the dark-side, appearing more like a Space Marine or your typical 'Shoot First' types, which I'm thoroughly against in Dead Space.

Dead Space 1 was fun because you felt alone AND you felt like you were improvising, Isaac was an Engineer fighting alone against hordes of evil creatures, using the tools of his trade. While the Plasma Cutter is still present (Thank God!) I sincerely hope that he doesn't become the type that I despise in Sci-Fi movies.

I am VERY much looking forward to Isaac descending into madness though, afterall, assuming the above is kept true: Isaac is a human, and an event like DS1 will scar you. (*Shudder* Hunter Necro Anyone?)

This game should be great, this game, I HOPE will be great ^_^

Great thread Chaos, and some awesome links to boot!! :D

*Fingers Crossed*


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
^ Dude, I don't think it's the whole Hunter chase that scarred him... I think the last image that was left burned into his retinas is probably the Hive Mind... That thing scared the **** out of me. My exact words when seeing it were: "Oh...MY....GOD! It's the mother of all buttholeish monsters..." Probably not a good thing to say when my parents were around, but then again, I'm not the type to think! :p


Well-known Member
The sheer combination of:
-Killing creatures that WERE human
-Listening to all the Logs that tell of their decent
-Doubting reality by hallucinating (whether Nicole is alive or not, he still hallucinated at some points)
-Being hunted by merciless beasts
etc etc

The guy would be traumatised at best.
Its no-wonder this game is set three years after DS1, it would take him that long to re-adjust to human life ^^

I like this new games premise, set in a populated 'city' and watching the chaos unfold. The idea of 'children' being turned is a tad disturbing, Lurkers were one thing, but kids might be a bit more difficult ^^

Afterall, Lurkers and Slashers were a pain, but a half-way creature could be more deadly. Smaller size, potentially with the ability to climb alike a Lurker and with the aggression of a Slasher. Although, I doubt you could get the Kicker Achievement with the with these guys!

I'm hoping for some Two-Player Co-Op -- then again, thinking back to Resi5, maybe not! (Well, if the AI isn't improved on! ^^)


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Let's just hope they don't upgrade the Brutes any... Those are already strong enough! Although, my least favorite enemies would have to be the Exploders. They're so quiet compared to other monsters that you don't know they're there until they splode you! Pregnants are bad as well, and who can forget the al-freakin'-mighty Guardians? God... This game is fun, but it's got A LOT of annoying enemies. Cept for Wheezers. Those things are pushovers, literally. :p


Well-known Member
I loved Brutes, but alas, they were too easy!
I would've substantially preferred fighting two or three of them at once ^_^

The Line Gun is their worst enemy, Firing it at them (even Head On) hits both their shoulders symaltaniously and penetrates their armour and after three shots (Fully Upgraded Length and Power on Impossible) they will lose ATLEAST one arm, if not both ^_^

As I say, they were far too easy in my opinion one-on-one :D


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
^ Yeah, but I bet you weren't going for the Plasma Cutter ONLY achievement! Those things, especially the Enhanced versions, were freakin' nuts! The only thing harder, for me at least, had to be The Slug. Seriously, my hands were cramping after that fight. The Leviathan wasn't too bad, but I got my fair share of knocks during that fight. I REALLY hate Twitchers though. Bad bad BAD enemies...


Well-known Member
Twitchers were the hardest regular enemy imo ESPECIALLY on Impossible ^^

As for the Plasma Cutter only Achievement, Dead Space is one of the few games of which I have achieved a perfect Gamerscore and even then, using the Vertical Postion of the Plasma Cutter you can aim at the slightly exposed 'yellow bit' between its shoulder and chest plates and score a decap. from the front -- ESPECIALLY on the PC only Achievement, since you would've upgraded your cutter to the max ^^

Sorry, I love Dead Space as a game, and although it wasn't particularly hard - it was still fun as hell :D

Twitchers were not only FAST but also were the only enemy to actively dodge your shots >.<


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Yeah, I think the Twitchers borrowed some of the military prowess of their hosts, actively dodging your shots and whatnot. The only other ones that at least TRIED to dodge were Swarmers, and even then, they're not that tough. My bro thinks Twitchers aren't that bad though. He says DIVIDERS (yes, you heard me right, DIVIDERS) are worse than Twitchers. Says the guy who stomps every corpse, infected or not, to make sure it doesn't get back up...


Well-known Member
^Twitchers are Necromorphs whom have adapted with Stasis Packs attached, causing them to direct its abilities inward. This gives them great speed when compared to other Necros -- but, the ol' Stasis and Shoot tech works pretty well ^__^

Actually, Dividers are a reaaaal nightmare. On Impossible their individual parts not only take as much damage to kill as a Standard Necro, but they also deal an equal amount of Damage. Plus, more lethally, they are so tough to spot! >.<!!

Also, is it me, or is the whole, Scarecrow look of the Dividers quite scary?

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Keaton;196860 said:
Actually, Dividers are a reaaaal nightmare. On Impossible their individual parts not only take as much damage to kill as a Standard Necro, but they also deal an equal amount of Damage. Plus, more lethally, they are so tough to spot! >.<!!

Also, is it me, or is the whole, Scarecrow look of the Dividers quite scary?

Ugh, I hate Dividers, take a line gun to a whole one and it explodes into all those little bloody pieces, meaning more wasted ammo, and as you say, on Impossible, they're a bitch to kill and can kill you insanely fast.

I've never used a flamethrower on them mind, I wonder how that'd go down.


Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;196864 said:
Ugh, I hate Dividers, take a line gun to a whole one and it explodes into all those little bloody pieces, meaning more wasted ammo, and as you say, on Impossible, they're a bitch to kill and can kill you insanely fast.

I've never used a flamethrower on them mind, I wonder how that'd go down.

I would imagine that it would work fairly well actually, since they only have one point of damage ^^

I always used either: The Line Guns Mines (split the Divider using the standard Beam and then shoot a mine immediately), or The (GOD OF ALL GUNS) the Force Gun. One Standard Shot to split, one Force Energy Grenade ^_^

Albiet, its not a garentee that it'll take them all out, but both methods are pretty damn successful :D


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I think the Flamethrower would work quite well. I wouldn't know, however, as I spent almost the entire game with just the Plasma Cutter and the Ripper. Lovely weapons, those. :D And is it just me, or was The Slug harder to kill than the Hive Mind? Could just be me, though.

The dark knight

Well-known Member
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! I am temped to make that my sig. And I bead Dead Space 4 times dude. I LOVE it. And I can't wait for this one. I only beat dead space extraction once though. I have all my equipment on dead space upgraded. And I love the tank suit, obsidian suit, and scorppion suit. I have them ALL!
DreadnoughtDT;196041 said:
The USRB's gonna have a field day with this one...

Unholy Aeons

Fear is the Mindkiller
Can't wait for this. First one scared me ****less (still haven't played through it in one sitting late at night).
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