Co-op in Devil May Cry

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Should the DMC series introduce co-op anytime soon?

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We bitch because it isn't a RE title. It's a cover shooter with a RE skin. Nothing wrong with progress, but if they can't keep the rest of it intact then it's not really that

This sums up my thoughts on where the Resident Evil series is right now.

I have NOTHING against a series evolving.

In fact, I think it should definitely evolve if it wants to stay relevant.

My main complaint is it losing what made it relevant in the gaming industry in the first place.

To see Horror take a "back seat" in a Resident Evil game in favor of over the top action and explosions makes me disappointed as a longtime Resident Evil fan.

I personally find RE4 to be one of the best games in the series despite how different it was from the older ones.

If you ask me, the perfect Resident Evil game in my book would be a dark and spooky Resident Evil game set in a city complete with puzzles,scares,and zombies/BOWs with more emphasis on horror than action (action should still be present but not rule the game) and have the gameplay and inventory system of RE4.

On a side note, I really wish people would quit calling others opinions "bitching".:ermm:
So, RE started going down hill when they started making their games co-oped based.

Now, with that in mind think about the things about RE co-op elements that are irritating and put them on a DMC game. Also, remember that a game that is designed for co-op is by nature visually less impressive than one that will only be rendered in one camera. If you are going to render in two cameras on one unit the graphics have to be low enough for it to render twice.

On top of that, what if Capcom does what they did with RE and make it so that you are stuck having to play two players to solve puzzles, open doors, beat bosses, get items. I wouldn't mind that in a mode, but not for an entire game.

But also think about the benefits of having another player with you with whom you can pull of combos together and someone to watch your back.
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Reactions: Razyel and Dante47
This sums up my thoughts on where the Resident Evil series is right now.

I have NOTHING against a series evolving.

In fact, I think it should definitely evolve if it wants to stay relevant.

My main complaint is it losing what made it relevant in the gaming industry in the first place.

To see Horror take a "back seat" in a Resident Evil game in favor of over the top action and explosions makes me disappointed as a longtime Resident Evil fan.

I personally find RE4 to be one of the best games in the series despite how different it was from the older ones.

If you ask me, the perfect Resident Evil game in my book would be a dark and spooky Resident Evil game set in a city complete with puzzles,scares,and zombies/BOWs with more emphasis on horror than action (action should still be present but not rule the game) and have the gameplay and inventory system of RE4.

On a side note, I really wish people would quit calling others opinions "bitching".:ermm:
That was probably for me right? :lol: Well that aside my comment about RE fans bitching is not to be taken too seriously, I use provocative language because I want to raise the cat on the table.

For example: I get that they are ****ed because RE is no longer the same RE that it was 10 years ago.

What I don't get is why would you hate the game if it is different from the other games in the series.
Good games are always good games no matter what the target audience is, but when I see ****ed of Critic reviews that give RE 6 45/100 because it isn't like the other RE games, I just can't stay silent anymore.

If the game isn't targeted to you, don't play it. I can't review sports games, because I only like NHL and Formula1.
Same reason why every JRPG is getting crappy reviews outside of Japan: target audience

If you can't review Resident Evil 6 as an independent game, you shouldn't PERIOD.
For example: I get that they are ****ed because RE is no longer the same RE that it was 10 years ago.

But that is the thing, it doesn't just boil down to "oh its different than RE1,RE2,RE3,and RECV so it sucks".

As I said earlier, RE4 was critically acclaimed and well received amongst fans despite how different it was to its predecessors.

I admit, there are some fans that feel that way and believe RE6 sucks because it isn't like those old games I mentioned, but I certainly don't think it is the majority of the fans who disliked RE6.

And thats what I am seeing when guys try to defend this game, they call people who voice their dislike for the game "whiners" and "complainers" who hate change when it really isn't as black and white as that.
If you look at Metacritic half of the bad reviews say something like "It isn't the same RE anymore" or "There is not enough survival horror" etc.

If RE6 was called something else like: "Co-op Zombie killing with 4 campaigns" the ratings would jump from 60/100 to atleast 80/100 because "It's a good game but only mediocre Resident Evil -game..." -_-

That's so hypocritic: you can't like it because it wasn't like the rest of the series.:/

RE4 was just so damn good ( like 95/100 or something) that nobody dared to say anything about the differences between that and the previous games+ there were many years in between before an actual sequel came out (there was like 7 spin-offs and one remake!!! between RE3 and RE4) + Internet wasn't that popular back then, so no reason to be hypocrite :P

A good RE6 review should include a warning: This game might not be for you if you A: have no friends to play with, B: Are stuck in the past RE games, C: Don't have an internet connection ...
Instead of becoming an angry fanboy-review:"What the #¤&/#&"! why is there a "¤#"%&#/ with Leon all the /%¤&#¤5 time!!!1111!!11"

I personally wouldn't give a rat's ass if one day RE would turn into a dance game (as long as it was a good one), cause I can always move on to some other franchise, instead of whining why the world isn't fair and nobody loves me :lol:

But before we start a flame war and get banned, I'm going to return from this off-topicness *POOF*

So DmC should only include Co-op modes and missions similiar to Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and an optional Co-op Bloody Palace

*Notice that I used Provocative language and don't mean to offend any fans of RE, just think some valid points first why you don't like the game (RE6) instead of ridin' with stupid ones:)
If you look at Metacritic half of the bad reviews say something like "It isn't the same RE anymore" or "There is not enough survival horror" etc.

If RE6 was called something else like: "Co-op Zombie killing with 4 campaigns" the ratings would jump from 60/100 to atleast 80/100 because "It's a good game but only mediocre Resident Evil -game..." -_-

That's so hypocritic: you can't like it because it wasn't like the rest of the series.:/

RE4 was just so damn good ( like 95/100 or something) that nobody dared to say anything about the differences between that and the previous games+ there were many years in between before an actual sequel came out (there was like 7 spin-offs and one remake!!! between RE3 and RE4) + Internet wasn't that popular back then, so no reason to be hypocrite :P

A good RE6 review should include a warning: This game might not be for you if you A: have no friends to play with, B: Are stuck in the past RE games, C:Don't have an internet connection ...
Instead of becoming an angry fanboy-review:"What the #¤&/#&"! why is there a "¤#"%&#/ with Leon all the /%¤&#¤5 time!!!1111!!11"

I personally wouldn't give a rat's ass if one day RE would turn into a dance game (as long as it was a good one), cause I can always move on to some other franchise, instead of whining why the world isn't fair and nobody loves me :lol:

But before we start a flame war and get banned, I'm going to return from this off-topicness *POOF*

So DmC should only include Co-op modes and missions similiar to Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and an optional Co-op Bloody Palace

*Notice that I used Provocative language and don't mean to offend any fans of RE, just think some valid points first why you don't like the game (RE6) instead of ridin' with stupid ones:)

Who wants to start a flame war?

And it sounds to me like your just making a lot of excuses to defend RE6.

I already pointed out that RE4 has shown us that a Resident Evil game doesn't need to be like the old ones to be well received amongst fans.

Saying that the internet 'wasn't as popular" back then seems like a funny way to dance around the fact that RE4 was critically acclaimed despite how different it was and that maybe the reason people dislike RE6 isn't simply because its different but because its just a game that they dislike for its flaws alone.

And the fact that you just said that you would not care if Resident Evil turned into a "dancing game" shows me that you really aren't that much of a fan the Resident Evil sereis to begin with.

If so, you would want the best for the series and want for it to grow and evolve into something better.

Saying that you simply "do not care" where its heading because you can simply "move on" tells me that your not that into the Resident Evil series to begin with and thus its understandable why you would not care for the negative backlash and how fans where impacted by it since your at a point now where you simply would not care if it became a freaken "Dance game" lol.

But yea, just by that line I know that its pointless to discuss this with you.

So yea, if you want to get back on topic than be by guest.
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It wouldn't be a bad idea to have co-op in DMC. Dante did technically have a partner after DMC1 (Trish doesn't seem to do much and then apparently quit sometime before the anime but she did work with him at some point) and a twin brother ( who is alive and supposedly on the same side as Dante in DmC and could become both those things in DMC if Capcom wants him to) and a old friend/possible love interest (Lady) and a new friend/possible love interest(Lucia) and a very similer younger relative.( who may be the son of the aforementioned twin brother (or pretty much anything else) and DmC Dante has a different possible love interest along with the DmC version of the same twin brother.

With that many charicters avalible it would seem odd not to include co-op at some point and as long as the game is primarily focused on the single player experience there is no reason why it would be a problem.

With all of the changes that come with rebooting the series it is good that they didn't include it in DmC but once NT is able to gets a clear idea of what they want to do with the basic gameplay they should be able to include co-op without problems ( it would probably be best if they waited until DmC3 (assuming the series gets that far) but if DmC goes really well they might be able to manage it by DmC2 without any major problems) and if Capcom goes back to the original series there wouldn't be any reason not to include co-op in DMC5
Who wants to start a flame war?

And it sounds to me like your just making a lot of excuses to defend RE6.

I already pointed out that RE4 has shown us that a Resident Evil game doesn't need to be like the old ones to be well received amongst fans.

Saying that the internet 'wasn't as popular" back then seems like a funny way to dance around the fact that RE4 was critically acclaimed despite how different it was and that maybe the reason people dislike RE6 isn't simply because its different but because its just a game that they dislike for its flaws alone.

And the fact that you just said that you would not care if Resident Evil turned into a "dancing game" shows me that you really aren't that much of a fan the Resident Evil sereis to begin with.

If so, you would want the best for the series and want for it to grow and evolve into something better.

Saying that you simply "do not care" where its heading because you can simply "move on" tells me that your not that into the Resident Evil series to begin with and thus its understandable why you would not care the negative backlash and how fans where impacted by it since your at a point now where you simply would not care if it became a freaken "Dance game" lol.

But yea, just by that line I know that its pointless to discuss this with you.

So yea, if you want to get back on topic than be by guest.

Look I wasn't targeting it to you directly, your post.. I somewhat like it actually:) Now I'm not Defending the game any more than it deserves, there's just so much hate that shouldn't even be there, you can hate it, but hate it for the right reasons. Hating something because it's different is like racism actually it IS racism.

Internet can also be a social playground now that every game reviewer has his own site, it needs sponsors, sponsors require views (advertising) and one good way to get them is to make reviews that stand out, so reviewers are at pressure from whether to make an honest review that might not get as many views or make a stand out review that makes money.
This was not the case back in 2005, when Internet connections were expensive, Youtube had no ads etc.

Yes, I'm not the biggest fan of RE, still a fan, ( that earlier post was provocative) I don't hope it to turn that way (a dance game xD), but what can I do if Capcom goes crazy? I can always pick another great survival horror game instead or whatever pleases me. If the game in itself is crappy then it is right to say what is wrong and be somewhat angry about it.

I was once a fan of Rayman and Prince of Persia ( and still am ), when the sands trilogy was over I moved to Assassin's Creed, why? because after sands trilogy they rebooted PoP and it wasn't for me. same with Rayman, I moved to Ratchet and Clank after Rayman .
There's plenty of other good games for you HC RE fans.

It wasn't a big secret that co-op was going to be the future of RE so you can't really complain about it 'cause it's a feature not a fault or mistake.

Final example: if I don't in general like pop music and my favourite band moves from rock to pop and I know that it isn't for me, I don't have to buy the newest album.
On the other hand someone who listens to pop music in general can say whether this band plays good pop or bad pop.
But I can't because I hate pop in general, so to me it's all bad, so I'm not part of it's target audience.

Now good day to you sir, I hope that in the future we can understand each other better:)
Look I wasn't targeting it to you directly, your post.. I somewhat like it actually:) Now I'm not Defending the game any more than it deserves, there's just so much hate that shouldn't even be there, you can hate it, but hate it for the right reasons. Hating something because it's different is like racism actually it IS racism.

Internet can also be a social playground now that every game reviewer has his own site, it needs sponsors, sponsors require views (advertising) and one good way to get them is to make reviews that stand out, so reviewers are at pressure from whether to make an honest review that might not get as many views or make a stand out review that makes money.
This was not the case back in 2005, when Internet connections were expensive, Youtube had no ads etc.

Yes, I'm not the biggest fan of RE, still a fan, ( that earlier post was provocative) I don't hope it to turn that way (a dance game xD), but what can I do if Capcom goes crazy? I can always pick another great survival horror game instead or whatever pleases me. If the game in itself is crappy then it is right to say what is wrong and be somewhat angry about it.

I was once a fan of Rayman and Prince of Persia ( and still am ), when the sands trilogy was over I moved to Assassin's Creed, why? because after sands trilogy they rebooted PoP and it wasn't for me. same with Rayman, I moved to Ratchet and Clank after Rayman .
There's plenty of other good games for you HC RE fans.

It wasn't a big secret that co-op was going to be the future of RE so you can't really complain about it 'cause it's a feature not a fault or mistake.

Final example: if I don't in general like pop music and my favourite band moves from rock to pop and I know that it isn't for me, I don't have to buy the newest album.
On the other hand someone who listens to pop music in general can say whether this band plays good pop or bad pop.
But I can't because I hate pop in general, so to me it's all bad, so I'm not part of it's target audience.

Now good day to you sir, I hope that in the future we can understand each other better:)

this is a DMC website if youre gonna follow up on this then have a private chat or talk on a different site please
Look I wasn't targeting it to you directly, your post.. I somewhat like it actually:) Now I'm not Defending the game any more than it deserves, there's just so much hate that shouldn't even be there, you can hate it, but hate it for the right reasons. Hating something because it's different is like racism actually it IS racism.

Internet can also be a social playground now that every game reviewer has his own site, it needs sponsors, sponsors require views (advertising) and one good way to get them is to make reviews that stand out, so reviewers are at pressure from whether to make an honest review that might not get as many views or make a stand out review that makes money.
This was not the case back in 2005, when Internet connections were expensive, Youtube had no ads etc.

Yes, I'm not the biggest fan of RE, still a fan, ( that earlier post was provocative) I don't hope it to turn that way (a dance game xD), but what can I do if Capcom goes crazy? I can always pick another great survival horror game instead or whatever pleases me. If the game in itself is crappy then it is right to say what is wrong and be somewhat angry about it.

I was once a fan of Rayman and Prince of Persia ( and still am ), when the sands trilogy was over I moved to Assassin's Creed, why? because after sands trilogy they rebooted PoP and it wasn't for me. same with Rayman, I moved to Ratchet and Clank after Rayman .
There's plenty of other good games for you HC RE fans.

It wasn't a big secret that co-op was going to be the future of RE so you can't really complain about it 'cause it's a feature not a fault or mistake.

Final example: if I don't in general like pop music and my favourite band moves from rock to pop and I know that it isn't for me, I don't have to buy the newest album.
On the other hand someone who listens to pop music in general can say whether this band plays good pop or bad pop.
But I can't because I hate pop in general, so to me it's all bad, so I'm not part of it's target audience.

Now good day to you sir, I hope that in the future we can understand each other better:)

Cool post.;)

Nice to see that you didn't resort to smart remarks or belittle my opinion.

Also nice to see that you didn't resort to insults like some of the defenders of RE6 that will go nameless.

But all that being said, I actually never said I hated RE6.

in fact, I really don't dislike the game as a whole, but I do find it to be 1 of the lowest games in the Resident Evil series. To put it simply, I would put it above RE5 (which was my least favorite RE game) but much lower than all the other main games such as RE1,RE2,RE3,RECV,and RE4.

I enjoyed RE6 mostly because of Leon's and Ada's campaign.

I definitely feel I got my money's worth here.

But I can't help but see the flaws in it such as,

1.Awkward Camera controls makes the game frustrating and causes many kill cheap deaths.
2.Chis's part of the game feels like a cheap 3 person action shooter with little depth
3.Lame ass cover system that leaves you open for shots
4.Abundance of QTE events make the game far to simple for more "skilled" players.
5.Lack of unlockable customes for the main game
6.Lame as co op screen leaves HUGE black borders with tiny boxes to see the player in. Can't see how the hell
they couldn't just make it cover the entire top and bottom screen.
7.having to play through I part of the game again that I just played through from someone else's campaign such as
when you have to play the battle with Utanask 2 times with Leon/Helena and jake/Sherry despite the fact that its
the exact same battle over again.

Now this is all just my opinion, what I see as bad may just be minimal to nonexistent to other players as a problem with the game.

My only problem with the some of the people who defend this game is that some resort to calling people's opinions "bitching" or writing them off as simply "haters" and "complainers" who can't "accept change".

Those are the things that get me into these kinds of discussions, If you like the game then fine, and you have to disagree with someone do it in a respectable way while not belittling their opinions because it isn't the same as yours.

But this is all off topic

Lets just end this here and move on.

Sorry for the derailment guys.
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If you can't review Resident Evil 6 as an independent game, you shouldn't PERIOD.
Why not? Why shouldn't we hold this game up to the same standards as it's prequels? Why should we make a new ruler just for this game? It's not an independant game, it's a game in a series, if the games that came before this one are better than that means it then rather than moving forward they are taking steps back, or should we dismiss that this one game doesn't hold up to games that are older than it because it would in some fashion be unfair to it.


If you want me to judge it on it's own merits then here it is: I have never yelled at at RE game as much as this one. Never had I wanted to trow the controller at the television in frustration and anger at how slow, how restrictive and how p!ssed I was at the BS mechanics as I have with this game. This is the first game that I actually punched my controler hoping that the MF'er would actually do what i wanted him to do. That is why this game is crap in comparison, because in any other RE game, despite all their imperfections, I never struggled with the core mechanics this much. Also, despite all their cheezyness I've never been so unimpressed with the story on an RE game. To top it off this is the first numbered RE game with no costumes for the campaing. For all it's steps forward this game took too many back. The only thing this game has any merit in is in it's art deparment, which sounds more like a consolation prize than an actual merit.
We will... but it's impolite, not to reply.:cool:
These kinda co-op missions are welcome to DmC :)

edit: berto, because we are not communists or are we?;)
And good job now you explained why you don't like it without mentioning anything about other games (well almost...), now you have my badass seal of approval:)
Co-op isn't helping the decline of Resident Evil. I like Co-op. But for me, it shouldn't belong in a survival horror game.
I explain it quite well in my other post.
I guess I just really like co-op because when I was younger, any game that had co-op is almost an instant pickup for me because I grew up in a house with other 5 boys (my two younger brothers and three cousins). So naturally, we could not play single player games for too long and take turns, co-op was almost essential for us to have fun. I also think that when you play video games with other people in general, it makes it much more fun. But hey, it's my opinion, and I highly doubt they would introduce co-op into DMC anytime soon anyways
It is true that co-op is best suited for driving games and online shooters, but I think that it can be implemented into..well EVERYTHING if there's enough talent, inspiration and resources. But I don't want it into every game, so that I can have my single player experience back in the future too.

DmC: single should be single and modes for co-op .
I guess I just really like co-op because when I was younger, any game that had co-op is almost an instant pickup for me because I grew up in a house with other 5 boys (my two younger brothers and three cousins). So naturally, we could not play single player games for too long and take turns, co-op was almost essential for us to have fun. I also think that when you play video games with other people in general, it makes it much more fun. But hey, it's my opinion, and I highly doubt they would introduce co-op into DMC anytime soon anyways
Trust me, I have no problem with Co-op games. I just feel like if the Devil May Cry series has Co-op, it'll take away from the single player appeal. But hey, they could prove me wrong if they make that choice.
It's a day and age where if your game has no co-op it most people won't play it more than once or twice. Replayability will be a fraction of what the other games, which do offer co op, have and people preffer that.

DMC is one of the few games that still has a great deal of valew in it's single player senario. That's hard to do with an audience that preffers to play online.
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I don't think that many of those online shooter lovers even know that DMC exists, heck I didn't know until 2008 when my dad bought me a DMC4 poster :lol:

And my first DMC game was ofc DMC4 and I bought it accidentally, I was supposed to buy MGS4 but I was under age so.. they wouldn't let me, then I remembered that poster and I was like "aah what the heck, it's worth the risk..." :)

But what is this BS with single player games that have <8 hours of lenght, and for example: Azura's Wrath plays itself half of the time, many times you won't even know if your skills make a difference or not. What an age we live in, when I was just a kid there seemed to be tons of interesting games, now there's like 4 or 5 in a good year :/

No wonder single player is dying, there's no inspiration anymore and there are too many cash-grab games, and the good ones are too short :mad:
I don't think that many of those online shooter lovers even know that DMC exists, heck I didn't know until 2008 when my dad bought me a DMC4 poster :lol:

And my first DMC game was ofc DMC4 and I bought it accidentally, I was supposed to buy MGS4 but I was under age so.. they wouldn't let me, then I remembered that poster and I was like "aah what the heck, it's worth the risk..." :)

But what is this BS with single player games that have <8 hours of lenght, and for example: Azura's Wrath plays itself half of the time, many times you won't even know if your skills make a difference or not. What an age we live in, when I was just a kid there seemed to be tons of interesting games, now there's like 4 or 5 in a good year :/

No wonder single player is dying, there's no inspiration anymore and there are too many cash-grab games, and the good ones are too short :mad:

You spelled Asura's Wrath wrong plus Asura's Wrath wasn't really a game it was a 3D anime with quick time events.
You spelled Asura's Wrath wrong plus Asura's Wrath wasn't really a game it was a 3D anime with quick time events.
So what if I spelled it wrong :devil: and if it's anime why am I not watching it every saturday on my TV ? How can you defend it when half of the QTEs have no meaning you can just put the controller down and ace the GAME.
Don't get me wrong it looks good but if you're marketing it as a game it needs to have playable content...

This is how it should be done, every QTE has a result.
So what if I spelled it wrong :devil: and if it's anime why am I not watching it every saturday on my TV ? How can you defend it when half of the QTEs have no meaning you can just put the controller down and ace the GAME.
Don't get me wrong it looks good but if you're marketing it as a game it needs to have playable content...

This is how it should be done, every QTE has a result.

I'm not defending Asura's Wrath but as a $40 I might have bought it or considered it but due to how it has the best cinematics and even story telling in any Capcom game or any game I've ever seen...okay maybe not story but it was cinematics, great music, great feel, or great characters as well as great plot and execution. Capcom gave gave up on the thing that made them a legend for something that they sucked at even if Capcom didn't technically make the game.

Asura's Wrath was Capcom's attempt at making a new experience in gaming media....but failing at it.