Description copied again from dmcmods.com because of hyper lazyness:
This is my rendition of DmC corrupted Vergil, I originally planned to make this after downfall is released but since then a gentleman named blubarrr at infernal works requested this so i thought I’d make something up that turned out ok but I plan to update it in a few weeks.
- CLASSIC YAMATO (nuff said)
- ‘glowing’ veins on Vergil’s face based off the original DMC3 design
- Sexy red eyes
- Nice purple snob clothing with golden lines and inside.
- Pale face
I might overhaul this or just update it for Downfall, that will depend on my mood and if I have a better idea, but feel free to add suggestions on what extra things could I add to it.
EDIT: Due to.. something, I cannot post direct links to downloads any more from dmcmods.com, and uploading the file on another site would be a pain with my current net, so i'll just link to the dmcmods page (only a few more clicks, stay strong!) for a week till my new net arrives, apoligies for the extra clicks.

Dl again for no reason: