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are we getting DmC2 or DMC5?


Philosopher and fangirl. Worst. Combination. Ever.
We were talking about gameplay not characters or the story...
Besides i never said DmC was complete copy of DMC. I said the gameplay of DmC is based on DMC's gameplay.
I admit I don't understand what problem you want to point out when you lament that DmC's gameplay is based on DMC's. (I am really asking, not trying to attack you, really.)
It is obvious and normal that things are this way. If DmC's gameplay didn't follow in the steps of DMC, then it surely could not have been called a part of the Devil May Cry franchise. Successive installments of DMC (2, 3 and 4) each expanded the gameplay that was set forth in DMC1, but this is not a reason of complaining, simply a necessity: if they didn't, they wouldn't be a Devil May Cry game. Same goes for DmC, which is a reboot but still part of the franchise.
So can you explain to me why you make it a point for criticizing the game? (Once again, I am sincerely asking because I do not understand, and hope you'll make this point clearer to me. :) )


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
DMC2 was the first time Itsuno f*cked up, his other works weren't like that. Other than that, DMC2 doesn't feel like a real sequel.

And you forgot that the first DMC was actually good and worth to have another sequel.

true. but like you said, DMC2 isn't a true sequel. its just another game in the franchise with the same main protagonist. and in my opinion. NT did ok. DmC wasn't a complete screw up. it had potential to be a lot worse (trust me, i know). but DmC was like DMC4. some people really like it and want a sequel for it. others think its ok and a sequel isn't really necessary at that point because the game was meh. and there are those who think it is the scum of the earth and should just go away.


Well-known Member
I just replied to LittleCorns statement about DmC being good and got alot praise. That DmC was as good as it is mostly because of DMC. Here is the quote from ACorn

I'd just be mad, if despite all the praise and good reviews it got, they gave up on DmC because they were hounded into doing so. For me, it's either DmC2, or both games get a sequel together. I won't settle for a DMC5 alone.

Here is video that shows you how DmC has alot to thank DMC for:


Beer and big tits all around! XD
You know what? The only thing I like about NT previous games is the plot and those were writed by outsiders. Heavenly Sword and Enslaved were pretty mediocre in everything else. DmC at least bring some decent gameplay with Capcom help, but the story (writed by Antoniades this time), the characters and the music (for me) aren't worth to give NT another chance. Itsuno did a good work with Dragon's Dogma so he's more confident to me at this moment.

But this was Tameen's first time writing. And for a first timer he actually did a better job then most do when they first write a story to something. Though it turned out a bit of a disappointment, I do give kudos to Tameen since this was his first story writing attempt.

Of course, you can say "well, DMC did this and this bad too" and that may be right, but then why do we want DmC if the game couldn't even fix the mistakes of the original?

DmC actually did answer some of the questions that have plagued DMC for a while now.
We got to see more of Eva
a more logical reason as to why Vergil's bat sh*t crazy
Why demons are in the human world
Why does Rebellion stick to Dante's back
why the doors appear to block Dante
How dante has white hair (Already explained but gives a more interesting reason)

People like both for different reasons but DMC and DmC aren't alternative worlds, they can't coexist, they cost money to make and develop both games that share a lot of things at once just to "please the fans" isn't easy. It should be noted too that DmC is categorized as a reboot which purpose was bring more sales than the original series, don't need to say that this didn't happened and it's the reason for the uncertain future of DMC and DmC.

Well since we've only seen one game of DmC, I'd say give it one last shot, but considering Capcom's greed, another DMC4 cloned game would have to do. I doubt anyone would notice the difference anyway.


Philosopher and fangirl. Worst. Combination. Ever.
I just replied to LittleCorns statement about DmC being good and got alot praise. That DmC was as good as it is mostly because of DMC.]
M'kay, I think I get your point, and I can agree with you about the fact that DmC owes a lot to the games that preceded it (just like, I might add, DMC 3 or 4 owe a lot to the previous installments).
However, I also think that this alone is no reason for saying that DmC is less valuable. After all, DMC 4 is the result of a series of improvements that were built in time starting from DMC1 and passing through all the other installments. (that, I think, even a noob like me can understand :p) But this is not a reason for saying that DMC4 is less valuable because it is based on things already developed in DMC3, for example. On the contrary, it can be considered a merit, to be able to expand an already good gameplay.


I Saw the Devil
Well, first of all, if it's a DmC sequel it won't be called DmC2, it'll have a subtitle.

At this point I say it's 50/50. Capcom said that they support NT's effort so they aren't sorry they went with it, but they also showed an inclination to not abandon the original franchise.

Personally I want a DMC5.


I came here to laugh at you.
But this was Tameen's first time writing. And for a first timer he actually did a better job then most do when they first write a story to something. Though it turned out a bit of a disappointment, I do give kudos to Tameen since this was his first story writing attempt.

Tameem writed the initial script of Enslaved and then Alex Garland took care of it. Garland said that the script had some problems in characters and consistency. Since that's the only thing we have from him along with DmC...well, he doesn't look really trustful.
DmC actually did answer some of the questions that have plagued DMC for a while now.
We got to see more of Eva
a more logical reason as to why Vergil's bat sh*t crazy
Why demons are in the human world
Why does Rebellion stick to Dante's back
why the doors appear to block Dante
How dante has white hair (Already explained but gives a more interesting reason)
Those aren't canon in the DMCverse though.
At this point I say it's 50/50. Capcom said that they support NT's effort so they aren't sorry they went with it, but they also showed an inclination to not abandon the original franchise.
Don't forget that Capcom blamed outsourcing not so much ago.


Beer and big tits all around! XD
Tameem writed the initial script of Enslaved and then Alex Garland took care of it. Garland said that the script had some problems in characters and consistency. Since that's the only thing we have from him along with DmC...well, he doesn't look really trustful.

Well considering that Enslaved was said to be a bit problematic, and DmC actually was alright for the most part, I'd say it was a small step for Tameen in being a better writer. Not a huge step, but a step none the less.

Those aren't canon in the DMCverse though.

Obviously not, but they serve as a parallel to the original series as well as the actual explanations to DmC.


Smile it confuses people
May I add the term Excessive? Which means they relied way too much on it.
Yep, Resident Evil 6 had a lot of outsourcing in it's production it seems too by what Oppressedwriter said once. So the whole thing doesn't only mean DmC, Capcom have been doing a lot of outsourcing with their titles and that's where the excessive comes from.


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
Yep, Resident Evil 6 had a lot of outsourcing in it's production it seems too by what Oppressedwriter said once. So the whole thing doesn't only mean DmC, Capcom have been doing a lot of outsourcing with their titles and that's where the excessive comes from.
Then that means that they knew they shouldn't rely on too much outsourcing.


I came here to laugh at you.
May I add the term Excessive? Which means they relied way too much on it.

It doesn't really change anything. DmC and RE6 were the only outsourced games mentioned by Capcom so they are part of the "decline in quality, RE6 was still developed in-house even with all the external workers while DmC was handle to another developer, that actually means that DmC quality is mostly thing of NT, not Capcom. They cancelled outsourced games in deveploment too (except for Lost Planet 3) and their countermeasure is "Raise game quality by moving more game development in-house".

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
It doesn't really change anything. DmC and RE6 were the only outsourced games mentioned by Capcom so they are part of the "decline in quality, RE6 was still developed in-house even with all the external workers while DmC was handle to another developer, that actually means that DmC quality is mostly thing of NT, not Capcom. They cancelled outsourced games in deveploment too (except for Lost Planet 3) and their countermeasure is "Raise game quality by moving more game development in-house".

Wouldn't be surprised if people at Capcom (Japan....Capcom Europe are idiots who apparently got jobs and USA are usually blank tools with the exception of a few select individuals such as Gregaman) thought DmC wasn't that good.

Just because Eishiro and Itsuno thought DmC was good (well they never really said they thought DmC was good or as good as past DMC titles) they only said they enjoyed working with NT but its not what 2 workers at Capcom wants or liked its what the president or top dogs or top dudes thinks is best....although the CEO said DmC was one of their better outsourced games although it isn't much of a victory if your being compared to sh*t like RE: ORC and Bionic Commando (reboot) as better than that (rather than being compared to well.....the past DMC games) and grouped with Dead Rising 2....which has to yet get a sequel despite actually selling decent or good or better than DmC and Capcom even own the devs behind DR2 (Blue Castle)........sooooooooo....where is Dead Rising 3? Is it cause Inafune left (that and Onimusha geeezz its like any series Inafune made its like they don't want to touch it although Onimusha got a browser game which looks whack)?

I mean sure those 2 can make great games but they seem have a weak sense of judgement. Itsuno thought Heavenly Sword's combat was actually good or good enough to hire the same team to make a DMC game and Eishiro originally expected DmC to sell 5 million. Plus they're only 2 workers at a company of about 2,000 (to go up to 3,000 in 10 years probably).

Plus they wanted DMC to sell amazingly so they hire a team whose games up to this point have all sold poorly and have mixed reviews (ranging usually at okay). They either must've hired NT for their story telling without really researching or thought they're level design was great (although only Enslaved out of their 3 games actually had "great" level designs).

I should make a thread on why Capcom chose NT out of all teams?


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
It doesn't really change anything. DmC and RE6 were the only outsourced games mentioned by Capcom so they are part of the "decline in quality, RE6 was still developed in-house even with all the external workers while DmC was handle to another developer, that actually means that DmC quality is mostly thing of NT, not Capcom. They cancelled outsourced games in deveploment too (except for Lost Planet 3) and their countermeasure is "Raise game quality by moving more game development in-house".
There's actually a past thread here regarding Capcom blaming on excessive outsourcing.


I think they could go both ways, DmC can make his way to be a stabilished series or they can rely on the older fanbase (which is almost certainly bigger looking at the sales of past entries).

But looking at the history of the franchise, a DMC5 would probably give them more profit because it's older and have a bigger fanbase, they created such a massive ****storm with this reboot that it served the purpose for even reviving the interest in the (main) series from old fans or attracting people to this new series, i myself was looking for something cool and that i would want to dedicate to besides my fightans in this generation; playing DmC was such a disappointment as a fan of the old series that i returned with full interest and love to the DMC series and found something to spend my time playing aside from the fightans. If it was Capcom's intentions, it worked with me, but i believe they tried for real to make DMC a bigger selling franchise with DmC.

The other possibility is that they keep DMC dormant and come with something in the future, who knows.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Well considering how Capcom just restructured their entire company. Capcom is no longer the same before DmC anymore. So now they got a different way of doing things..............it seems.
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