Capcom to increase amount of DLC

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Solid Ocelot
Dec 7, 2011
The Netherlands
Well, guys, looks like Capcom's going down the drain now:

The packaged game market is shrinking, so they'll start to shift to DLC more. This probably means they'll also supply less game content: more on-disc DLC, less value for the people who still play physical copies. More ways to haul in the dough. I still feel crap about stuff like almost all of the costume colors in SF x Tekken being locked. Or like with Splinter Cell: Blacklist, where there's weapons presented to you as available, but having a small footnote that says 'DLC'. If it's DLC, why put it in the game for us to 'look at but not touch'? And I thought RE6 was lacking in maps and such... this is going to get even worse, I'm afraid.
I can understand the idea of some DLC being a necessary addition, or content they've added later on which they've not designed during the initial stage of game development; but making content which could have been by all rights, and should be by all rights, in game content, just for the sake of a little bit of extra cash is just a terrible idea and should never be implemented. I mean games where you have costumes or slightly changed outfits, something which is minimal in terms of effort and value (skin packs for weapons in Call of Duty, outfits in DmC: Devil May Cry or Naruto Storm 3, extra maps for certain games, all day-one DLC which is later released on the market... yes I mean all and any of it), you could easily have that as something which you unlock; you know, as they did in the days of old before the online market. Something which can branch out or radically change a game (examples such as numerous DLC releases from Bethesda for their games; Fallout and The Elder Scrolls) is more of a valid argument, as it expands on something which is already there, and it doesn't belong to the original game; they've spent time, and effort designing and developing it.
Either way, Capcom and a few other publishers/developers are notorious for certain types of unnecessary DLC, and news that the packaged game market isn't as much of a viable commodity anymore doesn't help brighten my hopes for the future of DLC.
"Man people are really reacting negatively to us as a games developer these days how can we make our current customers happy while winning back the trust of those people who we've been ****ing off lately?"

"Actually put effort into making games again? Stop annoying the various fanbases we've made over the years mayb-"

"Fired. Next."

"...I know! More DLC!"

I don't know if anyone bought this up already or not but I think I'm going to post this here. I came across this article recently.

If this is true then Capcom's in way more trouble then I thought it was. And tbh, I'm not sure how much adding more dlc will help in the situation.

Then again, I don't know too much about how business works so yeah.
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I don't know if anyone bought this up already or not but I think I'm going to post this here. I came across this article recently.

If this is true then Capcom's in way more trouble then I thought it was. And tbh, I'm not sure how much adding more dlc will help in the situation.

Then again, I don't know too much about how business works so yeah.

If they are in as much trouble as that then they are seriously shooting themselves in the foot here, who the hell is running Capcom these days? They're clearly lacking in common sense.
this doesn't mean that they will do dishonest things like on-disk DLC. in fact since they previously said that they realized the controversy of on-disk DLC was bad for business they will probably avoid it. the most likely result of this is probably reduced budgets and development time for games followed by massive amounts of cheap to develop overpriced DLC after the game is released. we will probably never see a Capcom game with unlockable alternate costumes ever again but we are probably going to see a lot of costume DLC, extra weapon DLC and other small things like that and possibly the occasional DLC that should be DLC (which will also be overpriced).
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I can only see Capcom ending up the same fate as THQ now... very quickly all their IP's are going to die.
I don't know if anyone bought this up already or not but I think I'm going to post this here. I came across this article recently.

If this is true then Capcom's in way more trouble then I thought it was. And tbh, I'm not sure how much adding more dlc will help in the situation.

Then again, I don't know too much about how business works so yeah.

Interesting. Well, I don't know how it's decided how much effort is put into their games, either. Maybe they'll decide to spend fewer hours on creating and perfecting the original game, and more hours on creating (pricy) DLC.
I think that, like the article said, they'd need to make their exclusive titles multiplatform to be able to make a living.
this doesn't mean that they will do dishonest things like on-disk DLC. in fact since they previously said that they realized the controversy of on-disk DLC was bad for business they will probably avoid it. the most likely result of this is probably reduced budgets and development time for games followed by massive amounts of cheap to develop overpriced DLC after the game is released. we will probably never see a Capcom game with unlockable alternate costumes ever again but we are probably going to see a lot of costume DLC, extra weapon DLC and other small things like that and possibly the occasional DLC that should be DLC (which will also be overpriced).

I'm afraid that's exactly what'll happen. The games will be even less entertaining, but still priced the same as before. But hey, there's DLC, which probably counts as customer service, so that justifies the price of the game (in their eyes).
Still, who says I have the money to buy DLC? I mean, if it's something like 'free alternate costume for two dollars'', okay, no problem there. However, something tells me it'll be pricy.
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I remember seeing this news just after either E3 (I think, may have been a tad earlier).
I'm still thinking that Capcom won't be in existence at the end of the next gen of consoles.

Surely, a company that relies on income from DLC is pretty screwed anyway (unless they milk it). Sure, Minecraft has made a lot of money for it's developer, but it was successful and cost £14, but that's not to say that it'll work for a company like Capcom.

Off topic a little:
There was an interesting piece on the BBC about the Wii U and comparisons to Atari's Jaguar console (I don't have time to post it, but if you're interested, it's a interesting read).
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So...since they aren't doing so hot since people aren't buying taking their bullsh*t anymore, they chose to stay afloat, rather pitifully, by nickel and diming their consumers to death instead of working on making their games better. Fantastic choice, Capcom.>_<
But wasn't the DLC practices they did earlier the reason why consumers lost their trust in them to begin with? Won't adding even more of that make that situation worse? Then again from the looks of it, they may not have a choice. Going digital would help I suppose so why aren't they doing it? I'm sorry for my lack of knowlege on this. I really am.

I have no idea what Capcom is doing and it feels like they don't either. Its like they're struggling in the dark with no direction whatsoever and its hard to watch.

I just hope they find steady ground during the next gen. I really doubt they will though.

It's hard watching ANY company go down under.
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But wasn't the DLC practices they did earlier the reason why consumers lost their trust in them to begin with? Won't adding even more of that make that situation worse? Then again from the looks of it, they may not have a choice. Going digital would help I suppose so why aren't they doing it? I'm sorry for my lack of knowlege on this. I really am.

I have no idea what Capcom is doing and it feels like they don't either. Its like they're struggling in the dark with no direction whatsoever and its hard to watch.

I just hope they find steady ground during the next gen. I really doubt they will though.

It's hard watching ANY company go down under.

You're pretty much correct, they fail to realise that their business practices are a major, if not the biggest, problem that they have going for them and instead are shifting blame everywhere they can because somebody up at the top thinks that DLC can do NO wrong yet it's been shoved back in their faces, along with a bunch of other poor choices, and told "This isn't acceptable"

It's just a shame they refuse to listen to reason.
I can only see Capcom ending up the same fate as THQ now... very quickly all their IP's are going to die.

Unless if they sell their IPs like THQ and their internal developers and dev teams are sold out to find work to other publishers like Vigil or form their own dev teams/companies like Platinum.

As for their stronger emphasis on DLC...........*sigh*....lets see where this go.

It can be a negative thing or a neutral thing.......there is no positive aspect in this. They did say if they receive flak (and they will) or the consumers shows disinterest they will stop............and most likely do something else.

I don't know if anyone bought this up already or not but I think I'm going to post this here. I came across this article recently.

If this is true then Capcom's in way more trouble then I thought it was. And tbh, I'm not sure how much adding more dlc will help in the situation.

Then again, I don't know too much about how business works so yeah.

Business isn't really that complicated and this isn't a bad plan in terms of concept but it can be in execution it can be and knowing Capcom and the dipsh*t who currently runs things upstairs it probably will.

Plus I wouldn't trust that source exactly yet.

Plus Capcom really did had a small emphasis on DLC when compared to most other publishers. The only games that had DLC from them this gen (well this gen was the only gen that had DLC) was Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6, Street Fighter IV and its many re-releases, DmC (and that was pretty small and even generous somewhat.....somewhat), Monster Hunter games (and those are free), Dead Rising 2 (or one of the dead rising games), MvC3/UMvC3, MegaMan 9/10, Dragon's Dogma, Asura's Wrath, and now Ace Attorney 5 (although I don't know the specifics of how the DLC is and how they work) and those are what I could remember and that was like 1/3 to 1/5 of the games they came out with this gen....also yeah I left out Resident Evil fact that is in fact not bad or small but average.

This either means that more of their games will have DLC or games that do have DLC will get even more DLC. I mean they're most likely looking at how Bethesda still has DLC for a game (SKYRIM) that is literally years old now.

They didn't per say say MORE DLC they just meant games will have dlc for a longer periods of time such as say Resident Evil 7 comes out and it does well and people like it. They will still push out content 1-2 years after its release until people lose interest.


We must just wait and see.......then go ape sh*t!

Plus you can make a great game with a small budget because last time I checked Resident Evil 6 was made in like 3-4 years and with a huge a$$ budget of a team consisting of 600 people working on it (only 150 them actually worked on the game) that the game needed over 7 million units to deem successful. If anything Capcom's problem (and many other publisher's) is high development costs.

Lets just wait and see where this goes.
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One thing Capcom should do is stop re-releasing or making special editions if anything that (and On-disk DLC) is hurting their reputation. I have couple friends who aren't hardcore gamers or into the gaming media or even informed about this stuff who are just young lads who like to buy and play video games. They bought MvC3 and when Capcom came out with UMvC3 they were very upset and are even afraid of buying products with Capcom's logo on it due to them pulling that stunt again.

I mean Dark Arisen and Ultra SF4 was smart for people who owned the previous game (or original game in DD's case) can just buy a DLC expansion to get the game without buying a new copy/game and people who haven't bought the game can . Ultra was basically an expansion pack that was re-released as a new retail game as well to get people who haven't bought Super Street Fighter 4 to get more content.

One thing they might do is go more digital and release games that they feel won't sell in other territories on a digital store like PSN or Xbox Live marketplace or even Nintendo eshop such as what they did with AA5 to cut out manufacturing costs and release it for cheaper like AA5...sure you can't sell your game back but I doubt companies care what you do with it after you buy it.

Anyway, hopefully more DLC means stop re-releasing games or making special editions. Capcom has had that habit for decades now, every Street Fighter game (except the first one) had multiple re-releases, DMC3 Special Edition anyone, and some others.

As long the DLC doesn't get Final Fantasy XIII-2 bad....MY GOD WAS THAT HORRENDOUS!!! I really liked the game and it was a great game but the DLC was just my god awful on every levels. Obviously they withheld content during the development cycle and put in aspects in the full game that was meant to be DLC later on and worst of all the god the pricing. $10-$20 for a boss fight....A F*CKING BOSS FIGHT!!!! Not a set of boss fights but ONE BOSS FIGHT!!! In total the DLC for FFXIII-2 cost more than double the amount the actual game. I would be excited for Lightning Returns (the game looks dope), FFXV (that games looks super dope), and KH3 (its KH) but DLC practices like this make me afraid of Square products but seeing how Tomb Raider, Sleeping Dogs, or Hitman's DLC weren't bad I'm somewhat hopeful.
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''This either means that more of their games will have DLC or games that do have DLC will get even more DLC.''

Either way, it sucks. Nobody wants more of that bull of locking content for you, only to make it available by having you pay for it. Making large amounts of DLC often seems to be used as a way to decrease the substance of the game, while ensuring consumers still pay 60 euros/dollars for it.

''They didn't per say say MORE DLC they just meant games will have dlc for a longer periods of time such as say Resident Evil 7 comes out and it does well and people like it. They will still push out content 1-2 years after its release until people lose interest.''

I seriously doubt that. If games lose their appeal (which could already happen after like six to twelve months), and don't bring in much money, they won't make DLC for it. After all, developing DLC costs money, too. They most likely won't earn back the money they spent on DLC after a year (depending on the game, of course).
''This either means that more of their games will have DLC or games that do have DLC will get even more DLC.''

Either way, it sucks. Nobody wants more of that bull of locking content for you, only to make it available by having you pay for it. Making large amounts of DLC often seems to be used as a way to decrease the substance of the game, while ensuring consumers still pay 60 euros for it.

''They didn't per say say MORE DLC they just meant games will have dlc for a longer periods of time such as say Resident Evil 7 comes out and it does well and people like it. They will still push out content 1-2 years after its release until people lose interest.''

I seriously doubt that. If games lose their appeal (which could already happen after like six to twelve months), and don't bring in much money, they won't make DLC for it. After all, developing DLC costs money, too. They most likely won't earn back the money they spent on DLC after a year (depending on the game, of course).

Well true but Capcom games only tend to have DLC like within 3 months of its release and that is it so by including extended DLC that goes on for like 1 year it gives the game a longer life cycle.

They even said if the DLC is no longer appealing or the game isn't great anymore or lost appeal to deem making more DLC unprofitable they'll stop making them.

They even said something that made it even more problematic in my case....maybe. They said if DLC for a game is doing well the life cycle for that one game will last longer and they won't feel a need to work on a sequel until the life cycle of a game or the DLC expires among the general public meaning if they make DMC5 and afterwards put out DLC that sells well and keep doing so they won't feel the need to work on a DMC6 until the consumers really get tired of DMC5 and its DLC.

Listen I hate DLC as much as the next guy.....weeeeellll wouldn't mind free or really cheap DLC. In fact I never bought a single scrap of DLC in my entire life (NEVER) but its part of the industry now. Every publisher and their mothers are into DLC.

By concept DLC isn't a bad thing, it can just get twisted by publishers.

That is why I said lets wait and see.
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One thing Capcom should do is stop re-releasing or making special editions if anything that (and On-disk DLC) is hurting their reputation. I have couple friends who aren't hardcore gamers or into the gaming media or even informed about this stuff who are just young lads who like to buy and play video games. They bought MvC3 and when Capcom came out with UMvC3 they were very upset and are even afraid of buying products with Capcom's logo on it due to them pulling that stunt again.

I mean Dark Arisen and Ultra SF4 was smart for people who owned the previous game (or original game in DD's case) can just buy a DLC expansion to get the game without buying a new copy/game and people who haven't bought the game can . Ultra was basically an expansion pack that was re-released as a new retail game as well to get people who haven't bought Super Street Fighter 4 to get more content.

One thing they might do is go more digital and release games that they feel won't sell in other territories on a digital store like PSN or Xbox Live marketplace or even Nintendo eshop such as what they did with AA5 to cut out manufacturing costs and release it for cheaper like AA5...sure you can't sell your game back but I doubt companies care what you do with it after you buy it.

Anyway, hopefully more DLC means stop re-releasing games or making special editions. Capcom has had that habit for decades now, every Street Fighter game (except the first one) had multiple re-releases, DMC3 Special Edition anyone, and some others.

As long the DLC doesn't get Final Fantasy XIII-2 bad....MY GOD WAS THAT HORRENDOUS!!! I really liked the game and it was a great game but the DLC was just my god awful on every levels. Obviously they withheld content during the development cycle and put in aspects in the full game that was meant to be DLC later on and worst of all the god the pricing. $10-$20 for a boss fight....A F*CKING BOSS FIGHT!!!! Not a set of boss fights but ONE BOSS FIGHT!!! In total the DLC for FFXIII-2 cost more than double the amount the actual game. I would be excited for Lightning Returns (the game looks dope), FFXV (that games looks super dope), and KH3 (its KH) but DLC practices like this make me afraid of Square products but seeing how Tomb Raider, Sleeping Dogs, or Hitman's DLC weren't bad I'm somewhat hopeful.
Jesus, tell me about it.

I've always loved the 13-trilogy for it's expansive world and mythology, but FFXIII-2 was a ****storm of god awful DLC. I've never been so ****ed at a game before, but the game was pretty good though. I enjoyed the game non the less, but the DLC issue they had going on there made my raise my eyebrow. I'm super excited for L returns (Like you said that game looks super dope), but I just hope that it isn't another DLC nightmare like FFXIII-2 was. Same for XV and Kingdom Hearts. But I have faith in Square, they aren't a bunch of money gobbling assmunchers like Crapcom are.
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