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Betrayal is something a lot of humans feel throughout their life at least once, if not more. I don't want to bring up any past memories for you, but if you're comfortable in sharing your experiences then please post it up here.
What do you do when you're betrayed? How do you react? In what ways do you cope? Discuss here, and remember, repsect other views and opinions

here is my story

a friend of mine meet a group of people and liked them so he introduced me to them. we spent six months together.after six months the leader of the group told my friend. that the group hates me becuse thay say that i have to see a therapy becuse i have a mental problem. thay told him ethier i go or he get suspended. my friend did not argue with them about that he told them that he is going to do what thay want. and he came and told me everything. when i asked him why didn't you fought back?
he said that he didn't know anything about me.

For 17 years, we lived together. and he simply said that he doesn't know anything about me.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
OUCH... I can't remember being betrayed... At least, not like that.

Sympathy rep...


Well-known Member
@Black Monster: Emotional story, as RyanAlmighty so adequatly put it, I also can't remember being betrayed....

Curious thread +rep.
thanks and +rep for each of you

not remembering that is better than it becomes your nightmare you know

and you know what hurts more someone betrays you and after many years that person comes and ask you to help him and says that you are his last hope.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Betrayal happens in life and most of us experience it at some point unfortunately. One thing you have to take from it is that he obviously wasnt that good of a friend to do that. One good thing that you always take from each betrayal is that you realise the loyal, true friends that you can trust over the ones that dont deserve to have you as a friend. Your much better off without them as a friend and learn from it and become stronger from it.


1st uSUFFER Then uDie
Believe me I know all about betrayal, my Ma ( Mother ) married some lazy idiot when was 16, I regularly had fights with him and my Ma turned a blind-eye to it e.g.( I caught him punching my sister who was 12 at the time and I gave him a hiding, guess who got thrown out for 2 weeks? Me ) It gets worse, after 2 years of this, putting up with that sh**bag my Ma threw me out on street ( because I wouldn't accept him as my father ) then she told all my family that I had become a junkie + alcoholic and that I couldn't control my temper, she owed a 4 grand mortgage and told the family I stole it ( that sh**bag spent it on a new PC and 2nd car ) I think she did this to me to justify throwing me out to the family. My family who I was close to didn't give me chance straight away they turned their backs on me, some of them seemed delighted that I'd nowhere to go. I had to stay in various friends houses + homeless hostels + rented rooms and on the streets ( 2-3 days at a time ) I used to hang around with 30 friends at the time, but when I ended up homeless most of them also turned their backs on me. I only have 6 mates out of the 30 but tell you, you learn who your real friends are when you have no home or money. I worked half the time I was homeless, I just kept trying to get back on my feet and eventually I did, I got my own place after ten years of hell. My family have tried to invite me back a few times but I don't want to know them, to me their just a bunch back-stabbing bast**ds the same goes for some of my old so-called mates. My Grandma always said " if don't have money in your pocket, you don't have any friends" although I do have good friends but I find it hard to trust anyone especially women I think their devious with their little plans. ( Anyone who reads this I don't want your sympathy, I don't need it )

About Your Situation ( Black Monster )

If I was you, I wouldn't ring or hang around with him for a while ( I test people sometimes by doing this ) If they don't call or give you a knock after awhile then its obvious, maybe after a short period he might realise that them idiots aren't really his friends.
oh about him after he said that he doesn't know anything about me i punched him in the face and walked away and sang its a long road and didn't care about him. one year ago he came and asked me to help him. but i just gave him my back.


1st uSUFFER Then uDie
Yeah I had similar experience with a so-called friend, I hung around with him nearly all my life ( I thought of him as a younger brother ) He was a coward, I used to fight his fights for him ( because I used to pity him ), then he started hanging around with some fools and thought he was some gangster, ha,ha, I didn't bother with him, then he had the cheek to knock at my door 2 years after I last seen him to ask me to fight one of his new friends who he ratted on in a police station ( hence alot people were after him ). He used to be a decent bloke up until he was 19 then turned into a dirty Rat. He didn't get any sympathy from me and got the beatens he deserved.


Evolve today!
black monster;97654 said:
some people just need to be killed

i think that people like that need to have a taste of there on medicine so that they could understand what it feels like to be betrayed and lose a friend. not killed


1st uSUFFER Then uDie
devilslaterpr. thats a class picture of Dante yeah have, where 'd you get it? It'd look good on my PS3 wallpaper. Back on topic I agree with what you said about people getting a taste of their own medicine, I believe in an eye for eye, theres nothing better than watching one of these Slugs ( so-called friend ) crawl back to you for help and you disgard them for the rubbish they are.


Is not rat, is hamster
Betrayal often seems to come from those who you would have thought would stick by you no matter what - got plenty of my own stories, but won't be boring people with them here. Needless to say, what goes around comes around and what you sow in this life you most definitely will reap:

There is at least one person who I'm betting anything will be knocking on our door in years to come desperate for our help...someone who by all accounts does not deserve it in the slightest. I believe that the worst thing I can do to this person is not to turn my back but to help her out. That will stick the knife in so much deeper than ignoring her. Nothing will hurt this person more than for me and my husband to help her - it will slowly kill her, to be honest. What better retribution than that?

Of course, there will be the usual desire to kick her head in, but I'm sure I'll manage to exercise some restraint...I think...


Is not rat, is hamster
Nah, couldn't do that. It'd take superhuman abilities to simply remove something like that from my mind. Forgive, maybe. But never forget.

The dark knight

Well-known Member
*starts whispering*forget...no no...did I say that....no...I get them back.....little by little...but they will suffer....SUFFER!* coughs* Did I say that? Whoops. LOL!


Is not rat, is hamster
Seriously, the most pain you can give to your enemy is to help them out when they are in dire need. Not only will it have caused them great discomfort to have to humble themselves entirely in order to approach you in the first place but it will burn them forever to know that the one person they crapped all over for years is their sole hope for the future and is also not holding them accountable for their actions (at least not on the outside - in your head you can think what you like ;)). Guilt and shame are terrible things to carry and I am so looking forward to the day this person comes crawling to my door because the load will be too heavy for her and she'll collapse like a house of cards - all because I'm going to be nice.

Nice guys finish last - because they actually get to finish...


Evolve today!
Irish-DEVILMAN;97668 said:
devilslaterpr. thats a class picture of Dante yeah have, where 'd you get it? It'd look good on my PS3 wallpaper. Back on topic I agree with what you said about people getting a taste of their own medicine, I believe in an eye for eye, theres nothing better than watching one of these Slugs ( so-called friend ) crawl back to you for help and you disgard them for the rubbish they are.

you're right on that one Irish-DEVILMAN.and i got the picture from photobucket.com and edited on lunapic.com


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Once upon a time, I was friends with this dude, and I've notice distance changes people. Or maybe that was who they really were?
In my past I have been picked on, teased, bullied, for reasons most would never have to deal with.
The very thing that I thought he'd never do... He did.
I lost an ally that day... But more importantly a friend.
In my life I've delt with many things that have ultimately made me in a way cold.
So in the end things such as this don't get to me.
I shake it off and throw on a smile. I enjoy being happy and I not gonna let this hate and anger consume me.
With this logic, I have become strong.
Betrayal is a part of life.
**** happens.
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