any god (Including omnipotent ones) would be crying in a corner before the fight started.
Doesn't matter survived DeadpoolThat doesn't make sense...
Anyways, I believe that Dante can kill idolous gods but not omnipotent ones.
He defeated abigail which power is equal to a god(Mundus) without help with just transforming into DT so i say yes. We never really have seen dante's full power 100% but as a thesis, i say he can be a planet buster.
Same to vergil. He is capable of spatial manipulation and slicing into dimensions and if he gets stronger, he can probably annihilate reality itself.
I think people are getting the misconception that Dante has the ablilty to destroy the world. Personally I don't believe that. I don't believe Dante has that much power in him. Maybe in DMC2 where he's at his strongest, but no, I don't believe Dante's packing that much power.
As i said before, we never really have seen dante's 100% power.So all we can do is to create hypothesis whether he can destroy a planet or not. If he can't how can you say so? If he can, how can you say so too? That is the only questions.
Tameem once said that they all grew up with western comics, western movies and other stuffs and they will use it in DmC. If DmC devil may cry is "largely" inspired by western comics, i guarantee you that there would be many planet or galaxy busters in the verse of the reboot.
i thought abbigail WAS a god and would have turned mundus to dust also abigail WOULD have destroyed the world if dante was not there and dante killed him so dante can destroy planetsHe defeated abigail which power is equal to a god(Mundus) without help with just transforming into DT so i say yes. We never really have seen dante's full power 100% but as a thesis, i say he can be a planet buster.
Same to vergil. He is capable of spatial manipulation and slicing into dimensions and if he gets stronger, he can probably annihilate reality itself.
what about Argosax ?He defeated Mundus, so that counts for something. however he didn't do it alone
It depends on what you call a "God". Mundus and Argosax are basically gods and he manged to defeat them both.
If we're talking about the mythological Greece gods as they appeared in God of War, then I do believe Dante should be able to take all of them out without too much trouble.
I meant to say creature which possesses divine power, god-like or part god-like power...stuff like thatNope he can't God's don't exist in the relam of Devil may cry only Demons exist Angels don't.. wait.....
I meant to say creature which possesses divine power, god-like or part god-like power...stuff like that