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Apparently, the worst games of 2010


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
This comes from a site called Metro.
Those of you in the UK may remember something called Teletext, and a section called Gamecentral.

Well. If you do, they're are still going, and here are their worst games from last year.

2010: The Biggest Games Disappointments
2010 might have been a great year for video games, but they can't all have been good. GameCentral looks at the most disappointing titles of the last 12 months…

Naming the worst games of the year is never very interesting. After all, nobody was interested in hearing about Dead Or Alive Paradise or Kung Fu Rider the first time around, let alone the second. But there's nothing worse than wasted potential (well, apart from waterboarding), so instead we bring to you the year's most disappointing titles. Some are still enjoyable games in their own right, but none of them are as good as we were hoping…

Gran Tursimo 5 (PlayStation 3)
Thanks to petitioning by our sports/racing game reviewer Mr Pinkerton Sony's long-awaited driving sim did manage to squeak into the bottom of our Top 20 of the Year. But even the game's most ardent supporters admit that it has been a disappointment. You certainly can't see those five years of development in the underwhelming graphics, still brain dead artificial intelligence and terrible interface.

Alan Wake (Xbox 360)
Another game that seems to have been in development hell forever and which might almost have been better if it had stayed there. The graphics were excellent at replicating a Steven King/Twin Peaks style atmosphere, but considering the game's protagonist is meant to be a novelist the story and dialogue were laughably poor. The combat was fun at first but didn't evolve beyond the first tutorial, which considering that's all there really was to the game is unforgiveable.

Heavy Rain (PlayStation 3)
Easily our most controversial review ever, we hated almost every ponderous minute of this would-be interactive movie. For a game that is all about plot and character the script, voice-acting and animation were embarrassingly inept and the level of interactivity preposterously low. The ending was particularly insulting in that it proved you never had any real control of events at all. We're still interested in knowing what developer Quantic Dream is going to come up with next, but only because it couldn't be any worse than this.

Crackdown 2 (Xbox 360)
The original Crackdown became something of a jinx in 2010, with original creators Realtime Worlds self-destructing just six weeks after the release of massively multiplayer online game APB. But APB never looked like it was going to be any good, whereas Crackdown 2 was one of the year's most anticipated sequels. Developer Ruffian Games might have been new but they employed many of the same people that worked on the original game. Which perhaps explains why the sequel looked and played almost identically, except with even less variety, no proper story and worse graphics and controls.

Fable III (Xbox 360)
You know a game's doing badly when it forces you to reevaluate the whole series and wonder whether you hadn't overrated it from the start. Not only did it not manage to fix a single flaw from the previous games, such as the shallow combat and mountain of bugs, it actually made the whole experience more restrictive and repetitive. And then there was the parade of hopelessly misconceived new ideas, from the 3D menu system to the whole end game with you as king/queen.

Metroid: Other M (Wii)
Coming off the back of the Metroid Prime series, and one of the most successful transitions of a 2D franchise into a 3D game, we were excited to see a new take on one of our favourite game series. Other M though was an utter disaster, with unnecessarily awful controls, entirely linear exploration, and weak graphics. Worse than all that though was the terrible hatchet job done on heroine Samus Aran, who was transformed from a tough, laconic bounty hunter into a whiny, ineffectual doormat.

Final Fantasy XIII (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3)
We anticipate getting some stick for some of our other nominations but surely the prize for 2010's most disappointing game can be awarded with little controversy. We can't fault the courage of Square Enix's developers, but making a list of fan's favourite elements from the series - and then completely removing them all was utterly bizarre. There's no world map, no real towns, and you never actually talk to other characters, just overhear conversations from those nearby. Ruthlessly linear for at least the first 20 hours and with one of the most unlikeable group of characters ever assembled for a video game this was a near disaster from start to finish - saved only by the pacy and enjoyable combat system.

The worse thing for Square Enix is that the response to massively multiplayer online game Final Fantasy XIV has been even worse, although at least that has a chance to evolve into something more interesting over time.

I have FFXIII, but haven't really had a chance to play it, so i can't really say anything.

But, I honestly thought that Fable 3 wasn't that bad.... okay, all bar the crawler, the length of the game and how easy it was to become ruler of Albion were three main WTF moments for me.

I honestly expected... sorry, spoiler alert
there to be a major battle between the Hero and the King, but... it was a bit... :O*blows raspberry*

What are your thoughts?


Oldschool DMC fan
Agreed on Alan Wake, very overhyped!

I haven't played the others but what they've done to Metroid Other M sounds unforgivable. And I got that Final Fantasy game for Christmas... >_>


Well-known Member
Tch tch. I will never understand Final Fantasy fans. Towns? That's your biggest complaint? Do you reeeeeeally need them? I don't think so. I can't say anything about the other games though since I haven't played them.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
I do not agree with that list. There are many other bad games in 2010, such as Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, Iron Man 2, Alpha Protocol, Nier Gestalt, Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, etc.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Am I the only person on this planet who played Other M and liked every minute of it? Samus had no character back then. Now people can finally see her as a person.

Satsui no Hado

Thats their complaint for Other M?Awful controls?Is it such a pain in the ass to move the wiimote sideways?And terrible graphics?.....Now they're just making sh*t up.And for the love of god....Samus shows emotion towards the other characters....is that such a sin?I mean,all she did was worry if Adam hated her or not and that makes sense since Adam was like a father to her.


Your breasts are illegal!!
Meg;295698 said:
Tch tch. I will never understand Final Fantasy fans. Towns? That's your biggest complaint? Do you reeeeeeally need them? I don't think so.
I'm going to rep you for this. :D

Speaking as a hardcore Final Fantasy fan myself...honestly I have no clue. I only liked going into towns to buy new stuff. I hated having to talk to every single freaking pedestrian so I can get info. I hated that shnit back in the day with Phantasy Star II, I hated it when I played FFVII, and I hate it now. Its like second on my list to my number one complaint with all RPGs, grinding. I loathe it.

Chaos Master;295700 said:
I do not agree with that list. There are many other bad games in 2010, such as Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, Iron Man 2, Alpha Protocol, Nier Gestalt, Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, etc.
I dont consider those two games bad games, but true disappointments to be honest and should be on the list. Both Nier and Alpha Protocol were really hyped up and people were looking forward to them and while they had good elements about each game, ultimately they fall flat because of a few bad design choices.

That said, although I consider Nier a disappointment because it was a game with excellent story and characters, but also have some of the most mundane side quests I've ever seen. It also has some pretty basic gameplay as well as poor graphics.

That said, unlike the other games you mentioned, Nier has a stronger fan following than the other games.

Storm Silves;295709 said:
Am I the only person on this planet who played Other M and liked every minute of it? Samus had no character back then. Now people can finally see her as a person.
I liked it, but its going to be THE most hated Metroid game ever. Not because of its flawed but ok gameplay, but because of what they done to the character of Samus. They made her a whiny little co-dependant bitch in that game instead of...iunno a badass like she was in previous games. Seriously, Samus had a serious electa complex for Adam in that game, that borderlines on mentally crazy if you actually try to make sense of the story.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Alan Wake was reviewed well, might have been overhyped and in development for an age but people liked it and its scores were high. Fable III has some bugs that need ironing and some risky ideas that didnt quite work but im enjoying it so far.


Don't trust people
I like towns in Final Fantasy. But just because one Final Fantasy works a little different on that point I'm not gonna whine about it. It worked really well without towns, which also cut out on the massive walk between stores in towns at the size of Rabanastre.

So, I like towns but that doesn't mean I'm going to hate a Final Fantasy game without it just like that. It is an excellent game still.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
If you ask me, Samus HAD no character back then. One who cannot speak doesn't have much of a personality other than "I'm here. I blow sh!t up. Mission over."


Don't trust people
Storm Silves;295796 said:
If you ask me, Samus HAD no character back then. One who cannot speak doesn't have much of a personality other than "I'm here. I blow sh!t up. Mission over."


Still, when I played Super Metroid I saw Samus as a bounty hunter. You know, the kind of person who knows what she's doing and does her job the kick ass way.
What I've heard about her character in Other M doesn't sound like her at all. Some characters just shouldn't have a voice and a big personality I guess. Kind of like Mario and Link. :D


Don't trust people
Storm Silves;295800 said:
I suppose others have different tastes. I shouldn't be one to complain about it.

Yeah... I don't know her personality in Other M, to some it fits really well and it seems that to most it doesn't. But I don't know... the thought of giving Link a personality and voice in a Legend of Zelda game... I can find no voice or personality fitting him. xP


Oldschool DMC fan
I always enjoyed the towns in FF, wandering around them, talking to random people and busting on into their houses to take their stuff they leave lying around... it's a break from the fighting. If all FF was was just turn-based fighting, I think I'd be very bored.

As for Samus - some people might like her new character but I imagine for her fans it would be a bit like turning Dante into something he isn't for the sake of 'character development'. ¬_¬ We all know what he is like and if they changed that to something practically the opposite of what he is, I wouldn't be thrilled. Changing Samus to this scared, inept person who seems to need a man to help her seems silly.


Your breasts are illegal!!
Lexy;295840 said:
Changing Samus to this scared, inept person who seems to need a man to help her seems silly.
A man who she considers a father figure.

*cough*electra complex*cough*


Oldschool DMC fan
Vergil'sBitch;295993 said:
electra complex?

A theory that part of female sexual development is the subconscious attraction of a daughter to her father (female equivalent of the Oedipus complex).

Ain't psychology neat ;)
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