AzureNight13's friends read this PLEASE!!!!!

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^ No problem pal...

If you are tired.. then go get some rest sweetie. I'll still be here to comfort you when you get back... :)
She took our advice bro... I just only hope she's feelin' a little bit better now.
^ Yeah exactly... And I know that she knows how much we care :) So hopefully because of that she'll be feelin' a little beteter :)
It seems I missed this. I'm very sorry Azure. I hope you recover soon. You have all your support from us!:)
i know how you feel Azure, my dog Thorn died last year im still trying to get over it and recently i thougt i saw him sitting in the corner of my room i thougt that he didnt die when i saw him but then when i turned my head reacting to a noise then turned back he was gone.
^ I heard about stuff like that...

I'm sorry to hear about your dog DH95... my dog died ages ago, when I was 8 years old.... had that dog since I was born... my dad brought it on the same day as my birth -don't ask why, as if I wasn't good enough at the time-
mine was the same way but kinda around when i was 4 years old surprisingly Thorn was the same age as me he even saved my life when i was trying to cross a road when a truck was comeing. ive never been more proud of of him because of that.
Sorry to hear about your loss, Azure. I hope you will feel better in time. I won't tell you my pet-death stories as they are so absurd it wouldn't be fitting in a thread like this - but I will tell you that time doesn't heal, rather it gives perspective, growth and a deeper understanding. Time ensures that the memory does not fade but the sting of pain does so you can remember with fondness and not sadness.
Thanks everyone.......just as I said before. It alll just happened so suddenly and that's one of the reasons why it hit me hard. A couple days ago he was fine, but when he collasped last night I was scared s**tless. I was hoping he just had some upset stomache, but no it was a tumor and it was way too late to save him. If only he let me and my family know sooner, he would of suffered less, but no he just kept acting happy and thats why I keep getting sad.;(
*Huggles Azure*

I'm so sorry...I know you probably hear it a lot but I know what it's like to lose a pet, dogs...Man's best friend, they sure got that one right, I really do't know what to say, I guess I can only really offer you support, if you need to talk then my door is always open.

It's good you're not keeping something like this bottled up, it really is no good for you.

*Huggles Azure some more*