This is a repost of a thread of mine that got a little out of hand but thanks to it i know the perfect scenerio to bring forth. In the anime its pretty established that dante doesnt kill humans. Not sure if this is an anime only thing or if he genuinely refuses to kill a fullblooded human who has no demon powers. Dante doesnt seem altruistic enough to get himself involved in human affairs like wars they arent directly in his way so it makes sense we Havent seen him kill any but if he did see an exceptionally bad human like hitler would he kill him? And if not would it be because he doesnt care at all about what humans do to other humans or would he want to but just not kill him because he has a no killing rule for humans? This would be aleviated a bit if we knew wether or not he knew the people of fortuna were demonic by that point because all we know he knew for sure was that it was a cult of humans collecting devil arms to open gates and possibly that they had yamato. First thing he does though is bust a cap in sanctus with no hesitation. This offers 3 scenerios. He knew before arriving in fortuna that they werent human anymore. Figured it out once he arrived. Or didnt notice until after hed already went rambo on the church and just happened to notice before nero so he could Point it out to him. In the case of option 3 itd be pretty easy to say his no killing rule is anime only. Id also like to note that based off nero trying to kill the bianco angelo in 4 that he doesnt have this rule at all as he didnt know the suit was empty until after he killed it