Anyone here actually enjoy backtracking in games?

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Well-known Member
May 26, 2012
Does anyone here enjoy backtracking in hack'n'slash games? More specifically, would you mind seeing that in DMC5?

I haven't beat a whole lot of hack and slash games, but from the one's I've played... DMC1 is the only game that I can think of where I enjoyed back tracking. By the time I return to the castle, it's atmosphere and layout was changed enough for it to feel like a new experience. DMC3 and DMC4 on the other hand, are fairly painful for me to play through. I absolutely hate how many times I have to go up / down DMC3's tower. Heck, I just beat GoW3, and I actually felt a little bored by the end of it, since I was seeing the same locations multiple times throughout a single playthrough.

All in all... I really hope DMC5 avoids it altogether. Maybe they can prove me wrong, but based on DMC3 and DMC4... I just can't imagine them doing it properly.

I'd rather backtracking not be there completely, but if there HAS to be, then let it be like DMC3 and 1, where they at least tweak the environments to make them look a little different, and add new bosses for you to fight. DMC4's felt like a pain for a lot of people because they couldn't even bother to do that.
I don't mind it if it's like metrodevania, where with new abilities you can find new ways, items, etc.
From what I remember, DMC, DMC3 & DMC4 are basically Metroidvanias, except that the game is segmented into chapters and a mission "ends" when you get a certain key item or defeat a boss.

If there are no chapter segmentation, then you just get the Anima Mercury and you are to figure out by yourself what to do.
But at the start of chapter 4, the title card shows you the entrance to Bael's boss battle, largely hinting on where you're supposed to go next.
From what I remember, DMC, DMC3 & DMC4 are basically Metroidvanias, except that the game is segmented into chapters and a mission "ends" when you get a certain key item or defeat a boss
Well, that and they’re in 3D. Metroidvenia specifically refers to the NES era Castlevania and Metroid games where you pretty much have the ability to traverse the entirety of the the ingame world but progressing means performing specific things with specific powers or items you eventually unlock and so forth.

Anyway, this is only an issue because in DMC4 you backtracked through the exact same stages in reverse order. The small alterations they have are so trivial they don’t make any difference, it’s the same bloody thing. In the other 3 games the changes to the stages were so drastic they made the stages completely different, in both appearance and geographically. That’s why before DMC4 no one ever complained or made an issue of it.
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I don't like the "Metroidvania" games, more specifically the Post Rondo of blood Castlevania games(don't get me wrong i love metroid but castlevania's take on the genre is just meh, original CV games are still the best).

I like backtracking when the game is like a maze or labyrinth like in Prince of Persia or Resident Evil, but backtracking in empty linear levels is just tedious because the whole game is super linear and you're just going back&forth in a straight line. WTF is even the point of it? i can understand if its an RPG exploration game with hack'n'slash mechanics but it doesn't belong in a linear hack&slash game like DMC.
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