All about Dragon Ball/Z/GT/Super

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I just didnt like how they turned him into a child again and a lot of the story content (mainly Black Star Dragon Balls saga) seemed very childish too.

For me, I liked the bits where Gohan was the lead of the show so I wanted to dpo something like that for the next one.

Never really thought DBZ was mature so DBGT being childish was news to me.
I did like the idea of the BABY arc and the idea of the 7 dark dragons were cool.
Let us not forget that at the end of DBZ Gohan gets such a massive power up, that in his mystic form he was on par with SSJ3 Goku. And he didn't even go SSJ himself before the elders forbid him for fear that just his transformation would destroy the planet.

I mean Gohan was always more of a monster than Goku, but in GT somehow this was totally forgotten.
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What I truly hated about DBGT was how ridiculous the power levels got.

At the end of DBZ, Kid Buu was basically described as the deadlest being ever fought in all of canon, so destructive, so powerful that he could go head to head with Goku in his SSJ3 form. And guess what? In GT they made that look like nothing! Even at the begining they said that General Rildo (I think that was his name) was morepowerful then Kid buu...and that was only the first arc!

Hell, Uub, who was basically Kid Buu reborn was basically turned into cannon fodder in one episode! And don't even get me started on how they screwed up Gohan Again! I mean he was made badass again when he was givin the mystic form, but everyone forgot about that in about...five seconds.

Still DragonBall was a funny little series that I enjoyed in my younger years, Dragon ball Z was an epic series that had ubelieveable badass fights without the need for a deep plot...but GT...worst Filler EVER!
I think a lot of folks don't understand the concept of DBGT. DBGT is NOT met 2 be a show of fighting, fighting and more fighting. The moment you look at DBGT as DBZ2 you're lost the whole point of the show. DBGT is a adventure like DB. It is a journey that leads 2 the end, watching Son Goku grow up again. Son Goku could not maintain the SS3 transformation cuz of his child body so SS4 was needed 2 give Goku a adult body which had so much power it canceled the wish which made Son a child. SS4 is the power of the Great Ape form in a controlled amplified condition (situation). Son Gohan and Vegeta have aged (10 years passed if my not mistaken) so with age comes weakness. Gohan and Vegeta can't stay strong forever. Vegeta now sees himself as a Earthing so he is more laid back and grew a mustache his dad King Vegeta had a mustache too. Of course General Riddo, Baby Vegeta and etc were stronger than Kid Boo its common sense, cuz their are folks stronger than Boo. Come on folks analyze DBGT dig deep into it and understand the "Grand Tour."
Son Gohan and Vegeta have aged (10 years passed if my not mistaken)

Well when the Cell saga ended Gohan was a SSJ2.

7 years later he was still a SSJ2 but was said by Vegeta to have gotten weaker over the years of peace.

While I do think that Gohan could have indeed gotten weaker over the years (like he did after the cell saga) I still HIGHLY doubt that his power would drop from being slightly above that of a SSJ3 (He was able to pwn super buu pretty easily) to being weaker than Vegeta (who was last seen as a SSJ2).

And lets not forget that he pwned Buu without even becoming a SSJ and just relying on his new Mystic powers. So Gohan's power dropping so dramatically in 10 years doesn't seem likely to me.

Even during the baby saga Gohan (who was controlled by baby) said Vegeta was stronger than him, despite the fact that Vegeata hasn't even reached SSJ3.

Face it, there is just no rational reason why Gohan would lose that kind of power even if it was 10 years of peace.

The weakest he should have gotten was weaker than a SSJ3 but even then it should not be alot judging by how weak he got after the Cell saga (he was still able to fight Dabura evenly who was said to be just as strong as Perfect Cell).
Well just making goku as a kid doesn't make him lose his all memories of being an adult does it ?? so he's just like a midget errr -_-'

I know @Sonofsparda you love DBZ series and this is my Honest opinion GT just wasn't as good as DBZ in-fact it sucked now why does it suck well insetad of writing long stories i'll list you points :-

*Vegeta isn't vegeta anymore he lost his pride and he has a moustache WTF ?? i thought saiyans never grow any hair !
he's ashamed of himself that he used a machine to go ssj4

*Making goku a kid isn't a good idea Because he is just adult goku as a kid it isn't fun because he
isn't inexperienced innocent fighter like he was in DB he's a vetran warrior

*Piccolo is dead and now is in hell ITS UNACCEPTABLE ! if goku and pikkon can go to hell to stop freiza and cell WHY CAN'T PICCOLO ??? wtf ?? why he has to behave evil and get himself trapped in hell ? WHY ??

*Gohan has gained absurd levels of estrogen WTF happened to ultimate gohan WHAT ?? why didn't he beat the cr@p out of baby he didn't even got as much spotlight as uub did

*PAN IS A BI*CH i loved her in DBZ ending she was so cute but in GT OMG she's always in the spot-light for no freaking reason ! she can't even go ssj why the fu*k is she taking more than 5 seconds of camera ?

*GT Logic is Cr@p Why didn't trunks and goten fuse ??? why didn't they go ssj2 and kick shadow dragon's ass that would make more episodes would add more tension WHY ?? they just stand there back with the ladies ?? **** WHY ?

*Btw isn't uub kid buu ?? he must have shown his maniac nature but he was just a substitute of krilln *Facepalm*

*SSJ4 is pathetic red fur sucks IMO why did he beat any strong enemy by his own power ???
>he killed 17 by the help of 18 I hate that he wasn't a bad guy he contributed to spirit bomb in DBZ that nailed the fact that he wasn't a bad guy
>he killed omega shenron by reenacting spirit bomb honestly if SSJ4 Was that strong they WHY THE FU*K they didn't use porta fusion ?? wtf was kibito kai doing ?? he forgot how to do instant transmission or something ? WHYYYYYYYY ???

*The IDEAS IN GT ISN'T original why you may ask
>Using spirit bomb in the end (So original right ?) instead of this how about shenron vs goku's dragon fist finisher ?? no we'll just copy paste the buu saga here -_-''
>Omega shenron absorbing dragon balls to gain power SO original right ?

*Shadow dragons sucked it would've been cool if it wasn't only about SSJ4 goku&Vegeta&Pan i would have loved to see gotenks fighting them only nuovava shenron&omega shenron weren't funny or comical like the other dragons

*Ending sucked what happened no one knows
>Is goku dead ? no answers
>did goku grow in those 100 years of peace
>Is he in some other world ?
>Is he some kind of immortal now ?
>AND HOW THE HECK CAN Goku jr go ssj and YET pan can't go ssj ?? That just doesn't make any f**ing sense
> other then baby taking over the world with his virus nothing was interesting in the story NOTHING !

on the other hand Dbz is pure awesomeness freiza saga the android saga every arc is unique tense tight with exciting battles and situations i loved buu saga the most

The things i liked about GT is only its OST which came with the boxset only thing which was worth my money

:'( makes me cry

This one's epic !!

And the ending "Till we meet again guys" was the best ending to conclude the DB series but at-least one thing is now clear goku is happy forever and after and the story ends :')

>It screwed up the story
>It screwed up the Badass awesome characters >Vegeta,goku,piccolo,gotenks and krilling dies again please let him remain dead so that he doesn't die again

it can't even match with DB because DB had originality and good characters and interesting story unlike GT
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Well Son Gohan had a training partner during the time between the Cell Saga and the Majin Boo saga. That partner was Son Goten. Plus Gohan was playing super hero during this time so he had exercise so that explains why he was still somewhat strong. During the end of DBZ and DBGT Son Gohan was a married man with a job. There was no time to train because he had responsibilities, so Son’s “Ultimate Power” was diminished. So during the DBGT Saga it would make sense why Son Gohan was weaker than Vegeta.
Donte PROOF READ before you post because your sentences are extremely hard to read and understand. Vegeta still has his pride as a Saiyan, but he also has pride in being an Earthling. Vegeta was getting soft during the Boo Saga too. AGAIN King Vegeta, the King of all Saiyans had a mustache so its possible for Saiyan’s to grow mustaches. Big deal Vegeta has a mustache, get over it,
Making Son Goku a kid again was for plot duh! They wanted to give DBGT a DB feel. Son Goku and Pikkon went to Hell to fight Cell and Freeza in a FILLER episode. Which had nothing to do with the Canon manga story. So the whole Piccolo going to Hell thing is and was perfectly acceptable. Pan was there again for plot elements. Plus Pan is not as bad as you make her out to be.
Oob couldn’t beat Baby Vegeta because Baby Vegeta is stronger than Kid Boo and Super Saiyan level 3 duh! It would be useless for Son Goten and Trunks to fuse because again SS3 would be useless against the DBGT enemies because they are stronger than SS3. Super Saiyan level 4 was and is a cool looking transformation. SS4 Son Goku used the Dragon Fist against Omega Shenron but because he can regenerate like Boo it didn’t kill him. That’s why a “Ultra Spirit Bomb” was needed to kill him.
Son Goku aged during the 100 years and than died of natural causes. But because he is Earth’s Savoir he able travel anywhere in Other World and the Earth. Pan never transformed because Akira and everyone else don’t know how to draw a female Super Saiyan which they’ve admitted many times. It’s easier to draw male Super Saiyan’s so that’s why Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. could transform.
Finally this is NOT a thread to complain about DBGT so everyone let’s lay off on the “disliking DBGT” for a while and let’s discuss something else.

NEW TOPIC!! So who is excited about “Dragon Ball Online?”
Its a lame lame excuse to say "Oh so he didn't train in these years so he was reduced to a cu*t" come on ! its just lame I wanted to see gohan again screw power levels and crap and its just stupid to say he lost his "Unlocked potential" because its "Unlocked" the word itself means its unlocked i see him as a really awesome strong character and he must not be weak according to some stupid GT logic

Okay if he has lost it why can't he get it back what's the big deal ? world's at stake why didn't gohan go to the kai's world to unlock his hidden potential ??

A guy like this transforming into frailed pu**y unacceptable !

Yeah you mean this >>
i think he should be training somewhere in his own private mansion rather then living in a human society and getting used like a tool by his teen daughter Its just pitiful to watch

He wasn't getting soft he was just understanding that he can't be better than goku and finally gives up that doesn't mean that he gives up his "Attitude" that doesn't mean he would like to be used by someone like a tool and IMHO he doesn't need a mustache and he himself said "Saiyans don't grow their hair after theiradolescence and he used a machine to go ssj4 WTF man ?

Plot ? who needs a LAME plot which fu*ks up the characters ?? i don't nope ! DB feel really ?? was he as innocent and inexperienced as kid goku ? NO Then he's just adult goku in small body now what's similar to DB here ? NOTHING !

see the difference ? other then height ? he doesn't even lose his memory what is so fun to see goku fighting stronger enemies in such smaller form ? what DB feel does it give ? he's a vetran fighter who's trapped in a smaller form and in DB he's an inexperienced energetic kid​
And another tiny little thing why didn't he go mad when 17 killed kirllin ?? after all that's how he became a ssj​
HELLO Pan is 24/7 in front of the camera and in every damn episode WTFFF ??? if she can come why can't gotenks ?? she's also weak and she still is fighting shadow dragons that doesn't make any ****ing sense you're saying gohan's too weak then how can he let his 12 yr old daughter who can't even go ssj1 fight monsters who are stronger than him​
I don't give a $hit to GT logic of power levels i was just saying he's supposed to be the most maniac character's reincarnation who had a great training how come he's weak ?​
LOL i didn't ask for reasons i was just saying that all they did was copy paste the ideas for final boss in DBGT​
Cell absorbing andriods = Omega absorbing balls​
Kid buu is defeated with spirit bomb = omega is defeated by spirit bomb It is "buu" not BOO​
and you dodged my major plot black-hole question why didn't ssj4 godgeta just finish off shenron ? He should've if he didn't then its obvious ssj4 is weak​
LOL if you call the filler non-canon then the whole GT is non-canon because there is NO official continuation manga for DBZ :P
regenerate like Buu Boo No he cannot regenerate from bits like buu he can only regenerate like cell or kid buu he could've easily finished off with by godgeta's big-bang Kamehameha​
That's just a rough speculating with no evidence i can say he fused with shenron as the dragon balls fused with him right ? or he became a ghost who knows ? no one the ending is just like ending of DMC2's​
DMC2 = DBGt of video games ruining an awesome series Is it that tough to draw a female ssj ? i don't think so
all they have to do is make her hair blond and her attitude a bit cocky hooray here we go ! the one thing bugged me was she was weaker then gohan/gotenks/piccolo/vegeta Yet she got more time then them the why ??​
And one more thing if they know they don't stand a chance against shenron why did they do this ?​
Goten > Lets fuse and go ssj3 just to stall omega until goku comes up with spirit bomb ?​
Trunks> No we'll just fight in ssj and get our ass kicked​
Goten> Sounds like a good idea to me​
Goku > whispers ****** idiots !​
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Finally this is NOT a thread to complain about DBGT so everyone let’s lay off on the “disliking DBGT”

wait what?

In your initial post you clearly said that it is ok to voice your dislike for GT as long as you gave a valid reason why.

So are you trying to change the conditions now?

And Gohan only gained Goten as a training partner during his preparation for the World Tournament that was coming up so that example you gave is kinda flawed as to how he kept his strength up. And the saiyaman angle also does not lend credibility to him staying strong since he was only facing fodder human which really is like a small chore instead of real "exercise" so that example is also flawed.

Face it, there really is no logical explaination as to why his power would flop so severely in 10 years when it only droped by a minimal during 7.

His power level at the end of DBZ was stronger than a SSJ3.

Gotenks SSJ3 fought Buu and it was a pretty even fight for the most part until Gotenks got the upper hand.

But Gohan was able to own that same Buu pretty easily which shows that Gohan>>>SSJ3.

So your saying that 7 years of peace would only drop Gohan's power level down to even with Cell (his fight with Dabura proves this) while 10 years of peace would drop his powerlevel down to below that of a SSJ2?

That just seems so unlikely to me.

I think we should just chalk this up to poor direction from the GT team since they obviously made a mistake with his lack of power.
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Never really thought DBZ was mature so DBGT being childish was news to me.

Was more to do with how the humour changed to a more chilish style and the whole searching for the Black Star Dragon Balls saga seemed aimed at kids.

I mean Gohan was always more of a monster than Goku, but in GT somehow this was totally forgotten.

Yeah he surpassed Goku a lot of times in the course of the show. Using the excuse that he didnt train so would be a weakling now only goes so far as to an extent that may be true as he wont be as stong as he should be. However he damaged Raditz before ANY training at all and his power was locked to his emotions which surely he never lost.
Was more to do with how the humour changed to a more chilish style and the whole searching for the Black Star Dragon Balls saga seemed aimed at kids.

Yeah he surpassed Goku a lot of times in the course of the show. Using the excuse that he didnt train so would be a weakling now only goes so far as to an extent that may be true as he wont be as stong as he should be. However he damaged Raditz before ANY training at all and his power was locked to his emotions which surely he never lost.

To be honest, I never saw the series as mature as a whole so i never notice the change.
If you watch the uncut version with swearing, blood and sexual content (Dragon Ball) its much better than the one shown on Cartoon Network etc.

I meant content or theme-wise.

Just because they show me Bulma's undercarriage, have vegeta lay an f-bomb or have goku bleed out a gallon of blood does not make it mature.
Just because they show me Bulma's undercarriage, have vegeta lay an f-bomb or have goku bleed out a gallon of blood does not make it mature.

So what exactly is your definition of mature?



killing children?

what would qualify as mature to you?

Because Dragonball has swearing,killing,dismemberment,sexual themes,military war,guns,hell,and planetary destruction and yet it still is not mature enough for you?
I meant content or theme-wise.

Just because they show me Bulma's undercarriage, have vegeta lay an f-bomb or have goku bleed out a gallon of blood does not make it mature.

In Japan originally DBZ was rated 16+. Some were R Rated episodes that were cut from US and European versions as well as edited names (Hercule from Mr Satan etc) so much was cut from the original 291 Japanese episodes (ended up with 276).
I don't know what I mean anymore...

DB/Z/GT Uncut Manga, and anime (DBKai more so) is really geared towards teens 16 and up. Its amazing and cool that Japan's kids can see more than ours.
I've always been a DBZ fan for life. =) Z is #1 in my book, while DB and GT take #2 and #3. I'm very big on DBZ as I own the entire anime on my shelf (All 291 eps via 16:9 formatted Orange Bricks w/ Bruce Faulconer's score), as well as GT. Now I need to hunt down those DB seasons, lol. I also love collecting the games. I do have a pic of my DBZ collection btw, in case anyone wanted to see it. Yeah you can tell I'm hardcore, lol! XD

So, Z is #1 because it had the best fights IMO, and more memorable moments than both DB and GT combined. I mean, c'mon now. Goku going SSJ for the first time? Z also introduced a lot of awesome characters such as Vegeta and Gohan. Eventually Piccolo turned into a good guy too but it's just awesome to know how the Z Warriors developed awesome bonds among eachother.

Now onto GT. GT couldn't really live up to Z as the story was inconsistent and the animation at times was just pyss poor, but I do like the fact that Akira Toriyama did some of the character designs. I must admit though; the fight with Omega Shenron was insane. SSJ4 was underpowered as hell too. Why couldn't he stop two combined #17's? Doesn't make sense TBH, even if Super 17 can absorb SSJ4 Goku's attacks... SSJ3 Goku should've been light years ahead of Super 17, kid or not, so I don't see why SSJ4 should have a hard time with him.

I just think SSJ4s should punch as fast as Burter, if not, faster. XD Holy shyit. =P