i would change some dialogues or lines like the "f*** you" scene or the "my d*** is bigger" line
What would you change it to: "My sword is sharper than yours"? XD
I'd change the opening scene. I've never thought anyone could sodomize pizza so tastelessly.
And the wig scene.
And all the scenes in which Dante speaks in a monotonous drone. *yawn*
And the **** you scene. Would have loved it if they'd had it go something similar to:
Demon: **** you
Dante: In your dreams *Kablooey in the face*
Or...y'know...something more stylish than what they gave us.
And the banter scene between the brothers.
Vergil: I've got a bigger dick.
Dante: Sounds like a true virgin/ Is that all you've got?
Just some kind of comeback. A good one. A witty one. One that would make Vergil go 'aite, you win'.
The very end scene where Dante was all BooHoo I dun know who I am anymore! D:
Kat should have slapped him. Or he should have tried to go after Vergil. Or he should have asked if Kat would partner up with him to sort out the mess Vergil had left behind. Anything other than 'woe is me, I DT'd and almost killed my brother'. I mean if he was going to show remorse, then let him squirt some tears like in DMC3. The acting was terrible in that scene. It screamed out 'put-on'.