Another DMC5 review.

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I forgot about this guy. I saw some of his Ninja Gaiden reviews. Glad to see is still doing well. Thanks for the review.
Im lost why can't Goldsickle watch this?
Probably because at the part talking about DmC. Another thread where a member posted their own review and went over the previous games. They clearly weren't a DmC fan, and Goldsickle caused a bit of a scene accusing them of ranting.
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Probably because at the part talking about DmC. Another thread where a member posted their own review and went over the previous games. They clearly weren't a DmC fan, and Goldsickle caused a bit of a scene accusing them of ranting.

What the reviewer says is so minor, that we've all heard YT reviewers says worse things about DmC in 2013-16. The only time I felt offended is The Completionist's Defend It: DmC video where make all classic DMC fans look like idiotic fanboys (turning them into one note strawmen) that hate the game, because of Dante's hair. It was him clearly jumping on the bandwagon on mocking DMC fans, and it's why I don't like some of his content. Clearly, he was one of those guys that missed the entire point. I can't wait see if he ever does DMC videos on the classic continuity. Because, that video will come back to bite him.
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Warning @Goldsickle please do not watch this.
How can I resist an invitation when you went out of your way to call me here?

Well whaddaya know, another disguised rant of a "review" where you dedicate some time to talk s*** about DmC, right before making an unnecessarily long "review" of the game.
Why can't people keep reviews short?
It's not 55 minutes but half an hour is still kinda too long.
That's the length of a whole anime episode, commercial break included.
You could probably make the review more concise if you remove the ranting portion.

This is a "review", so talk about the subject matter and stay on subject.
Starting to see a pattern where the "reviewer" needs to make short talks about the series "history", particularly about the effect DmC has on the franchise and being undetermined about "the future of DMC" or things like that.
So this is going to be a trend for DmC-haters: make a DMCV "review" video to Trojan Horse some anti-DmC rant into it.
If I see another "DMCV review" that lasts for more than 30 minutes, that's a typical sign.

It's also a bad sign when you feel the need to start your video with a 10+ second intro of random footage hastily sewn together with random music.
This kind of crap gets an auto-dislike from me, no matter how good the rest of the video is.

In conclusion, another bad review.
Too long and the intention of sneaking anti-DmC rant in the beginning is a recurring cliche and becoming more obvious, the more I see these kinds of "reviews".
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@Goldsickle Dude, the comment he makes against DmC barely last a minute. You've heard worst from Gaming Brit. I've said worse, before playing the Definitive Edition (I still hate the story and most characters). As for 50+ minutes reviews, to each is his or her own, but I usually don't mind long reviews as long as they're not dragging things out. I do prefer 25-30 minutes, unless it's a video essay or commentary. I can usually tell when a reviewer is giving out extra details to a game professional reviewers never cover, or making things for the sake of a joke or exaggerated rant. The one to usually screw this up the worst is Angry Joe certain reviewers that tried to copy AVGN back between 2008-2011. Don't let someone's minor comment flip you out. If I went nuts over every game someone had something unkind (rather backed up by evidence or not) say, I'd be depressed and crazy. Now, I will call out bullsh!t when I see it, but you have got to chill, and ignore people if you do not like them.

P.S - Once again, you want to see insulting, look at my previous post about the Completionist
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Dude, the comment he makes against DmC barely last a minute.
There's no time/length requirement for a rant to be a rant.
A rant is a rant.

Put yourself in the reviewer's shoes, what is the reason for you to mention a game you dislike when discussing about another game?
It's the same whenever you're discussing about one subject but feel to insert or add about some media, something or someone you don't like which may not be relevant to the discussion.
Don't people usually go "sorry, I was ranting for a bit" when this happens?

Why can't people just review the game?

"This is DMCV.

This is Nero, he has robot arms.

This is V, he has demon pets.

This is Dante, he is KUH-RAYZEH."

The mention of DmC isn't even some kind of constructive or technical comparison.
Like (hypothetically): "Similar to DmC, DMCV has adopted a more straightforward, linear level design".
Now that is a more relevant way to mention another game when reviewing something else.
But something like: "DmC s***s all over the franchise", that's just ranting.

The "review" length is a turn-off because it's too long, showing how inconsiderate the person is.
The "reviewer" starts off with a neon sign loudly proclaiming "I AM BIASED" in the first 3 minutes of the review.
What can an inconsiderate and biased person tell me about DMCV?
This isn't "ad hominem", just someone giving a bad enough first impression, turning me off from watching the whole video.

You've heard worst from Gaming Brit.
I actually watched his review a while ago and it follows that same "format" where he needs to brief viewers about the "history of DMC" and while he was harsh on DMC2, I can't really argue with the examples he showed.
But you know, it was the same old crap.
10+ second intro and the need to make a "history of DMC" thing and it was way too long.
Really couldn't care less about how "famous" or how much they have a following, I don't wanna waste my time on people who can't be concise.
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Really couldn't care less about how "famous" or how much they have a following, I don't wanna waste my time on people who can't be concise.

Not to sound like a smartass or a jerk, but you wasted your time taking up the challenge to see Atrophy's video. Making your self upset in the process. That one is on you and maybe ShiningTempest, but not the guy who did the review. Be mad if you want, but I see it pointless to be mad over someone's criticism that is quick, does not drag, and at least he does not directly attack nor insult people who like DmC, unlike some other people on YouTube or Gaming Media.

EDIT: Everyone has a bias, that's life.
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but you wasted your time taking up the challenge to see Atrophy's video.
Except I didn't.
Watched the first 3 minutes and gave it a much deserved dislike.
The only people who are "mad" are those who can't force me to watched an entire video before giving judgement.
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Watched the first 3 minutes and gave it a much deserved dislike.
The only people who are "mad" are those who can't force me to watched an entire video before giving judgement.

Okay, but compared to the 149 likes, he's not gonna give a sh#t. From what I've seen, I don't know anyone else who is "mad" (other than you from the slight comment) on this topic. Unless you're talking about in general. If that 1 minute upsets you, than you don't want to see his 2013 review of DmC. It's 14 minutes btw.

I consider the DMC5 review not even close to bad. A plain good review in my book. My personal favorite reviews of DMC5 are Sphere Hunter (she's just fun and relaxing to listen) and ACG.
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All right that's enough. We don't need a repeat of the other thread.

@Goldsickle Come on man. Someone tries to bait you into starting something then take the high road and not comment.

@ShiningTempest Whether you calling out Goldsickle was meant as a joke or bait, please refrain from doing it again. Only makes you look bad.

@BrawlMan I appreciate that your heart is in the right place, but this really isn't worth the effort.
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