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Crummy Hateful Anti-social Violent Scum (CHAVS)


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
When I think of Chavs, I think of lowlife creatures co-existing with us normal or insane every day people. Those too worthless for oxygen, that feed off the very hatred that they inflict upon others. Those who soul purpose in life is too be the biggest asshole out there, and if someone else is an even bigger asshole; there is more conflict. Someone who will stand there with mates thinking they are hard, but will never face you in a one on one. Someone who doesn't understand the meaning of long words, and whose only polite sentence towards anyone is 'Have you got a light mate?'... And depending on whether you smoke or not, they will still walk off thinking you were pathetic. Even if you give them the light, doesn't mean you have won their respect. Despite being polite to them, they will think no different of you. These pathetic and narrow-minded, self-centred beings are known as Chavs. And in Britain, you will find them in any Town or City. no matter where you are. The streets are literally crawling with these wild animals, that alike their pet dogs, should indeed be on leashes (if not in cages)

Why am I bringing this up might you say? Well I will tell you why. One night I'm with my girlfriend, and we are having a moment where serious things need to be discussed. We sit down on some grass, and she isn't feeling too great. In no time, three Chavs arrive and one starts mouthing me off for no reason. It was unprovoked, I said nothing; nor did my girlfriend. I told him that me and her needed some space, in a polite enough manner. Yet he thinks I'm asking him to '**** off'... Whereas I reply "No mate. If I wanted you to **** off, I would of said **** off"... And he asks "So you're telling me to **** off on my own Estate?"... And I reply "This isn't your Estate, you just live here"... Well then he asks me to say sorry, and continues to ask me... Methinks he was looking for a fight. But I really don't understand what his problem with me was, because I could of kicked his ass from where I was sitting. I could of taken him to the ground, kicked him in the balls... I could of done that, but I didn't. I learnt to ignore him, and it worked.

His two friends on bikes said "Leave it out, it's not worth it"... I feel this was more to the fact that I wasn't ever going to say sorry to him, and I was willing to take on all three if need be. I really could care less about them, because they all looked weak as hell. But just before he walked off from me, he turns as calls me a "*****!"... o_O

Excuse me?! I'm a *****? Who was the one who caused ****? Who had his little bitches there if he needed help in a fight, due to the fact he hasn't got the balls to face me on his own? And who talked ****, but then walked off? You did, you absolute stupid friggin' idiot... What a cheeky, mouthy, lippy SOB!!..

This is ONE reason I HATE Chavs...

Please discuss your thoughts on this, and display your own encounters with the creatures known as Chavs!

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Gotta agree with you this one, these kind of people are easy to get into fights, and not worth to get along with. These self-centered people are everywhere, no matter what. They hate society, and they hate themselves for being self centered and idiots.

Don't worry Ryan, the world is filled with these kind of people.:)


The devoted
Chavs are annoying. Last night I went to the bus stop, didn't even make it half way there and chavs followed me, pretty much asking for a fight. One of the shortest ran and jump kicked me in my back and thought it was funny that he had managed to nudge me. I was tempted to turn around and watch him sprint. But I couldn't leave my girlfriend alone in fear of her getting hurt.

We should make a new litle continent for chavs.

I know that it's not always their fault, but when someone can't ask for a 1-1 fight, and they need at least 2 mates behind them, you know that they aren't that confident.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
No one has a reason to be violent and aggressive in the company of other human beings on a constant basis, I don't care what kind of background that person has, it's simple enough to just rise above it all and at least make an effort to be nice, rather than a hooting dickhole.

Anyone who thinks that their sort of behaviour is justifiable by any goings on in their lives deserves to be slapped round the head repeatedly, drink a gallon of paint and retard themselves out of the gene pool, it's just an excuse and it's their own choice if they decide to be like that, it's not through the fault of any other person, or any event in their life.

I'm a bi-polar cynic who doesn't trust people, but that doesn't mean I have to go around acting like an ass to everybody I encounter, and my personality is through my own choices and that alone, so a chav may have been abused as a kid, so what? It's still perfectly within their ability to become a nicer and better person.

They may be told that they're stupid consistantly, effectively going through a cycle of a self-fulfilling prophecy, but anyone who sucumbs to that is just weak-willed, it's well within their ability to prove everyone wrong and become a nice, upstanding citizen.


Rant partially over, I'll talk about my experiences with them now.

I recall one specific incident which involved me and a friend of mine sitting on a bench in the gardens infront of some random building, happily chatting away as we hadn't seen each other for months, when a group of chavs walk up to us and demand that we move off "their" bench, I glanced at the guy who said it once, quite possibly the shortest little bugger I've ever seen in my life and quite abruptley said "No."

Inevitable reaction: An attempt to punch me, my friend then steps in and throws him backwards, that chav then proceeds to tell me to fight for myself and we just burst out laugh.
Me fight for myself? Says he with a little army backing him incase things get rough!

After our little laughing fit, they walk off, one of them shouts back something along the lines of "effing fags." Though...Not the effing bit, just did that to give you a general impression of what he said.

That's not even the worst of it though, I'll tell you more chav stories when I get back from town later on.

Darcy Willows

Substitute Soul reaper :D
Try being chased by them at ten o'clock at night when al you are trying to do is get home. they threw pebbles and one bashed into me with his bike and gave me a bruise all up on side of my thigh, I will never forgive him and one day I will get revenge.

What I think is they are not worth worrying about or talking about so just let them walk around in crappy £5 trackies while I waltz around in bright red skinnies which cost £20 so basically they do it to themselves.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Chaos Master;176694 said:
Gotta agree with you this one, these kind of people are easy to get into fights, and not worth to get along with. These self-centered people are everywhere, no matter what. They hate society, and they hate themselves for being self centered and idiots.

Don't worry Ryan, the world is filled with these kind of people.:)

Thanks Chaos Master, but people like that don't worry me. My two choices are to either ignore them, or to literally kick their ass :lol: I'm in no means to go around looking for a fight, but as soon as you've thrown the first sign of a hit (be a kick or a punch) I'm not backing down, I'll see you on the floor.

Vauxchen-kun;176700 said:
Chavs are annoying. Last night I went to the bus stop, didn't even make it half way there and chavs followed me, pretty much asking for a fight. One of the shortest ran and jump kicked me in my back and thought it was funny that he had managed to nudge me. I was tempted to turn around and watch him sprint. But I couldn't leave my girlfriend alone in fear of her getting hurt.

We should make a new litle continent for chavs.

I know that it's not always their fault, but when someone can't ask for a 1-1 fight, and they need at least 2 mates behind them, you know that they aren't that confident.

I completely understand where you're coming from. The only reason I didn't retaliate to those three Chavs was because my girlfriend was there, and we needed alone time. I couldn't have three Chav kids there whilst I spoke to her, they would of kept on and on. Best thing to do is to try and tolerate and ignore them as much as you can. But if you're going to walk the streets late at night, like I pretty much do all the time :lol: Try to know how to defend yourself. Learn a Martial Art or something along those lines basically, or just be a really defensive person who can take a lot :)

And nah, I don't ever think they can't help it. Every single Chav I have ever encountered, has always had some backup. I could swear they are too damn scared to have a 1-1.

Enigmatic_soldier;176699 said:
i find it offensive to some people<_<:dry:

some people have very good reasons to be like that.and not always is their fault.

Maybe so, but what's that to me? I'm just a normal every day guy trying to live his life, wandering around the land that is there for me to walk on. I can go as I please, unless it's private property :lol: They may have reasons to be a dickhead, even though I doubt that since I agree with what Credo has mentioned. But that doesn't mean they have reasons to be like one to me, when I haven't even done anything ;)

My friend Joshua told me he had a little encounter with some Chav kids, whilst I met him walking back home last night around 1:30am. He said they walked past, and he didn't like the look of them. So he called them twats (but not loud enough for them to hear) They came up to him and got lippy just because he was looking away from them, then backed off to go away. He met them again later on outside McDonalds, and one tried to hit him; but he took them to the floor instead. And having done that, the rest went and so did the kid Josh had hit. So even in groups, they're still weaklings.


Rant partially over, I'll talk about my experiences with them now.

I recall one specific incident which involved me and a friend of mine sitting on a bench in the gardens infront of some random building, happily chatting away as we hadn't seen each other for months, when a group of chavs walk up to us and demand that we move off "their" bench, I glanced at the guy who said it once, quite possibly the shortest little bugger I've ever seen in my life and quite abruptley said "No."

Inevitable reaction: An attempt to punch me, my friend then steps in and throws him backwards, that chav then proceeds to tell me to fight for myself and we just burst out laugh.
Me fight for myself? Says he with a little army backing him incase things get rough!

After our little laughing fit, they walk off, one of them shouts back something along the lines of "effing fags." Though...Not the effing bit, just did that to give you a general impression of what he said.

That's not even the worst of it though, I'll tell you more chav stories when I get back from town later on.

I completely agree with everything you said to do with Chavs, and I believe it is also in their capability to prove everybody wrong and be a decent citizen to Society (or decent enough =P)

On what you mentioned, Chavs will come up with the most foolish **** you've ever heard. Just like that, I have something similar. When the Chav mouthing me off referred to it as 'His Estate'... Chavs seem to think that they own practically everything, even when they don't. The streets are theirs, the seats are theirs, the parks are theirs, the roads are theirs, the buildings and places are theirs... No they aren't yours you selfish piece of crap, they belong to us... The ones who paid for them, and keep them tidy. The ones who work hard to restore some God damn hope into our Town, but **** always get ruined by these Chavs who by their own words 'Own all this stuff'. Well here's something, if that's your bench them how comes I don't see your name on it? Did you put this bench here huh? Did you make this bench, and plan to put it right here? No, I bet the Council did. The ones who plan all these things. Pathetic maggots...

As to what you did, genius. Didn't lose your cool, and just kept to it... Always ignore them, Chavs are never right. And they always contradict themselves... Like in my case, when he called me a ***** and then walked off... That was contradicting himself. As he was calling me 'weak' pretty much, but then just left. I never walked away or backed down, I was ready if need be. I look forward to hearing more of your encounters later on, just to add more to the discussion value of this thread.

Darcy Willows;176772 said:
Try being chased by them at ten o'clock at night when all you are trying to do is get home. they threw pebbles and one bashed into me with his bike and gave me a bruise all up on side of my thigh, I will never forgive him and one day I will get revenge.

That's something none of us is going to want to try. Not because I'd be scared or intimidated, but because they bore the crap out of me from what they do and how they act. But learn to ignore them, even when they are that harsh. I wouldn't go for revenge myself, I'd just leave it out to be honest. But that's just my advice, what you or others do having had that done to you; is up to you.

Thanks to all those who have posted here so far =) Some very 'interesting' stories may I say =D

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Hah, here's a tiny one to share with you.

During my trip into town yesterday I came across a bunch of chavs, they started hurling various insults at me, you know, the usual, well thought out, imagini- Okay I can't finish that with a straight face, anyway.

The moment I stopped dead, turned round to face them and walked towards them, they ran. :lol:

I think we know who the pathetic ones are now, eh boys?

Sir Psycho No 6

New Member
I've never really had proper trouble with chavs, if they start i start back.
The only problem i find is as soon as your mouth off back to them and encourage a fight, they get confused and seem to stand there jawdropped THEN they decided to shout abuse back when they're walking away.
I've been threatened with a knife about three times, it's never really a biggy anymore because they're too scared to try anything with it.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
I find the best way to deal with those types is to kick their ass.

You just have to knock them on their ass pretty much and they won't bother you much anymore.

Its why I don't get picked on much, idiots know I don't hesitate to beat them down.


A little off topic, but I see a few of you Brits saying stuff like "I'm not backing down, I'll see you on the floor"

Why would you go to the floor with them? I alwase knock them down and walk away or stomp them. There is no way I am sinking to their level, the floor.


Don't trust people
^I actually agree. Or atleast be fearless against them showing that your serious and they will get a serious smash.
I've been having trouble all the time, but that is often with known people that usually mocks me (bullies or whatever) but once there was that random guy who where riding a bicycle. I was walking with my friend and that chav just went by on his bicycle very close to us. He turned his bicycle and went off it walking to us. Saying to me: "Where you trying to block my path?" (the best translation I can get). I just said no i weren't and remembered that i still have that wish to be a pacifist. The chav still continued with that (with mean words and ****y atitude) and i told him what qonsequences that could happen if he mocks random folks like that. He said: "Are you threatening me?" out of nowhere like he didn't listen a ****... Start to push me and i frequently said to him to stop still trying not to hit that idiot. then he got bored or whatever and took his bike and off he goed. I was shaking of anger and i've now promised that i will beat that person next time i see him.

That's what i've experienced. There is much more but that is what i feel more angry about, i've had my revenge on the others (Looking down on them spitting on them and actually act the same on them if they start "Chaving" me).
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