Dante is half demon, half angel.

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It explains several things. I've stated them before, so I won't state them again. I understand where you're coming from, but it to me seems like a stubborn state of mind and an aggression towards change that a lot of you are feeling. If people won't accept that NT are going this way, you'll dislike the game for a very silly reason. They could of made him all angel.

So our reasons are silly and dumb?

Whatever dude.

I'm not attacking your reasons for liking the change so I would appreciate it if you would not attack mine for disliking it.

I have given reasons why I do not like this game and they are not petty or silly.

If I only disliked the game because Dante hair was not white THEN that would be silly.

Like you I have given my reasons and will not state them again.

But I will just have you look at this.

This sums up alot of the reasons why we naysayers are "bitching and moaning" about this release.

And ps.

None of those reasons are petty or silly IMO.
^^^ Okay, good, I like a challenge.

That’s an opinion. It does not disprove any of the logical points I’ve made. Many people enjoy overpowered characters. Lots of people like Hulk, Super-Man and Wesker from Resident Evil. These characters are all highly overpowered. Hulk and Super-Man are both technically invincible, and Wesker was incredibly powerful. Yet people love these characters, therefore your opinion that they are boring is only going to be shared by those who don’t enjoy overpowered characters. Examining Dante’s past, he’s always been overpowered. I don’t see him having a half angel side as making him more overpowered than he already was in the Devil May Cry Series. He was cocky and always boasted about his power. Devil May Cry 1 quote of Dante’s, “Even as a child I had powers, there’s demonic blood in me”.

You agree with the points I just made in such vast detail but overlook the points I was actually trying to make almost completely. In Devil May Cry it always stated that Dante would surpass Sparda’s power. Even enemies he encounters tell him that they can see the resemblance of his father running strongly within him. Even Phantom remarks that Dante’s powers were “more so” than that of his father’s. Phantom quotes this before Dante even has the chance to get his father’s true power. Clearly Dante has not surpassed Sparda’s demonic power, at least not in Devil May Cry 1. In Devil May Cry 2, it seems Dante has surpassed his father’s power. His Desperation Devil Trigger was incredibly powerful and he’s able to beat enemies with ease.

Let’s examine Sparda’s background compared to Dante’s. Legend has it he saved humanity from the demons and the demon ruler ‘Mundus’. He did it with help, obviously. However, he managed this task and was able to defeat these demons and seal Mundus. Sparda travelled the lands, fought amongst different clans and was even worshipped in Fortuna. Dante was not at such a level of Legendary-ness, and never really was compared to his father. It was only until Dante battled on Mallet Island that he was beginning to use his true power and seal Mundus (Still needing Trish’s help, like you said). So with that said, how can so many assume that Dante will overpower his father? How comes so many think he has, when there is evidence to show that he has not managed this. It’s all apparent speculation.

If we ponder on Dante being born with angelic and demonic qualities, we can instantly see how this would assume he would outgrow his father in terms of strength. The problem is people are misunderstanding my point. In Devil May Cry it took Dante a long time to even come to terms with his demonic power. If he were half angel and half demon it would not make him any more overpowered than he already supposedly is. Especially not if it takes him just as long to come to terms with his angelic powers running within him. Eventually when Dante came to terms with his powers he’d be able to use them and appear stronger than his father because Dante could use the strengths and abilities of two different races.

And in relation to the Devil Trigger aspect of the game, Dante will use his demonic side to heal after suffering heavily from enemy attacks. It’s something that can only be done if he isn’t taking attacks at the same time. If you Devil Trigger during the game but are still getting hit the only advantages you gain involve your health going up even slower and your demonic attacks increasing in strength and speed. However, Dante’s health does not shoot up like a rocket. In so many ways Dante is overpowered because he doesn’t seem to ever suffer major damage and he can seem to heal himself in the right amount of time that needs to be taken. Despite the realism behind him being human and being able to suffer from attacks he takes, still does not in any way shape or form seem completely human in that aspect. So the unrealism that he is not able to get seriously injured to the point he fears his own life is not something I can relate to. I would relate to the fear of pain and suffering he does not seem to ever come across.
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Dante's white hair trigger acts like a super saiyan, I have a feeling he'll unlock his demonic form soon.
I'll explain why. Demons and angels are stronger 'mentally' and 'physically' compared to human beings.

Okay, this is opinion, too. You can't really prove this statement, except that demons are obviously stronger in the DMCverse than humans, because we haven't seen anything yet referred to as an 'angel' in there that really was one. They have all been demons so far, or so the games tell us.

Yes, in the context of DMC, demons are strong. But do we have an angel to examine and compare with? Not yet...

You can assume it, based on the likelihood that supernatural beings are superior to humans in that universe, but you can't claim nobody can contest your theory when you can't prove your own by canon. It's a supposition, so it's equal to everyone else's theories that exist outside of the canon.

With this said, it's understandable why Dante is so powerful. I've always thought how it didn't make much sense that Dante would age like a human does, but he doesn't get hurt like a human does.

If he's part angel and demon with no human in there, it doesn't make sense he'd age at a human rate either, does it? Sparda lived for over 2000 years. If there are angels, it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine they have longer-than-human lifetimes. So where does Dante get his normal human ageing without human heritage?

Sure, he gets battered around. Take Nero kicking his ass at the beginning of Devil May Cry 4 for example. Dante's demonic powers crackle and he wakes up again from his knocked out/unconscious state of mind. Nero nearly served Dante a can of whoop-ass (In fact, he basically did) Dante's human side wouldn't be able to heal itself quickly. He may have Sparda's blood within him, but how does he harness it so well?

It seems like it kicks in like a survival mechanism; he doesn't harness it until he's in danger. A bit like in humans where adenaline and fight-or-flight instinct can sometimes affect strength when you sense your life is in danger, making you run faster, hit harder, and do things you wouldn't be able to under normal circumstances.

With that said and in mind, Dante should have to wait (Be inactive from battle) before his demonic strength inside him can heal his wounds. When does Dante sit back and have a break? He does not. He jumps into all these events, gets knocked around, but never gets any real damage dealt to him.

Well, he is rendered inactive: Alastor incapacitated him for a short while, having a huge stone sword in him did for a short while, Yamato and then rebellion being shoved through him also incapacitated him, and Force Edge briefly. If you're talking about the length of time out of the battle for Dante being seconds rather than hours or days, we could chalk it up to the fact he's not a mere vampire, but the son of a demon so powerful it could beat the Underworld's Emperor. Seems like these are the qualities bestowed on Dante by that heritage. (But we are arguing here something that can't be argued in real terms, these are the game's own 'laws of nature'.)

Other examples. Dante's wounds against Vergil. I know Vergil awakens Dante's Devil Trigger, but he would of still be weak after that battle I'd imagine. Trish attacking Dante at the beginning of Devil May Cry 1. Dante seems unscathed by the attacks. Alastor going into Dante (Dante proves he is powerful enough to handle the sword) this is because the sword does not seem to hurt him at all. Fighting Mundus. Dante gets hit by Mundus when he confronts him for the first time, and he heals right after (He must do, because you go straight into the Boss battle after that scene).

You could still chalk that up to the influence of demonic power awakening under duress. We don't know the ins and outs of DMC's demonic power, so we can only observe and make judgements based on what we're shown by the game - that is, when it awakens, it's pretty damn powerful, and seems to prevent death at pivotal moments. What we are shown isn't entirely congruous through the series either. Now for Dante to be referred to as even more powerful than Sparda doesn't make sense, but if he's half angelic, why does he bleed and age like a human? (I don't think the people who made the games were looking as hard as we are at the whole thing, lol).

Demons are not immortal in the series, obv. Vergil is defeated (as Nelo), Mundus is beaten, and Dante fights and destroys plenty of them throughout the series. You have to accept that Dante is only 'immortal' and wins all the time because he's the main character in a game that wouldn't exist if he didn't.

Every time Dante has ever gotten hit by anything, he amends himself almost instantaneously. Unless Dante was more powerful to begin with (For instance, a full demon) then I've never been able to understand how he has always been so powerful. Vergil on the other hand does not seem to possess this strength, or the strength to continue fighting if he is weak. Let's examine Dante's Majin form in Devil May Cry 2. Dante's desperation Devil Trigger. Dante has the will to still be so strong even when he is meant to be so weak. His desperation Devil Trigger clearly shows this.

If Vergil is his twin, how can he not also possess the same power Dante does? Angelic qualities if you're arguing them? He must do, unless he is not really Dante's twin, but the canon and the evidence states that he is, so he should possess this overwhelming power too. Instead I'd suggest Vergil's weakness at the end was a result not of a failure of strength only but also perhaps of his philosophy and hopes. Dante may have demoralised him too, with some of the things he said at that point. Morale goes a long way in a battle.

But of course story-wise, Vergil had to lose. They never really explain why Vergil loses to Dante when they should be evenly matched, but in any case, he was doomed to failure. (Personally I fancy that Vergil lost because his style is dependent on having the upper hand, on attacking rather than defending. Vergil's 'strength' is in attacking so fast and precisely the enemy is dead before he knows it, but Dante is like a bulldog that doesn't quit. This style of fighting and being at the same time more robust than the average enemy would logically eventually wear down a limited and aesthetic style like Vergil's.)

Realistically, as I said before, Dante would suffer way too much with his human side getting in the way. I'm not doubting he can't be strong and everything even with his human form. I'm simply saying that if he was half demon and half angel then it'd make more sense as to why he can take such a heavy amount of damage and then just shrug it off.

I somewhat agree, but I don't think the character and game designers really cared in the beginning about making Dante in any way realistic. ;)

It would make more sense that Dante's demonic powers are always active, for him to survive massive injury as he does. But it seems that most of the time, they're dormant, or...

...his flesh and bones are 'different' than that of a normal human. Remember when he attempted to punch Vergil in the face and Yamato stopped it, apparently because Dante's hand bones met the blade? If that's a demonic weapon that can cut through stone and bone like butter, then Dante's bones must be harder than steel. Same when Beowulf punched him into the ground. He has to be made of something stronger than normal flesh not to have become a splat. So injuries that would mince a human are not fatal to him although they do cause pain - and that special flesh could validly be demonic as much as angelic.

The games have Dante rely on mainly Devil Arms and his mystically-enhanced guns against demons, rather than normal weapons, which implies 'higher demon's' flesh is much tougher than human flesh, or else Devil Arms are just far more efficient against them. (He didn't take on the Underworld with a shotgun and a nail bat). So Dante's demonic heritage can certainly account for his high physical toughness compared to the average human. Whatever he's made from, it's not 'normal' human flesh.
@ LordOfDarkness.

I like your first post and I quite agree with it. Dante's human side in the former games were never really shown other than in his appearance. However, I won't judge it before I have seen how it works in the game.
Woah, I was not expecting anything like this 0_o. I agree with Angelo Credo, it kind of seems like a fanfic XD. But I am interested where they take this new angle, and I hope you can create different combos by mixing the two styles. The thing that gets me is that in the original series Sparda was a demon and Eva was a human, I think it would be pretty cool if Eva herself was a hybrid. Her father was human and her mother was an angel, and she passed the angel genes to Dante (and Vergil?). And since Dante is half angel I wonder if Angels would take some part in the story, maybe they're working with the demons to hunt Dante! Ok, that's enough speculation from me :P.
I thought the game was supposed to be about demons, though. Devil May Cry. The whole contrast and juxtaposition of humans and demons. Angels... don't need to be in it when we have great characters like Sparda and Dante and Trish who, despite having demon blood running though their veins, are choosing not to be demons... and we have humans like Lady learning to understand that not all demons are incorrigible wretches.

I'm wondering just what angels can contribute here, when we have all we need to provide complex interactions and motivations.

Meh, whatever NT.

It's not opinion as such. Think about it. It's logical. If demons are deemed as stronger than humans, then why wouldn't angels be? Demons may even be stronger than angels, but angels must surely be stronger than normal humans. They're divine beings. Their powers would surely be depicted in the form of such things; they can fly, they can heal themselves, they're holy (The opposite to unholy entities, instantly causing demons and Devils to be in a weaker frame of mind when battling them) and they have the ability to bless humans and other such traits.

Just because DMC never showed us that angels existed, does not mean DmC isn't going to. I'm sure they will explain the reasons behind the angels in the same similar way in which I am right now. There is no context to explain such things in yet, just fan based speculation. That said I may not be right in what I am saying. But why would NT put angels in there if they mean it to just mean "angels are just as strong as humans". Clearly they're going somewhere with it.

Once again you're referring to DMC. In what I'm saying, I'm looking over what NT has done and thinking on how it can make sense. How it could possibly explain certain elements that DMC never explained. If we 'can' assume that angels are stronger than humans, examining the points I made earlier, you could assume that angels would live longer than humans. I see demonic creatures as being creatures that have spawn from the Earth itself. And I see angels as humans that have earned that powerful rank because of the good honest deeds that they had done in their life. In both sense to live longer is a privilege that us humans do not have compared to demons and other non-human races.

I always thought it to be that Dante was in a demonic environment, therefore he could harness his demonic powers at any given time. The only reason he was unable to utilize them more efficiently at an earlier stage was because he was younger and not as in tune with his demonic powers. Much like how his guns Ebony and Ivory work. I believe the explanation as to why his guns never run out of bullets is because he draws a sort of demonic essence from his enemies and harvests that essence inside his guns, storing it as ammunition that he can use at any given time. That may just be a theory however, I can't completely say this is true. I think we've probably cleared up the explanation behind his Devil Trigger.

Demons bleed when attacked. And demons, although they do it slowly, still evidently age. Example (Matier) she was a demonic warrior who fought in the clan Vie De Marli. This was explained to us in Devil May Cry 2. However, when Dante goes to Dumary Island, Matier is an elderly woman. Lucia thought she was her daughter for this very reason (Seeing her at the age she looked) However, Matier was probably a lot older than how her human form looked. Angels would bleed and age also, everything eventually dies.

Oh of course, I'm not disputing that. I'm just saying that they seem to always display Dante as having no sense of fear, and that isn't something I can relate to as a human being. I would see more realism if they were to say he is half human and half demon if I ever really saw Dante in any major threat or have him thinking it was all over or something. He still holds up hope at the end of Devil May Cry 1, even though we could only assume Mundus would of destroyed him if he had gotten any closer (I believe that's what that battle was trying to show us).

I never said Vergil wouldn't possess the same qualities as Dante. I'm merely saying that if he used his strength in the same manner as to which he did when he was only half human and half demon then it probably wouldn't of done him any additional favours. He would of still probably ended up at a loss and becoming a slave/servant to Mundus in the end. Now this is just my opinion, but I can't see why it would of gone any differently.

I believe Vergil lost his battles with Dante perhaps for several reasons. Perhaps he never really wanted to fight Dante (I know it sounds cheesy) but assume he never wanted to seriously harm Dante. He just didn't want Dante getting in the way of his goals. To him Dante could of been the annoying pest to keep cropping up where he wasn't wanted to try and put a stop to things. Vergil had no choice but to confront him because Dante invited Vergil to a confrontation so easily and openly that he felt obliged to accept. Perhaps another reason he failed to beat Dante was because he didn't understand how to use his powers as effectively. Everyone states how Vergil was more powerful and had far more skill than Dante in Devil May Cry 3, but I fail to see how. As you said, they were meant to be equal in terms of power. I believe that they were. I think and feel personally that it was down to what they wee fighting for. Vergil was trying to seek more power, but was ignoring his feelings in the process. If he really was trying to gain power to protect his loved ones, why did he fight his own brother to get that power? Because he felt threatened. He felt weak. He felt like he had no control over such things. He needed to reassure himself that he had great power within him, the power of his father. Which is why he asks Dante "why do you deny the power, the power of our father?". Dante denies the power because he believes in himself. He knows that deep down he doesn't truly need the power, he can find all the power he needs being his own being and using his own inner strength when it's needed. Vergil failed to realise that and in the long run it let him down after he had awaken Dante's Devil Trigger, because in turn he had awoken even more power within Dante and made Dante even stronger as to which Dante came to terms with his powers at at ease with them a lot quicker than Vergil did, assuming Vergil did at all.

We have to look at the fact that when Sparda rebelled against the Demon World he had the help of human beings at his side. Now humans don't possess much strength, but we have the strength of technology and numbers to aid us in wars. The build of an army never amounts to the army being stronger. The German armer was a lot bigger than our own, but that did not make it stronger. I agree, Dante is not made from 'normal' human flesh, he must have some demonic body to him (Probably underneath his human skin). But Dante in 'appearance' only is just a human, that is how his enemies see him. And then they are much mistaken when he kicks their ass.
I hope in the next trailer they dont give him lighting powers.....if so then NT decided to make him half Pikachu as well *eyeroll*
I hope in the next trailer they dont give him lighting powers.....if so then NT decided to make him half Pikachu as well *eyeroll*

Dante has had lightning powers in almost every game (if not every game), according to whatever weapon he used... like he had ice, fire and other such elements in his gameplay. It's nothing new.

I think this means that indeed, the game is a reboot. An unnecessary one, but a reboot nonetheless.
I don't think there's ever been confusion about this being a reboot tbh.
With that said, I still had high expectations of this game. I still do, I'm just not as excited about it as i was before. I know NT want to take the story down a new line, but they also gave me the impression that they were going to keep the 'core details that make DMC what It is'.
Now maybe I interpreted what they meant by that wrong - its possible since English isnt my first language. But to me, what MADE devil
may cry was Dante, as the core ingredient, and the core DETAIL that made his character was the fact that he had the heart and soul of a human and demon blood and powers in his body.
Like I said, I know its a reboot, but It's still part of the franchise no less.
I can seriously rip off this game now. I won't, I have a bit more self control than others, and lots of people are bound to get offended with all the thoughts I've had.
But the half angel thing? I had hopes for NT's Dante, but that's total overkill.
It just doesn't sit well with me and I honestly can't tell you why. Maybe its because it looks like NT is trying too hard. Like they are puling out the stops to try impress the multitude of people who aren't happy with the new look. I liked them better when they claimed not to give a rats' ass about fans demanding this and that. Have they changed their tune? And why? Either way fans are going to rip this game apart, whether NT tries to pacify them or not.
I'm just very disappointed.
If they had made him a whole demon, it would have gone down better for me. But making him half angel smacks of copycat-strategy. If NT is brilliant at story telling then why the hell would they limit their creative licence like this?

Whatever. I'm not dissing the game. I'm still going to pre-order it first chance I get. I'll give the game that chance to speak for itself, as always.
But I am not happy with NT.

I read Lexy and LoD's lengthy posts:
Quote Lexy:
You have to accept that Dante is only 'immortal' and wins all the time
YEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Sorry. I just felt like this had to be quoted (I honestly thought I was the only one who believed this)

Quote LoD:
But why would NT put angels in there if they mean it to just mean "angels are just as strong as humans". Clearly they're going somewhere with it.
Well I can take a long-shot guess at where it's going. You said it yourself (or was it Lexy? I still dunno how to multiquote so forgive me if I got it mixed up about who said what) that angels are human beings that have been rewarded these ranks/powers depending on their good deeds.
When do we always refer to people becoming angels? When they die, right?
And DmC Dante is in Limbo city.

So, it would have been SWEET if Dante had died as a half human half demon and then got stuck in this 'limbo' place where he got rewarded with angelic powers for all the good he'd done on earth, yet he's still unable to shake off his demonic heritage.

But that in itself wouldn't make any sense, and should be scrapped just based on the fact that it doesn't make sense. If this is a prequel, and Dante is a teenager who has yet to uncover his DT abilities and stuff, then what GOOD could he have really done beforehand? It leaves loopholes and half-hearted unsatisfying answers to legit questions, you see. If NT are going that route, Capcom could just as well have kept the franchise to themselves because we will still be left with questions that have no solid answers, and it would just be the whole DMC stories that don't entwine well all over again.
I kept reading that article about the half angel half demon thing. It seems like the half angel is just the opinion of the author because he thinks when the sword transforms in to the scythe it looks holy.

If u ask me, there is nothing about the scythe that looks holy. Yea sure it has a light blueish aura kinda thing but that is not enough to just up and say the scythe is holy and the new Dante is half angel.
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I kept reading that article about the half angel half demon thing. It seems like the half angel is just the opinion of the author because he thinks when the sword transforms in to the scythe it looks holy.

If u ask me, there is nothing about the scythe that looks holy. Yea sure it has a light blueish aura kinda thing but that is not enough to just up and say the scythe is holy and the new Dante is half angel.

The half angel thing is actually confirmed by Capcom and Ninja Theory.

Its been confirmed that the half angel and half demon thing will be used in the gameplay and storyline.

You will be able to switch between them during combat also.
The whole half demon, half angel thing is ridicules! I mean they went as far as changing Dante's origin to fit Tameem's prescriptive of being cool!! I don't blame NT for this ,but actually Capcom for letting such a decent game getting ****ed up and be happy with it D:<
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By making Dante Half Demon/Angel. It took away what made the Story of Sparda so powerful in the first place. Sparda's betrayal to Demonkind and protecting humanity (much like Hellboy and Trish) Actually had a message. That being Good or Evil is a choice and that we are capable of great good regardless of where we come from. This "Little Nicky/Lady Death" Bullshit doesnt work for DMC. Angels never existed in that universe.
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