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Alien: Isolation


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014

Alien: Isolation is an upcoming first-person shooter, survival horror, stealth video game currently in development for current and next-gen systems developed by British studio Creative Assembly and published by SEGA.

Leaked Artwork and screenshots:






After that embarrassment known as Colonial Marines I can't help but be skeptical about another Aliens game, but this game has me interested because of the fact that it appears to be returning to the roots of the first Alien movie where the game will be a slow paced first person survival game that uses stealth and horror elements where the player takes the role of Ellen Ripley's daughter, Amanda.
What interests me even more is the rumor(now confirmed) that for the entire game only 1 single Xenomorph will be present.

But after Colonial Marines, I will not be touching this game until I hear the reviews, still I really want it to be good because we've had too much of James Camerons Aliens and I wanna return to Ridley Scotts Alien.

What do you all think?​
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Fake Geek Girl.
We need an Aliens game that's like Amnesia. I would love for the people who did those games to develop one. When you think about it Colonial Marines was just destined to fail because it's a game that misses the point.

Aliens isn't about shooting Xenomorphs.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
That's why I really like the rumor that there's only gonna be 1 single Xenomorph in the game because he could end up being the "Nemesis" of the game, whenever he shows up, you just run like hell.
Killing Xenomorphs can stay in the AVP franchise.

Also is it just me or does the girl on the cover art look a lot like Rose Byrne?


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Love the idea of there only being a single xenomorph stalking the player. So, so hoping Creative Assembly don't screw this up. Aliens: Colonial Marines was the first game in years that I've gone ahead and pre-ordered well in advance of launch, not even considering for a second that Gearbox could ruin such an opportunity. I'll be waiting for reviews and a few Let's Plays to go online first before hurriedly parting with my cash again.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
The AI sounds incredible, they have tried to get it as close to a 'thinking', surviving, adaptable beast as they can and that is just what Alien is about. As Chancey said, its not about shooting Xenomorphs and it should never have been in the first place. One of them should be terrifying and formidable killing machine on its own, not used as cannon fodder with you mowing down hundreds of them throughout the game as that takes away the fear/tension. Creative Assembly are HUGE Alien fans and judging by the hands on previews I have read so far I am actually in danger of getting my hopes up for this.

Im so glad more games are starting to strip things back and steering away from the all out action/shooter style of huge explosions/body counts and scripted set pieces that every single shooter seemed to steer towards in last few years. Some have said this is one of the most terrifying games they have played already and its nowhere near finished, goes to show that fear and tension arent created through all out gore and violence but slow paced tense build ups and atmospheric conditions.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
OK I'm trying not to be excited because of Colonial Marines, but I really can't help it! This game just looks too awesome!




Those Next Gen graphics just make this game seem that much more awesome!
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I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
I'm not liking the storyline.
Her daughter picks up getting involved with Aliens?
I don't think it's that bad, it'll be good to know her daughter actually is involved with the franchise rather than simply existing as a photo of Sigourney Weaver's real life mother in a useless scene of the extended edition of Aliens.
The story is Amanda hears word that the black box of the Nostromo was found and she heads out to it's location to learn about what happened to Ripley, then somehow runs into a Xeno bearing a striking resemblance to the original H.R. Giger Xeno.
The original rumors were that the Xeno from the original movie somehow survived being blown out into space and ended up in the same place where Amanda is, but I think the developers said that the Xeno in Isolation is bigger than the original Xeno so it'll be interesting to see how it happens.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
Well Alien Resurrection pretty much carved the extinction of the Xenos in stone when the last of them died in the space ship crash at the end of the movie and Ripley was a Xeno/human hybrid clone, not really a character I'd like to see again.
The only character from Alien Resurrection I'd wanna see again is Johner, he was the only good thing about that movie.

Amanda Ripley is a character I do want to see and want to know, plus the fact that the series is returning to form has a massive amount of potential, Isolation is gonna be a survival horror game and a great survival horror game riding on the Alien IP could sky rocket the survival horror genre back to fame and even better open up a new direction for the Alien franchise.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Lots of sites were worried about it involving her daughter but apparently they have all said that is well done and worked into the overall narrative well. Doesnt feel shoehorned in just for the sake of being forced to chain events together, so I personally am not worried about that. If anything it gives them a little more freedom to make up plenty of new scenarios. The developers are HUGE fans of the Alien franchise and really want to do it justice.

The story is Amanda hears word that the black box of the Nostromo was found and she heads out to it's location to learn about what happened to Ripley, then somehow runs into a Xeno bearing a striking resemblance to the original H.R. Giger Xeno.

I think its quite a clever way to tie things together as its blending what we already know & have seen with something that could have been going on elsewhere. Also helps you identify with Amanda as you have witnessed what happened to her mother.



I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
The developers are HUGE fans of the Alien franchise and really want to do it justice.
That was said once before :(

But fortunately I think this time it's turning out to be true, I really like the attention to detail in this game, I find Amanda very attractive and I think she's gonna be a good character, the level design is very well done as well and the way they describe the Xeno AI is just incredible, plus the lighting does a lotta good, when Amanda pops up to see the Xeno and the way the green light just shines on the Xenos head really adds to the tension.

Pre-orders for this game are gonna suffer for sure, but if it's as good as it seems I hope it sells enough for a sequel.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Well I'd trust Creative Assembly over Gearbox any day of the week. Hell id trust an alcoholic to watch my beer faster than I would trust Gearbox these days.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Aliens have been fleshed out & explored in comics: Other stories are completely unique to the Alien universe, and are often used to explore other aspects of the species, such as their sociology and biology.

They have apparently used the original designs and been given access to unseen archived material to build the models for the game.

Decent article I read on it the other day...

Building better worlds: Why detail is king in Alien: Isolation

Quote from article

When shown Creative Assembly’s Alien model up-close for the first time, as a long-time series fan I immediately had to suppress a knee-jerk instinct to hug the nearest developer.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
The AI is too good to be true, just like how the AI of the alpha build of the Last of Us was a big fat lie.

Gearbox Lied, Naughty Dog Lied, what makes you think this company won't either?

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Its the attention to detail im liking and all these little details help add up to craft atmosphere, suspense and tension.
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