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Are you a guy or girl?


Well-known Member
I wanna see the majority of fan-base of DMC

Im a guy so....
(not gay despite my weird comments throughout the forum XD)



Is not rat, is hamster
No gay jokes guys - it may offend people.

I'm a girl...at least I think I am...

The dark knight

Well-known Member
>_> Okay no gay jokes.Gay people are nice.It is true.They would never hurt anyone.That is why if I ever become friends with a gay guy.Ill remember he is one of the nicest people on the planet and just cant control who he really is and s not afraid to show it.They just find kissing girls disgusting like little 4 year old boys do.

Demons Destiny

Silenced Vampire
lol yeah. We have like a gay guy in our class and he is exactly the opposite of what you just said. Hes an evil git and i have known him for 4 years and we hate eachovers guts. But he REALLY acts gay lol
oh yeah, im a girl :p NOT a girly girl lol :)

Fallen Angel

Devil Hunter
I'm a guy,and proud of it.
Another thing i'm proud of is the scars on my hand,they prove what I am.
You can't change my culture
I am what I am
And I try to be myself.
I'm emo.


Is not rat, is hamster
Emo, elmo or Big Bird - who cares. Let's just keep to the topic at hand please guys and gals :D

Skorm's Son

Well if I were a female I doubt my username would be
Skorm's Son.......well....actually it probably would......because Skorm's Daughter doesnt sound as cool:D

Oh yeah
I'm a


-is writing an album
The dark knight;41246 said:
Stop cussing dude!You even got rep for helping stop cussing,


And sorry for the off-topic, but will you stop stealing my lines DK like the one for your location, that was used in my profile way longer than when you started using it.

Anywhom, I am male.
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