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the horror was for love
Okay, I was watching Fear the Walking Dead and they had a clip of the original cast talking about what advice their season 6 character would give their season 1 character, and it got me thinking about what I would say and how I'd deal with the me of then.

So, what piece of advice would current you give the you of six years ago?

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Ah, this is a good question. There's so much potential advice I'd like to give to "6-years-ago" me, but there's also this fear that if I give her said advice, some of the choices she made--mistakes or otherwise--won't happen, and if they don't happen, the lessons I gleaned from them would be lost.

I guess I would have to give myself some very vague advice to avoid potentially losing what I'd learned.

It would probably go something like this: "Tough times are ahead; yes, you've gotten out of some ugly scrapes already, but there will always be new obstacles to face. The only advice I can give you to deal with these challenges is this: never give up. Never let your despair win; never let it drag you back down into that darkness--you fought hard to get out, and some days you're going to have to fight twice as hard to stay out--but you'll manage. Keep yourself busy with the things you love, with the things that drive you. Stop letting other people define you and infringe on your happiness with their constant pessimism--they are an emotional and psychological drain, and you owe it to yourself to refrain from giving in to their every little complaint. If the only way to find happiness is to look within, then it's fair to say you are not responsible for their happiness or their misery--they are. Live your life the way you want to, because at the end of the day, no one else is going to do it for you--life is short, so make the most of your time. Be productive in your pursuits, and take better care of yourself."

My, that was long. ^^;

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
F the VBAC. Just do the c-section.

It gets better.

You marry a good-looking, rich, intelligent English gentleman one day. The wedding sucks. You miss out on the chocolate fondue. Ask your cousin to be your maid of honor. You have an amazing honeymoon.

You have two more coming after baby #2. DONT GET RID OF ALL THE BABY STUFF AFTER #3!

The world doesn't end on any of the dates people say. If it's any consolation, your grandkids will be super old and the world still wouldn't have ended.

Laugh more, love harder, do more, live.

Don't be afraid.

Lay off the McD's and McFlurries. Seriously. LAY OFF.

God is not confined to the walls of a church or the pages of a book. Stop beating yourself up for not reading/going every day/Sunday. God is always with you, wherever and whenever.

It's 2015 and you're still not published. Just an fyi.


Legendary Devil Hunter
Don't know, on one hand hand I'd say work harder. Cause well....I was a slacker, and that got me in high school an extra year.
But well, if I had gotten outta high school a year sooner, I would have done, well lots of things a year sooner, such as when I went to film school. And well, the class before my group (Despite a couple of guys I got along really well with) were @ssholes. The class I did end up with, well they were the best friends I've ever had.
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Elite Hunter
Get your eyes checked sooner, idiot. Don't pretend you're not having any problems and go for contact lens IMMEDIATELY instead of living years of hell with glasses.

Or better yet, just avoid the problem altogether. Stop watching TV and play videogames with your face at 5 cm from the screen. Listen to your parents. Dickhead.

Don't let your mother throw your PK comics, your Goosebumps books and your Giochi Per Il Mio Computer magazines into the trash bin. You'll regret it DEARLY as a nostalgic teenager.


Hot-blooded God of Guns
Nothing. I wouldn't be where I am today, with the ones I love, if I did anything different. Any trying times I had to go through, any pain I had to suffer, it all brought me right here where I am now, and there's nothing I would want to change about it.
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