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Berial V.S BeoWulf

Battle Of 'D' Giants

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Well-known Member
Beowulf is just a demon- angel- beast thing who's attacks are so wide and uncoordinated that he looks like he is just throwing his fist around, while Berial's attacks, being rare and hard to find, were at least more coordinate and took out a good some of health if you got caught in it. But, I'll give Beowulf points on being one of the few bosses that doesn't show any form of weakness and makes it a challenge to fight, despite his "Drunken Fist" fighting style. If I were to measure their strength, well... Beowulf loses in that fight. How? The King of Fire Hell vs A Guardian of Temen-Ni-Gru, I can see the difference just from their ranks. Then there is the fact that Berial is larger than Beowulf (trust me, he is), and could probably just kick him a few feet back before killing him off, or, if Beowulf were to try to get a clean hit on his head, just sweep him away with his sword. If Beowulf were to get a clean hit on his head and knock him out (I really doubt that it will be easy), he probably won't do all that much damage before getting blown away by Berial's tiny farts. Really, Beowulf is just a tiny fly that had too much drink compared to Berial, who probably crossed the border too many times (literally...).

Simply put, Beowulf was fun as a boss (the only thing that hit me was his foot) but compared to Berial, (who was at less than half of his power when I fought him, so I don't know if he grows any stronger than that) he is just a tiny fire fly.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
^Wow thats a whole lot of not true.

1st of all, drunken fist style is a respected and effective martial art.

2nd Berial isn't that much bigger.

3rd Berial is extreamly slow and clumsy, all of his attacks have allot of lead in. He may as well wave a sign saying "I am about to lunge forward slowely" or "I am swinging my sword now" att least Berial could take a player by surprise once in awhile.

4rth Berial had to be about the easiest DMC boss for me. His fights now are almolst pathetic.

5th you think rank has any importance when it is obvious who is the more powerfull demon? If Berial is king of the fire realm then it must me the relm for other weak bosses they throw at noobs at he begining of dmc games.


Well-known Member
1. I don't count the Drunken Fist as a martial arts and, really, I don't care because it doesn't matter right now.

2. Yes, he is. Think of the size of the battle area and the comparative sizes of the boss to Dante/Nero.

3. Berial's attacks were, again, extremely rare and hard to find. All I did was slash at his head the whole entire time and that was the fight. For Beowulf, all I did was dash out of the way of his attacks and just combos on him when he's doing nothing, again, the only thing that hit me was his foot.

4.You say "now" as in "I fought him enough times to finally get the hang of it and now he's just as easy as any other boss I fight." Right? Anyways, Of course he was supposed to be easy, every first boss battle is supposed to be easy. Think about it, don't you remember how easy Hell Vanguard was in DMC 3?

5. Berial was sealed up for I- don't- know how many millenias and lost most of his strength during the time, so that also comes into account.


Beowulf is faster and more agile also he kinda bested Dante with one eye. But yeah Beowulf wins on his speed alone because Berial is just too slow with his attacks.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
^Thats exactly what I think.

Railazel;178305 said:
1. I don't count the Drunken Fist as a martial arts

Doesn't matter weather or not you count it, its an established, respected and effective fighting style.

Berial comes frum the school of be-a-lame-rip-off-of-phantom-fu.


Well-known Member
I still believe that you guys aren't giving Berial much credit.

I will give it to you, Berial was an easy boss and wasn't really much to be impressed with. But, when facing the facts, he's alot more powerful than what the game turns him out to be.

1. He's one of the Four Princes of Hell and the King of the Fire Hell, so he is definitely stronger than Beowulf. No matter how fast Beowulf is, Berial probably has enough power to burn him alive.

2. He was at less than half of his full power when he faces Nero, so, of course, he retreats saying, "I must restore my power!" With just that I can see why he was so easy to beat, I don't think a half- baked prince would be much of a challenge either.

With those 2 facts alone, I can already say that Berial might win against Beowulf.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
Railazel;178429 said:
I still believe that you guys aren't giving Berial much credit.

I will give it to you, Berial was an easy boss and wasn't really much to be impressed with. But, when facing the facts, he's alot more powerful than what the game turns him out to be.

1. He's one of the Four Princes of Hell and the King of the Fire Hell, so he is definitely stronger than Beowulf. No matter how fast Beowulf is, Berial probably has enough power to burn him alive.

Beowulf was guarding the gateway to hell, I think that would require a more powerful demon than some lame fire hell king. Temen-Ni-Gru guard>fire hell king. At any rate his rank is irrelevant if Beowulf is still the stronger demon.

Also, Berial retreated in order to gain his power back this is true. So what was he doing back when Dante fought him? I think he went back, got more power and still sucked.


Lol well atleast Beowulf was blinded and weakened when he died in his 2nd encounter with one of Sparda's relatives. Berial was powered up!!! Jokes Jokes, all fun right?

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Beowulf. Because of a few reasons:

1. I like the light element. How Beowulf wields it are amazing.

2. His design is so detailed, neat, and awesome.

3. He has wings, while Berial doesn't have.

4. I have much tougher time to defeat Beowulf than Berial in Dante Must Die modes in their respective games. To me, Beowulf is much more challenging than Berial.

5. He has one of his eye blind, but that doesn't make him weak at all. Imagine if he has both eyes intact, he can see much more properly and could injure Dante a lot, but not killing him.

6. He can smell Sparda's scent from Dante and Vergil, which makes him much a more dangerous opponent and an enemy to any Sparda's blood relatives, if he's alive that is. Imagine if Nero fights with Beowulf. It won;t be easy Nero to escape without any injuries.

Those are my own reasons, and please respect them.:)


Well-known Member
Black Angel;178579 said:

Not exactly. Dante can killed the King of Hell, a simple prince wouldn't be enough to even tire him out. Besides, you're just giving Beowulf an excuse; he can smell a person's blood from a mile away, I don't think eyesight would be important. Even if he had his eyesight, his fate would still be the same.


lets kick some ass!...
Railazel;178291 said:
Beowulf is just a demon- angel- beast thing who's attacks are so wide and uncoordinated that he looks like he is just throwing his fist around, while Berial's attacks, being rare and hard to find, were at least more coordinate and took out a good some of health if you got caught in it. But, I'll give Beowulf points on being one of the few bosses that doesn't show any form of weakness and makes it a challenge to fight, despite his "Drunken Fist" fighting style. If I were to measure their strength, well... Beowulf loses in that fight. How? The King of Fire Hell vs A Guardian of Temen-Ni-Gru, I can see the difference just from their ranks. Then there is the fact that Berial is larger than Beowulf (trust me, he is), and could probably just kick him a few feet back before killing him off, or, if Beowulf were to try to get a clean hit on his head, just sweep him away with his sword. If Beowulf were to get a clean hit on his head and knock him out (I really doubt that it will be easy), he probably won't do all that much damage before getting blown away by Berial's tiny farts. Really, Beowulf is just a tiny fly that had too much drink compared to Berial, who probably crossed the border too many times (literally...).

Simply put, Beowulf was fun as a boss (the only thing that hit me was his foot) but compared to Berial, (who was at less than half of his power when I fought him, so I don't know if he grows any stronger than that) he is just a tiny fire fly.

i think berial becouse beowulfs moves are seenable but berial is like a drunken master in kung fu you cant see what will he do

The Enigmatic Man

Legendary Devil Hunter
I like Berial more than Beowolf but I do believe that Beowolf would win a fight only because of his speed. Berial has his amazing strength to keep Beowolf at bay but Berial takes a decent amount of time just to turn around.


Well-known Member
Beowulf because he proved that even giants can move swiftly. Berial is just a braggart looking at way he walks and only learns how to use his size when he's in the verge dying. :p
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