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Well-known Member
This topic shall be about cookies!

I'd like to hear about traditional cookies of the country you live in.
Or your favourite cookies in general.

For those interested, I'm currently creating a new fictional brand of cookies for my final semester at school.
That project inspired me to make this topic. As I'm currently in my research phase, where I'm comming up with a concept for this start up company. One of my current ideas is to look for traditional cookies from different parts of the world and put a personal spin on them. Like for example to change a few ingredients that are common here in germany, just to give it another taste.
If that makes it into the final concept is questionable though.

So what are your favourite cookies?
Mine are either chocolate chip cookies


or the classic "doppelkeks" (don't know the english equivalent to that one)


Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Hmm...not really sure if Canada has cookies that are specific to the country, to be honest. ^^; If we do, it's probably something with maple in it. xD (We do have maple cookies, but I get the feeling you could probably find them just about anywhere). These, in fact:

They're really good. ^^ A little goes a long way though, since they're also very sweet.

But I'd have to say my favourite is chocolate chip, and pretty much every variation known; like peanut butter chocolate chip, chocolate chip macadamia nut, double chocolate fudge chip...

Yes, I like the chocolate. Oh, and Oreos. We seldom have them in the house, because everyone devours them within a day of getting them. ^^;


Well-known Member
This is the traditional cookie in my country. They come in many shapes and sizes. Most commonly they are filled with Dates. But might find ones that are filled with Hazelnut cream, pistachios, or walnuts.


As for my favorite cookie. the traditinal chocolate chip cookies, Triple chocolate cookies. and sandwich biscuits.


Well-known Member
Man that's a lot of cookie types I haven't even heard about, guess I'll have a lot of research to do (even though I got a concept now, I call it CookieBalls, I'll make a few photos once the first prototypes are done at the weekend).
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