Well, this is about your personal, subjective views, not objective: your views on what traits are the most important for people to have, regardless of what those people are already like. We're imagining blank slates of people here, and saying what traits are the most important for us to get along with them and vice versa.
So I see your point, but what I'm saying is not the same as saying ''Mary's best trait is her funniness'', because that's choosing the best trait out of all the traits a person already has. She might not even be that funny, but it might be her best trait nonetheless. It's a qualification, while my views are not qualifications. For me, humor is the least important aspect of a person, while a sense of morality, and intelligence, are important. It's not about how 'good' a person's trait is or which is their best one, it's about which traits we find the most important for people to have.
Damn, this is hard to explain. :tongue: