Well just making goku as a kid doesn't make him lose his all memories of being an adult does it ?? so he's just like a midget errr -_-'
I know @Sonofsparda you love DBZ series and this is my Honest opinion GT just wasn't as good as DBZ in-fact it sucked now why does it suck well insetad of writing long stories i'll list you points :-
*Vegeta isn't vegeta anymore he lost his pride and he has a moustache WTF ?? i thought saiyans never grow any hair !
he's ashamed of himself that he used a machine to go ssj4
*Making goku a kid isn't a good idea Because he is just adult goku as a kid it isn't fun because he
isn't inexperienced innocent fighter like he was in DB he's a vetran warrior
*Piccolo is dead and now is in hell ITS UNACCEPTABLE ! if goku and pikkon can go to hell to stop freiza and cell WHY CAN'T PICCOLO ??? wtf ?? why he has to behave evil and get himself trapped in hell ? WHY ??
*Gohan has gained absurd levels of estrogen WTF happened to ultimate gohan WHAT ?? why didn't he beat the cr@p out of baby he didn't even got as much spotlight as uub did
*PAN IS A BI*CH i loved her in DBZ ending she was so cute but in GT OMG she's always in the spot-light for no freaking reason ! she can't even go ssj why the fu*k is she taking more than 5 seconds of camera ?
*GT Logic is Cr@p Why didn't trunks and goten fuse ??? why didn't they go ssj2 and kick shadow dragon's ass that would make more episodes would add more tension WHY ?? they just stand there back with the ladies ?? **** WHY ?
*Btw isn't uub kid buu ?? he must have shown his maniac nature but he was just a substitute of krilln *Facepalm*
*SSJ4 is pathetic red fur sucks IMO why did he beat any strong enemy by his own power ???
>he killed 17 by the help of 18 I hate that he wasn't a bad guy he contributed to spirit bomb in DBZ that nailed the fact that he wasn't a bad guy
>he killed omega shenron by reenacting spirit bomb honestly if SSJ4 Was that strong they WHY THE FU*K they didn't use porta fusion ?? wtf was kibito kai doing ?? he forgot how to do instant transmission or something ? WHYYYYYYYY ???
*The IDEAS IN GT ISN'T original why you may ask
>Using spirit bomb in the end (So original right ?) instead of this how about shenron vs goku's dragon fist finisher ?? no we'll just copy paste the buu saga here -_-''
>Omega shenron absorbing dragon balls to gain power SO original right ?
*Shadow dragons sucked it would've been cool if it wasn't only about SSJ4 goku&Vegeta&Pan i would have loved to see gotenks fighting them only nuovava shenron&omega shenron weren't funny or comical like the other dragons
*Ending sucked what happened no one knows
>Is goku dead ? no answers
>did goku grow in those 100 years of peace
>Is he in some other world ?
>Is he some kind of immortal now ?
>AND HOW THE HECK CAN Goku jr go ssj and YET pan can't go ssj ?? That just doesn't make any f**ing sense
> other then baby taking over the world with his virus nothing was interesting in the story NOTHING !
on the other hand Dbz is pure awesomeness freiza saga the android saga every arc is unique tense tight with exciting battles and situations i loved buu saga the most
The things i liked about GT is only its OST which came with the boxset only thing which was worth my money
:'( makes me cry
This one's epic !!
And the ending "Till we meet again guys" was the best ending to conclude the DB series but at-least one thing is now clear goku is happy forever and after and the story ends :')
>It screwed up the story
>It screwed up the Badass awesome characters >Vegeta,goku,piccolo,gotenks and krilling dies again please let him remain dead so that he doesn't die again
it can't even match with DB because DB had originality and good characters and interesting story unlike GT