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Assassin's Creed Revelations NEW INFO


Well-known Member
Apparently the game is going to take place sometime after Brotherhood ended and be "the final chapter of Ezio's trilogy." Players with find Ezio traveling to Constantinople to follow in the footsteps of his ancestor, Altair. The game will also include beefed up multiplayer with more maps and characters.

Its due out this November for PS3, 360, and PC.

Here's the link:

Me personally I've mixed feelings about this. I really liked Ezio in Brotherhood (not so much ACII :p) and I was hoping we'd see him again, but at the same time I was also hoping for ACIII. But, I guess everything is building up to it, so any other games after the big conclusion might be kinda...irrelevant? *thinks* Ah well. Either way I'm excited to make sense out of Brotherhood's bizarre ending. These games keep getting better with Brotherhood being my favorite so far, so I'm really excited for this. :D

Oh crap, Uncharted 3, Skyrim, and now ACR are all coming out in the same month. What do I do? ;_;

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Gives them more time to work on ACIII at least which i have no doubt they have been working on since ACII.
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Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Cool he looks really old like he should be blending on a bench making a speech about how war has changed.

Hmm I wonder what else there is to wrap up for Ezio? The Borgia have fallen, the Assassins are back on their feet and Minerva had already said that he had "played his part", implying the most important events of his life had already been lived so what could be so important he needs another game to wrap his life up?
Oh well this sounds exiting and I trust their ability to get a good meaty game out of it whatever the angle is, im guessing that they are starting to realise that the prospect of wrapping up Desmond's entire conclusion story and maybe even going back to another ancestor is perhaps taking on a bit too much at once. So hopefully Desmonds adventure will get underway.
So hopefully it will be ACII - part 3 but also ACIII - part 1:confused: this is getting confusing.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Just a shame if it releases in Nov that its going to disappear into a Skyrim shaped shadow.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Doubt it. Assassin's Creed has become a large franchise itself. I wouldn't underestimate em.

Maybe so but theres only 1 day in November on most peoples calendar and thats the 11th. Im a big Assassins Creed fan but id even delay getting it straight away so i can have more time to play Skyrim.
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