Jak i like turtles Supporter 2014 May 12, 2013 2,426 3,660 7,465 29 Twitter mystclgrnbeanie Oct 13, 2014 #21 berto said: I think I rather have these: http://c1575362.cdn.cloudfiles.rack...3525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/y/a/yam31185_86_1.jpg Click to expand... holy crap, my roommate has those. she won't let me touch them though :'(
berto said: I think I rather have these: http://c1575362.cdn.cloudfiles.rack...3525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/y/a/yam31185_86_1.jpg Click to expand... holy crap, my roommate has those. she won't let me touch them though :'(
Bazilican Beer and big tits all around! XD May 19, 2013 706 993 845 32 Oct 13, 2014 #22 Gel said: I found a closeup f his face. Check this: Tweet— Twitter API (@user) date Click to expand... Ewww. That face looks horrible.
Gel said: I found a closeup f his face. Check this: Tweet— Twitter API (@user) date Click to expand... Ewww. That face looks horrible.
berto I Saw the Devil Moderator Oct 15, 2011 8,747 7,972 18,125 Nowhere Oct 13, 2014 #23 Jak said: holy crap, my roommate has those. she won't let me touch them though :'( Click to expand... If you were my roommate I wouldn't let you touch the either. Gel said: I found a closeup f his face. Check this: Tweet— Twitter API (@user) date Click to expand... YIKES! That's almost undead like. What gives? If they fix the paint job I might be less about the thing.
Jak said: holy crap, my roommate has those. she won't let me touch them though :'( Click to expand... If you were my roommate I wouldn't let you touch the either. Gel said: I found a closeup f his face. Check this: Tweet— Twitter API (@user) date Click to expand... YIKES! That's almost undead like. What gives? If they fix the paint job I might be less about the thing.
Vergil's Waifu Voidwalker - Infernal Match Premium Aug 2, 2009 10,861 6,479 19,365 The Void Oct 13, 2014 #24 Perhaps the face came from an old Legacy of Kain figure (that's what it reminds me of). http://www.figurerealm.com/Galleries/legacyofkainsoulreaver/LtnRaziel1.jpg (I would so love that figure... Raziel, that is).
Perhaps the face came from an old Legacy of Kain figure (that's what it reminds me of). http://www.figurerealm.com/Galleries/legacyofkainsoulreaver/LtnRaziel1.jpg (I would so love that figure... Raziel, that is).
D Domenic93 Well-known Member Sep 25, 2011 524 106 995 31 Oct 31, 2014 #25 this is a good sign that anything devil may cry is being released especially of the original series. it give me hope for the future Reactions: Lord Dante and Axon49
this is a good sign that anything devil may cry is being released especially of the original series. it give me hope for the future