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Anyone else in the same boat as me?


Well-known Member
If so you might want to help me paddle. OOOO!!!! Corny joke of the day. Seriously though, I've been doing some thinking and I want to know if anyone here agrees.

I feel like this year has been very dry for games. Oh sure there's been big games being released and everything, but I only loved two games; Final Fantasy XIII and Persona 3 Portable. The newest Ratchet and Clank was good to. There have been some disappointments to. Bioshock 2 was just so meh. Oh sure the gameplay was fun, but the story and characters was just so...meh. I set it to the easiest difficultly level like half way just so I could be done with it sooner. Hell I can't even remember most of the games I played this year because most were just so...meh. And there is no way I'm playing Black Ops because all it is is the same game I've played three times already, but with slightly improved whatever. Almost every big game that has been released this year I've gone, "Well yeah that looks cool I guess. Maybe I'll play it", but I'm not that excited about it.

*sigh* I think my taste in games as matured to a level most of the industry isn't willing to go. Its a lot easier, after all, to just stick to whats been proven than to try something knew. I mean look at the two games I loved this year, we got a Final Fantasy game of all things and a remake of a decade(ish) old game. Wow. That's sad.

And its not just games. Look at every other industry. Movies, all about the effects. Avatar? Remember that? Everyone talked about how great it was because of the visuals, but would admit the story was just ok. Books, vampire fiction galore. Music, crappy pop rock is everywhere and its all about image.

Its a shame that all I want are games that really innovates and utilizes some creativity. Not just copying whatever everyone else has done. Excluding P3P because its old, FFXIII was that game, but people have been ripping it apart with stupid complaints. Even so, only one game a year isn't enough.

I see what DMC has done and think "Yay!" I see where its going and groan. Its almost symbolic of the game industry in general and I can't help but be afraid of what's next.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
In my opinion, I felt that many games that was released this year are great, like Final Fantasy XIII, Yakuza 3, Alan Wake, Red Dead Redemption, God of War III, Heavy Rain: Move Edition, Mass Effect 2, Fable III, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition, Transformers: War For Cybertron, Resonance of Fate, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Vanquish, Fallout: New Vegas, Halo: Reach, Bayonetta, BioShock 2, and Dead Rising 2.

I try to keep an open mind when playing games, unless that game is really bad, like Alpha Protocol and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. Both games are major disappointments for this year, and the Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is just an average game, and it just killed my expectations of that game.

The only other game releases I am looking forward for this and next months are Gran Turismo 5, Prince of Persia Trilogy and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.

I am anticipating a lot of great games next year, and I felt that it will e great year for games.

I also stay optimistic for movies and music, as long as I like them.

I am also afraid of the gaming industries lately, especially with the new DmC by Ninja Theory. Who knows, maybe it will be a masterpiece, or not...


Well-known Member
I'm not questioning any game's quality. I'm questioning the level of creativity. I'm sure lots of the games you've mentioned are well made, but that's not the point I'm trying to make here.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Meg;288575 said:
I'm not questioning any game's quality. I'm questioning the level of creativity. I'm sure lots of the games you've mentioned are well made, but that's not the point I'm trying to make here.

I believe that the games I mentioned are creative enough. Though, that is my personal opinion. It is up to you to decide which game is creative or not.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I have way to many games to play right now, so many in fact there are a lot i want but dont have time to play yet so havent purchased them. This year i have purchased Fifa 11, Fallout New Vegas, Smackdown Vs Raw 2011, UFC 2010, Mafia II, Bioshock II, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Halo Reach, Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption, Assassins Creed Brotherhood. Now i still want Call Of Duty Black Ops, Fable III, & Star Wars Force Unleashed II that are out at the moment.

Satsui no Hado

Creativity for gaming was at its best in the beginning of gaming.As years go on,creativity starts to get stale.I mean,how often do you see a game where the main character is out for revenge or has a dark past or something of the sort.Games are still keeping their creativity to this day.Not most of them,but most certainly some of them.Trust me,I know what you mean by games not having much creativity these days but if there a few games nowadays that still have creativity,then theres still hope in this chaotic gaming world of ours.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I point you to one simple notion.

Basically every game released this year has been a sequel, there have been next to no new IPs, we're at such a point that game devs know sequels sell, so they don't want to risk new IPs because they might lose millions, so everything stagnates, and we get bored, but we still buy copy/pasted games like the CoD series and so on, purely because we have nothing else to play.

In short, if you pay people to kick you in the ass, of course they're going to keep kicking you in the ass.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;288589 said:
I point you to one simple notion.

Basically every game released this year has been a sequel, there have been next to no new IPs, we're at such a point that game devs know sequels sell, so they don't want to risk new IPs because they might lose millions, so everything stagnates, and we get bored, but we still buy copy/pasted games like the CoD series and so on, purely because we have nothing else to play.

In short, if you pay people to kick you in the ass, of course they're going to keep kicking you in the ass.

Thats why i was so impressed with RDR, they took a risk on a time period that not many seemed interested in and it paid off. In a way it was a sequel to Red Dead Revolver but only in name only really.


Nein, not ze puppies!
I know what you're getting at Meg, I personally like games with good motives and good creativity. I haven't tried playing the games Chaos Master mentioned (Save C-Vania: Lords of Shadow) I thought that game was great.

I have to agree with Angelo Credo though...most games that are out are either prequels or sequels of a game because there really isn't anything else right now.


Well-known Member
We just have to face the fact that gaming isn't what it used to be. It is a new era now where it has broken through into the mainstream, with all the good and bad that that entails. Since the industry is so big now, it is collapsing, creatively under its own weight IMO.

Personally, I am all but totally done with gaming in practice. I still follow the news, and I still purchase a few games that I personally find worthy, but I don't spend my free time gaming to the detriment of some other hobby. I don't know all the new memes and lingo, and honestly, most of it seems vapid and juvenile to me. I don't think I was ever like that, but I'm kind of disgusted to even be associated with these "gamers." And the other thing, is it is too freaking expensive, and games are more focused on composition or aesthetics than what gaming is all about, the fun.



Nein, not ze puppies!
moseslmpg;288600 said:
We just have to face the fact that gaming isn't what it used to be. It is a new era now where it has broken through into the mainstream, with all the good and bad that that entails. Since the industry is so big now, it is collapsing, creatively under its own weight IMO.

Personally, I am all but totally done with gaming in practice. I still follow the news, and I still purchase a few games that I personally find worthy, but I don't spend my free time gaming to the detriment of some other hobby. I don't know all the new memes and lingo, and honestly, most of it seems vapid and juvenile to me. I don't think I was ever like that, but I'm kind of disgusted to even be associated with these "gamers." And the other thing, is it is too freaking expensive, and games are more focused on composition or aesthetics than what gaming is all about, the fun.


I haven't been playing a lot of games recently either, they almost all follow the same game pattern about composition and/or the aesthetics instead of being made for pure fun. I fully agree with you about games being freakin' expensive too, how can you enjoy something that nearly costs you $70? I don't think it's worth it.

It's all about who has the better graphics and gameplay these days, I could care less about the graphics as long as it has a good storyline.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
It seems people are extremely shallow nowadays, which contributes to the "OMG NEEDS MOAR REALIZM LESS GAMEPLAY" BS. Seriously, making everything a varying shade of brown is not realism. >.>

I remember back in the day when graphics didn't matter. People still taxed the systems to their limits because they could, but back then they paid attention to innovative, fun gameplay that is still fun to this day. The games in the next gen haven't aged well, even if they're young, IMO.


Don't trust people
Faust;288603 said:
I haven't been playing a lot of games recently either, they almost all follow the same game pattern about composition and/or the aesthetics instead of being made for pure fun. I fully agree with you about games being freakin' expensive too, how can you enjoy something that nearly costs you $70? I don't think it's worth it.

It's all about who has the better graphics and gameplay these days, I could care less about the graphics as long as it has a good storyline.

70 bucks?

Your in luck. XD That's about 490 swedish crowns. A new game cost 699 swedish crowns. About 200 more and that is about 28 extra bucks. :p

Anyways, I don't care if they are sequels anymore. Some of them has huge improvements where as some has very small improvements. I've always been a really big critic when it comes to games, not wanting to buy any of those FPS games because I already got one at home. Why buy more when I practically got one for them all at home?
I never buy license games (games from movies and books) since I feel that they are doomed to suck already at start.
I never buy any strange or unfamiliar RPS's since when I did I got 75% failure.
I never buy any games with titles that could sound too fancy or to "super", such as something that has "Master" or something like that in it's title.
I never buy... -inserts at least ten more statements of what games I never buy-

My friends even thinks I'm negative because I think that about 90% of what's on the game shelves in the GAME store is sh*t, that 9-10 percent is maybe a little fun and that 1 percent or less is games I really want.


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
I my country some games what I see in shops are total crap for me,in Poland always shows new FPS or RTS what on me have no impresion. Beacuse of that sometimes I buy games at net shops or sometimes I have no choice but piracy.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Storm Silves;288605 said:
It seems people are extremely shallow nowadays, which contributes to the "OMG NEEDS MOAR REALIZM LESS GAMEPLAY" BS. Seriously, making everything a varying shade of brown is not realism. >.>

I remember back in the day when graphics didn't matter. People still taxed the systems to their limits because they could, but back then they paid attention to innovative, fun gameplay that is still fun to this day. The games in the next gen haven't aged well, even if they're young, IMO.

I prefer open worlds to explore and freedom above graphics any day of the week (Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, GTA Series, Shenmue series and Red Dead Redemption etc). Along with games that have good realistic physics engines.


LoD Come Back!!!
i have the same thing going on, but i liked Bioshock 2....the only other memorable thing i've played was God of War Ghost of Sparta and even that was...eh...though i did like the new Battlefield game. I can't wait for Assassin's Creed tomorrow though...honestly im hoping that they stop with the stupid zombie hype....i mean seriously...it's getting almost as bad as twilight...we just need like 1 really good zombie game and then stop.....there is no reason that every game should include zombies


The Devil's Advocate
Meg;288570 said:
If so you might want to help me paddle. OOOO!!!! Corny joke of the day. Seriously though, I've been doing some thinking and I want to know if anyone here agrees.

I feel like this year has been very dry for games. Oh sure there's been big games being released and everything, but I only loved two games; Final Fantasy XIII and Persona 3 Portable. The newest Ratchet and Clank was good to. There have been some disappointments to. Bioshock 2 was just so meh. Oh sure the gameplay was fun, but the story and characters was just so...meh. I set it to the easiest difficultly level like half way just so I could be done with it sooner. Hell I can't even remember most of the games I played this year because most were just so...meh. And there is no way I'm playing Black Ops because all it is is the same game I've played three times already, but with slightly improved whatever. Almost every big game that has been released this year I've gone, "Well yeah that looks cool I guess. Maybe I'll play it", but I'm not that excited about it.

*sigh* I think my taste in games as matured to a level most of the industry isn't willing to go. Its a lot easier, after all, to just stick to whats been proven than to try something knew. I mean look at the two games I loved this year, we got a Final Fantasy game of all things and a remake of a decade(ish) old game. Wow. That's sad.

And its not just games. Look at every other industry. Movies, all about the effects. Avatar? Remember that? Everyone talked about how great it was because of the visuals, but would admit the story was just ok. Books, vampire fiction galore. Music, crappy pop rock is everywhere and its all about image.

Its a shame that all I want are games that really innovates and utilizes some creativity. Not just copying whatever everyone else has done. Excluding P3P because its old, FFXIII was that game, but people have been ripping it apart with stupid complaints. Even so, only one game a year isn't enough.

I see what DMC has done and think "Yay!" I see where its going and groan. Its almost symbolic of the game industry in general and I can't help but be afraid of what's next.
And here I thought I was the only one who thought Avatar sucked. This has been kind of a dry year for games in my opinion too. The only games off the top of my head I REALLY enjoyed playing that came out this year are XIII, Super Meat Boy, and BB Continuum Shift. Other than those I've been playing games that came out years ago. Hopefully next year will be better. And with MvC 3 I don't see how it can't be ^_^ unless you don't like fighting games, in that case I'm sorry lol. I'm also hoping Little Big Planet 2 is really gonna push the envelope in creativity.

PS is ANYONE else absolutely sick of COD???

Devil Hunter 95

Supreme Trickster
Me too. I love games like Little Big Planet2, MvC3, Dead Rising 2, Dead Space, and so on. But racing games... go ask someone else who actualy enjoys them.
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