Been a while since I touched MBTI
Personality tests have more chance of accuracy depends on how much the person took the tests knew themselves. If they weren't that aware, it might lead to mistyping. Mbti has a thing called "dominant function". Dominant function means which kind of aspect in yourself is strongest (Feeling, Thinking, Intuition, Sensing), represents your self-image and ego. Usually most of people use their dominant function the most in daily life BUT there are cases of individuals using other functions but their dominant one more. Not everyone's the same. But that doesn't change what their dom function is since it's debated that personality type is unchangeable for the rest of your life. If a person whose dominant function is Feeling but they use Thinking function more, that won't turn them into Thinker. At their core they're still Feeler. In fact, knowing a person's dom function also reveals their weakest function: Inferior function. Feeling dominant means their inferior is Thinking, Sensing dominant means their inferior is Intuition and vice versa. Unless it's necessary, Inferior is the least used since, you know, weakest function. Inferior can be improved and developed as person becomes older and works on their self-improvement. When it's not properly developed but that person still uses their Inferior a lot, it may be a hint they're unhealthy mentally.
So the consensus about Vergil's type is INTJ. That would mean his dom function is supposed to be Intuition, and he would be a Thinker too since there's T in the type.
I disagree about this consensus
INTJs are Intuition dom and they really value their intuition. Do you think Vergil, at his core and throughout the franchise, an intuitive kind of person? Did he value his intuition like INTJs? I don't think so. The same guy who didn't even question if Arkham plan in dmc3 would work or not. And when it didn't go as he wanted, he threw a tantrum "Why isn't this working?!", Dante appeared and he had this kind of logic "Must more blood be shed. Luckily Dante is here". An INTJ would have a hunch that there was something fishy with Arkham, even if they didn't gasp what it was at the moment and have a "Oh sh*t it all comes together" moment when they're stringing the events happened together: the amulets were needed + Arkham hold Vergil back from finishing Dante off in mission 7 + why Arkham didn't kill Lady, who Vergil thought as "an uninvited guest" + why Vergil used his blood and the amulets but the gate still didn't open -> it needs both the twins blood, the amulets and Lady's blood in order to open the gate to the demon world.
Nope, not INTJ