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Assasins Creed Fans


Fearfully and wonderfully made
I love Assassin's Creed! I can't wait for the sequel, too! I've been meaning to starting playing through it again for some time but trying to level up on Rainbow Six Vegas 2 has pretty much consumed all of my gaming time. ^_^

Assassin's Creed is definitely among my top 5 favourite Xbox 360 games so far. If you're interested, we also have an Assassin's Creed Forum available to fans to talk about the game. Hopefully see you there!

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Mmm...Enjoyable game, especially killing the random innocent people, the only dissapointment was when the game ruined itself with the ending.

Admitedly it's left it open nicely for the sequel, which I'm rather looking forward to.


New Member
I'd rather say that, If the game wouldn't have that futuristic part of It, It would have been much better. A historical game would totally be something new and fresh......until they put a stupid futuristic plot...


The devoted
The futuristic plot game it more of a plot, admittedly, i havent played through the whole game, but i have seen the ending(i do that when i cant be bothered to finish a game). The futuristic side gives a bit more of a theme to it aswel, who would want to buy a game that looks like a wooden box, with rubbish all over it?

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
The futuristic bit was a good device for keeping the story moving, that much can be said, but it sort of ruined the feel of it, when I bought the game, I expected gritty, pulse pounding assassinations, and sure, that's what I got, but what I didn't expect, or want for that matter, was a futuristic storyline tied into it.

It just didn't seem necessary to me, the whole Crusade-Era set Assassination gig worked for me, most of them time I forgot that there was a futuristic part to the storyline as well, other than the time when it kicked me out of the game for either killing too many of those fun loving mental patients who love to shove you with all their strength, or for doing all the assassinations in that part of the game.

The second part is understandable, after finishing all the assassinations in a specific part, it warrants an intermission because frankly, it's quite repetitive, I LOVED the actual assassinations, but it's just such a small part of the game...

It's by no means a bad game, it's not great in the sense that Portal was great, but it's not bad in the sense that Devil May Cry 2 was awful.

It let itself down a lot, the futuristic plot was not needed to drive the plot really, with an extra bit of work, the plot could've been driven entirely around Altair and the assassinations.

Really, overall from my point of view though; it was a fun game, it had it's redundant points and it dragged on a bit, but it was interesting enough and pulled me in with such finesse that I saw it through to the end, oh and...The assassinations were unbelievably fun for me.


New Member
I don't know. I've played the game and the assassinations get boring after a certain part. When I first saw the teaser trailers, I thought the game would be different from the other type of games around the same genre.

Personally, the plot sucks a lot, and the blame goes to the futuristic plot.

There's nothing innovative the game brings, just another adventure game on next-gen graphics.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Well I don't know about you but the whole Crusade-Era-Assassination-Gigs really brought something new to the table, it's an original idea in a sea of monotiny, I'll give Ubisoft that much.

But yes, the futuristic plot DID suck, it was useful as something to drive the plot, but it wasn't necessary for it to do so, the game could have stood up on it's own with Altair's plot alone.

What killed the game for me is the fact that have you to do the same three little quests EVERY single time before an assassination, but getting to the assassination itself sort of made the whole thing worth while, the whole sneaky run around before ramming a knife into the guy's throat was a nice touch.

Sure, it may not have been the huge innovation that everyone was hoping for, but it did something that won it about 100 gold stars in this day and age, it did something original and different and in an age that is intent on copying everything else, that's worth a lot of merit .


Is not rat, is hamster
I haven't played it for a LONG time and even when I did I didn't get very far because the guards kept killing me (I didn't have the ever-so-handy counter attack move to play with either)...but it's something that I may well go back to if I can tear myself away from RSV2...

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Ive recently gone back to playing it (as you can tell in my Gamertag). I really like the game, its disappointingly repetitive in parts but the games engine is one of the best ive ever seen. I really liked the plot and the futuristic elements because it means they can take the story anywhere they like. Its a game that has no bounds and will be an excellent trilogy. I think with the mistakes they made with the first one fixed for the sequel Assassins Creed 2 will be something very special indeed.
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