All opinions are equal, but some are more equal than others? Opinions are not facts, and can be disproven BY facts, so yeah all opinions are equal in the sense that they aren't true. Not one opinion can be 'more equal' than another. It can be more correct than the other, but not more equal. I think respect is needed in any Forum, or everything falls apart. I always listen to what people have to say, or say in response to me and reply in a manner that isn't aggressive. There's no reason to attack each other over something stupid.
What I think we need is a forum for people who don't like DmC, and people who do. Then there'd be no more of this kind of thing. Most people don't seem to be emotionally or intellectually equipped to disagree with someone without using the word "fag" or pretending they're in charge of the internet, one way or the other.
How can anyone like or dislike this game? Unless I've missed the new trailers, demo and all the extensive new info Capcom has decided to bless us with, all we've got is a trailer!
Which is a fine book by the way. But all opinions are equal, people who can back up their opinions with game text and etc have a stronger base for their opinion, but all in all everyones opinion is valid. People shouldn't get blasted for their opinions, you Internet bullies back off or suffer the wrath of a "boot to the head!" Lol ^_^ But really people be nice, were all a family here untied under a video game about demons.... That does not sound right lol. ^_^Ah, that was a reference to the book Animal Farm by George Orwell.
How can anyone like or dislike this game? Unless I've missed the new trailers, demo and all the extensive new info Capcom has decided to bless us with, all we've got is a trailer!
I agree that no one should be calling anyone else or anything related to the game "gay," but that, being the usage of terms specific to a rather-marginalized group of people to describe something you don't like, is another issue entirely. People don't like change. That's not new, and who cares? What everyone else needs to understand is that there are going to be newbies to this forum and this game series everyday, which is good and certainly much better than none, and they're going to have a lot of newbie issues to talk about. Such as how effin' "gay and emo" the new Donte is..
Best analogy I've ever read online.Think of it like a toilet. If you don't have one, crap goes everywhere. If you do have one, then everyone can take turns pooping in it, and everyone feels better for it.
They used to deal with it like this on the official Lost forum - threads for hating the show and threads for praise. It helped to numb the arguments, since if you wanted to complain with like-minded people, there was somewhere to vent, without getting on the nerves of fans. If you don't do this, then pretty much every thread will have an argument in it. Think of it like a toilet. If you don't have one, crap goes everywhere. If you do have one, then everyone can take turns pooping in it, and everyone feels better for it.
I think Meg tried that by making the "let It out, People" but the problem with that was that she said that both sides can use the thread to voice their opinions which lead to it becoming another fight thread.
I dont know if two seperate forums would help but we can always give it a shot.