Warning @Goldsickle please do not watch this.
How can I resist an invitation when you went out of your way to call me here?
Well whaddaya know, another disguised rant of a "review" where you dedicate some time to talk s*** about DmC, right before making an unnecessarily long "review" of the game.
Why can't people keep reviews short?
It's not 55 minutes but half an hour is still kinda too long.
That's the length of a whole anime episode, commercial break included.
You could probably make the review more concise if you remove the ranting portion.
This is a "review", so talk about the subject matter and stay on subject.
Starting to see a pattern where the "reviewer" needs to make short talks about the series "history", particularly about the effect DmC has on the franchise and being undetermined about "the future of DMC" or things like that.
So this is going to be a trend for DmC-haters: make a DMCV "review" video to Trojan Horse some anti-DmC rant into it.
If I see another "DMCV review" that lasts for more than 30 minutes, that's a typical sign.
It's also a bad sign when you feel the need to start your video with a 10+ second intro of random footage hastily sewn together with random music.
This kind of crap gets an auto-dislike from me, no matter how good the rest of the video is.
In conclusion, another bad review.
Too long and the intention of sneaking anti-DmC rant in the beginning is a recurring cliche and becoming more obvious, the more I see these kinds of "reviews".