Bayonetta 3

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I Saw the Devil
Oct 15, 2011
Look who's back. Back again.

So, as with anything else, I have thoughts.

I am tremendously ambivalent about this whole thing. For one, it's finally here. People said it didn't exist and that it was canceled and to just let it quietly go into that sweet night, but nope, there she be. It exists and I'm grateful and I am buying day 1 because I believe in P+.

On the other hand, this is rather different. Right off the bat I knew it was a P+ game, it's written all over the place. The P's, the dog, the other dog, the animation, the style, the presentation. I just didn't think it was going to be B3. I thought it was going to be AC2. Look at the enemies, look at the setting, look at the effects and animations. That has Astral Chain written all over it. Turned out to be Bayo, though. And I'm kinda perplexed about how it's looking.

For one, the gameplay seems off. It could be all the stuff I mentioned. The animation alone seems... not as polished. It looks smooth but-- ok, look at the dance she does at around 2:30. Not only is it definitely not the same style of dance but it seems almost restricted compared to the way she used to dance, she doesn't move as much, as big. Or how about the way she summoned her demon? She doesn't use her hair anymore, it's a tattoo. The effects from before are completely missing now. Bayo is also a bit like DMC in it's presentation. The game shouldn't be set in a modern city for more than a stage or two. It's should be ruins and the abyss and where the divine exist and the architecture is something clearly from the realm of the fantastic.

Also, I am really not sure about her design. I didn't like her original look when I first saw it but while playing it became a totally different story, so I won't dismiss it, but...
This design looks absolutely way too busy. There is just too much going on. I can see the Cereza as an adult concept and I've seen similar silhouettes at fashion shows but this one is doing too much. Ironically, the one thing that isn't is the one I wish was, and that is her glasses. She's always had glasses with a bit of design flare. These are really plain. No only that but Bayo's outfits in 1 & 2 tried to emphasize her feminine figure while this one, well, not as much. Even the way she delivers her lines are not as coquette as in the previous games.

There's been a theory going around since the first teaser came out back in '17 that the story would involve a multiple realities kinda deal, and the logo with the multiple moons kinda supports that. I'm hoping that that is the case because this just looks... kinda off. Kinda very off.

Ultimately, am I exited? Hell, yeah, but with a huge asterisk to go along with it. I'm definitely getting it day one, but I can't help but feel apprehensive about it.
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Are the enemies still angels that look "holy" on the outside but become more more monstrous as you destroy their skin?
Are the enemies still angels that look "holy" on the outside but become more more monstrous as you destroy their skin?
No. Neither angel nor demon.

Mysterious life forms appearing to be neither angel nor demon attack amid the ravaged streets of the Shibuya area of Tokyo, where Bayonetta then makes a graceful appearance. Why is she in Tokyo? And how far-reaching is the invasion of this new enemy?

There's been a lot of talk of the game being censored because of the lack of hair summons, which is something that scared WiiU owners back in the days of B2, but it seems we've just not seen all that there is to be seen.

No. Neither angel nor demon.
Still interested in knowing if they retain the "battle damage" gimmick from the first two games.
In Bayonetta 2, even the demons have outer layers that get damaged and destroyed, revealing their flesh inside.
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Damn. Fanart people work fast.







I'm guessing the new enemies are aliens.
That is a very distinct possibility. I honestly don't know what else they could be. Someone said that they could be the denizens of Purgatory but if the multiverse theory holds true then they would more likely be aliens.

Ok. I'm going to call it. I think this is a version of Bayonetta from a different universe and that samurai at the end of the teaser if going through realities and killing the Bayonetta/Cereza of each for whatever goal she/he might have. With that in mind, I also think the next trailer will feature a very different Bayonetta with varying mechanics, which will compile as you progress to allow for variety for the player as you progress. That's my current theory, as it stands.
There's been a lot of talk of the game being censored because of the lack of hair summons, which is something that scared WiiU owners back in the days of B2, but it seems we've just not seen all that there is to be seen.
They're not going to censor anything. Nintendo didn't have a problem with it before, they're not going to have a problem with it now. Jesus Christ people, stop jumping the gun already, and just freaking wait. And even if it was "censored", I would still be more than happy to pay for it. This is not the Super Nintendo days anymore people. And before anybody starts about sony, I know. Theirs is a different issue altogether and just a bunch of freaking double standards. But I am not going to go deep into that right now. I'm excited, and I'm just happy that it's happening.
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@V's patron Yeah, ok. I've heard those, too. At this point all we can do is speculate and have fun doing it. At some point, it doesn't matter what will turn out to be true or not because people will get overly ridiculous when it comes the theories, but, for now, let's just speculate.

With that in mind, I'm going to add another theory, a kinda contrasting one to all the ones that are out there, and even the one I mentioned, just a little. This one is out there but I think that the person at the end of the trailer is not an alternate Jeanne but another Bayonetta. The toy cat seems to lead people to believe that the character is related to B, so possibly Jeanne, but I think this is another B and she will be featured in the next trailer and, possibly, we'll see yet another version at the end of that trailer who will be featured in the next trailer after that one.
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The game's director explains Bayo's demon using mechanic "demon slave" and calls the new enemies "kaiju".

Into the Bayo-verse?

A variant where she grew up a Lumen Sage?

A male version of Jeanne or her?

3 is a prequel centering on a younger Cereza before the Lumen/Umbra War.

Just a few thoughts.

PS. The new guy is Vergil...;).
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Into the Bayo-verse?
Yeah, and, honestly, I don't know if it's a good thing. The games have always been gameplay first, story second, but I don't know that I like the concept that much. We will see, as the release approaches, but multiverse seems to be the modern trend and, even if Bayo's announcement came a year before Spider verse, it's coming out years after it.

I guess this is aimed at me...;). I haven't played Bayonetta since the first game hit ps3.

Drew should pop up as a NPC ;).

Someone on Polygon pitched him as the new rival. Which is random but interesting.

That's one way to keep your franchises alive. Plus it helps Bayonetta with plot. She has the same job as Dante. Both characters lends themselves to a case of the week format. So it easier to come up with a reason for her and the twins from Astral Chain to interact.


I'm not a huge fan of Bayonetta's story or characters so I'm the wrong person to ask. But alternate universe stories tend to be more intuitive and allow for more character exploration. So it's a better alternative to the stable time loops of the first two.

Plus it's make theorizing more fun. ;).

I was always interested in the Umbran/Lumen war and wished the first game focused on it more directly. So 3 being a prequel is appealing to me.
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I wasn't super into how Scalebound looked and this seems to be trying to go in that direction, so I'm a little disappointed that they're trading in-depth character action for big bunga monster fights. The new monsters don't look nearly as memorable as the angels or demons either.