~inserts new quote~
"Yeah, I remember those days...whiney teenagers. At least the new guy isn't angsting over his cardboard cutout waifu every five seconds and having flashbacks to a generic overly cliche anime."
~inserts new quote~
...I have been playing since the DMC1's friggin Demo came with Code Veronica, and *I* like DmC. I think you need to resort how you see it. Classic DMC was becoming way too anime generic and bland in it's asthetic and plotting. For god's sake, DMC4 was pretty much your cliche anime storyline lifted right out of Bleach and Dante shoehorned in as a guest star. It needed a fresh spin. Not necessarily a reboot, but cobnsidering Morihashi Bingo was one of the main writers for DMC3 and 4, and he kept borrowing HEAVILY from the popular animes and manga at the time he was doing scenario design...they needed someone new.
Uncle Dante would say it's an easy job to Nero.
Looks like someone doesn't pay attention to plot.:troll:
How was that mean? lol Hes just a joke to me because he killed an video game icon. Well, i do not blame him, i blame Capcom for asking them to do a Devil may cry game and rebooting it, Capcom is just lazy, and why would they go to a small video game company?? The Devil May Cry Franchise is bigger than Ninja Theory...I'm not hating on the game, i think DmC is for people who are new to Devil May Cry. Capcom should continue the old Devil may Cry for people who have been playing that game since day one...
"video game icon"
Please, don't lie.
And while you're at it, cut that entitled attitude. Nero was the first indication that the series needed a reboot. Dante's rushed addition to DMC4 was the final. Anyone with half a brain can see that.
But out of some video game companies..they picked Ninja Theory...Capcom should have made a better choice, and Tameem said he wanted DmC more contemporary to the generation today.....he did a good job doing that..but to have Dante continuously saying F*** You! every second of the game...yeah i liked how the classic DMC was all animated...Why the hell would Capcom and Ninja Theory try to make a game ...REALISTIC...and the classic Dante was cut way before his time..they can still make the new DmC for people who are NEW to the series..and make the classic one for those who were fans for years... You missed my point there......I have been playing since the DMC1's friggin Demo came with Code Veronica, and *I* like DmC. I think you need to resort how you see it. Classic DMC was becoming way too anime generic and bland in it's asthetic and plotting. For god's sake, DMC4 was pretty much your cliche anime storyline lifted right out of Bleach and Dante shoehorned in as a guest star. It needed a fresh spin. Not necessarily a reboot, but cobnsidering Morihashi Bingo was one of the main writers for DMC3 and 4, and he kept borrowing HEAVILY from the popular animes and manga at the time he was doing scenario design...they needed someone new.
But out of some video game companies..they picked Ninja Theory...Capcom should have made a better choice, and Tameem said he wanted DmC more contemporary to the generation today.....he did a good job doing that..but to have Dante continuously saying F*** You! every second of the game...yeah i liked how the classic DMC was all animated...Why the hell would Capcom and Ninja Theory try to make a game ...REALISTIC...and the classic Dante was cut way before his time..they can still make the new DmC for people who are NEW to the series..and make the classic one for those who were fans for years... You missed my point there...
The new Dante is EMO...why is he cutting into his chest to find his heart?... and half of the game doesn't make any sense...but like i said...its a alright game who people who are new to DmC
And c'mon. Dante doesn't say f#ck every second of the game. That's hyperbole. Dante's time swearing in DmC could probably be counted in like a...ten second video, out of a game over ten hours long...
The new Dante is EMO...why is he cutting into his chest to find his heart?... and half of the game doesn't make any sense...but like i said...its a alright game who people who are new to DmC
Really, I mean really you are defending that the game does not have dante swear??????
First, when the swearing was in promos, you defended it saying its once or twice like you counted every instance. Now ,, you are defending even when dante swears at the sight of every demon in the game. I have seen all the cutscenes and every time there is a demon, he goes "f*ck this, f*ck that". That's not a hyperbole but is a fact that dante swears more often in DmC. I don't see why every con in DmC needs to be defended with "oh its exaggerated" or its "antis" speaking. I am getting sick of this.
Did you...just...skim my post...like...not fully read or comprehend what I wrote? It really seems like you didn't.
Because I was debunking the claim that "Dante swears every second of the game" which very much is a huge exaggeration. I never said he didn't swear at all, I said he didn't swear as much as people seem to believe he does to make the game look bad. Dante's dialogue isn't comprised solely of expletives...it's sure a helluva lot more than classic Dante, but then again, anything is a lot compared to zero.
Dante really let rip in the anime. Called a prison warden a 'pudgy fu-k' because the guy implied he wanted to feel Dante up in that prisonWhile NT!Dante does have a filthier mouth than Classic, it's not like Dante NVER swore in the oiginal series; his mouth was bile filled in the anime, and he threw out some pg-13 level in DMC4 when he noted that if nero screwed up, he'd have to just "kick his ass".
~inserts new quote~
"Yeah, I remember those days...whiney teenagers. At least the new guy isn't angsting over his cardboard cutout waifu every five seconds and having flashbacks to a generic overly cliche anime."
It does seem to be the case that Nero was just written to be insensitve to pain to make him on a level with Dante. Whereas Dante and Vergil in DmC not only have physical pain, but emotinal as well which makes them more human...to me at least.That "insesitivity to pain" is a result of bad writing and a lazy habit I have observed of japanese writers to make their heroes almost totally invincible just to show how "awesome and powerfull" they are, when all it does is make them harder and harder to actually care about because NOTHING can get them down. As a result, I do find Nt!DAnte easier to connect with on that level that Classic Dante; he does come off with a more human element.