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A Year And A Bit: Appreciation Thread

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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
This message is directed at every single person at this place (Except spammers... They can go away :lol:)

How should I get this ball of appreciation rolling? Well firstly, I should start from the very beginning of my time here.

When I came to this forum, I was practically a newbie to forums. I knew hardly anything, and had but one or two friends. The Staff were extremely helpful to me, as they all are to everyone… And before anyone says “Jeez, what an ass-kisser” Well, duh :p You can’t appreciate something if you don’t sound like you are kissing its ass off the radar of ass-kissery :lol: But back to serous time now, that’s the truth.

I made mistakes, like a newbie would XD I posted in old dead threads without checking dates… I spammed occasionally, and had very little knowledge of the people around me… I kind of felt out of place, wanting to just fit into the Community. Well, it really took me no time at all to do this because this place welcomes all with open arms that guide you to a comfortable chair that you won’t want to get out of.

I would like to show some appreciation to my very dear friend Chaos Master. He was my first best friend here, and we kind of helped each other fit in. He really did help a lot, and made me stay active… So thank you AZ, much appreciation.

Once you get to know the people here, it feels less like another website. It kind of feels more like a place with people you feel like you have known for a few years… When in reality, I myself have only been here for a year and a bit now. But in this year and a bit, I have seen many people… I’ve been through issues… I’ve done my wrongs and my rights. I haven’t been the best person, but I’ve been all I could be to the people I truly appreciate.

So, I just want to say that there isn’t a single person on here that I do not appreciate somewhat. I appreciate the many good times I have had here… On few occasions, I had my downs… But I am stronger now, thanks to many people.

On a more personal note, I am much stronger mainly to one person here… Firstly, they do know who they are :p They do know how much I love them… I really needn’t say more, but I feel I should :p I appreciate every single thing about her, and we have had our ups and downs… More so, we have had ups… And have come back from our downs, stronger than before. I truly appreciate her ^_^

This wouldn’t be much of an appreciation, if I didn’t say my thanks to all of you. So, I thank you all for being there for me as friends or more :p I’ve loved my time here, and I hope to stay for a while to come ^_^ And I also hope you all have great futures ^_^ You all truly, rock my socks; so to say :D And I’m not even wearing socks, that’s just how cool you all are. I think I’ll sum this place up as a friendly one… A place where anyone can be accepted for who they are.

I said I would mention The Da3dra… Sorry big bro, I didn’t really know how to fit you into this… But, I guess I do really :p You rock, and I appreciate having you as a friend.

There was no shout out to my dear friend GamblingGambitCloud in mine and Wickse's video. We apologize for that, we knew we shouldn't of missed you out; you're just too awesome ^_^ :p So lots of appreciation to you my friend ^_^

Also on a personal, and yet still appreciative and friendly note...

Steve (The head Admin) has helped me through a hell of a lot of issues; as has his wife Sharon (Congratulations btw) You guys have really helped me a hell of a lot… From the deepest parts of my heart, where true values lie; I thank you greatly.

I’m sorry, this would be too long of a post to mention everyone. But, I will show my appreciation to those I have not named; when you inform me :lol:

But thank you everyone here, for showing me what a wonderful and friendly place this is; and for just being so kind.

Lots of appreciation~

happy one year and a bit birthday in this forum. i hope that you had a wonderful and happy time in here. and i hope that you have a wonderful and happy time in her in the future.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Sparda™;154850 said:
*tsk tsk tsk*

Seems one was forgotten.

Congrats, anyway.

It was intended for all, my good man :p

Huge appreciation to Sparda... He is very helpful to all ^_^ Hey wait, you had an appreciation thread for you a while back that I posted in I believe :lol: Ergh, have a slice of appreciation cake anyway.

Huge appreciation to DK and BDK... You guys are both awesome, and I'm thankful to have you as friends :D


New Member
And you fell in...:lol:

It's OK. I had an appreciation thread by Evil Nero.:lol:

God, I even didn't have made 6 months.:lol:

The Da3dra

Master Of War
YAY I almost got a whole paragraph to myself :geek: Much appreciation LoD and to all my friends I have here on the forum. You know who you are ^_^


Gosh Napoleon...
lol. Sounds like my goodbye thread. :p

Oh yeah, and um... say something about me! =) Weather it be bad, good, or ugly. (I want attention.)


The devoted
All that is so true, me and you started out about the same time, we were both newbs to forums, but thanks to this great community, we managed to fit in, get used to forums, and now look at you, top poster... i dont care what you say sparda, lod has his post count reduced by 2000 or so :lol:


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
GamblingGambitCloud;154901 said:
i'm glad i have a sentence...it's worth ten thousand paragraphs to me

I didn't post so many words, as you already know how much I value our friendship bro. It came from my heart, so it was intended to make you feel special.

Vauxchen-kun;154967 said:
All that is so true, me and you started out about the same time, we were both newbs to forums, but thanks to this great community, we managed to fit in, get used to forums, and now look at you, top poster... i dont care what you say sparda, lod has his post count reduced by 2000 or so :lol:

I'm glad you agree man. And you know you helped me tons too, when we got to speaking eventually :lol: You've been here longer than I have, you'd know how things were :p The Community helped us and welcomed us kindly, and this is our way of saying thanks to it; and thanks to everyone XD

:lol: You always manage to point something out don't you? It's not important as to who has the highest post count or whatever; half of it is most likely spam anyway >.> :lol: But yeah, there is truth in what you said to an extent ^_^

Bandoor;154950 said:
lol. Sounds like my goodbye thread. :p

Oh yeah, and um... say something about me! =) Weather it be bad, good, or ugly. (I want attention.)

It's not suppose to be a copy of another thread, it comes from the heart :p

Besides me valuing your friendship, and being one of those who knew you for a while here; I have not much else to say. Other than you clearly like attention, whether it's for the right or wrong reasons :lol: But I still truly value you as a friend, even if we don't get along at times XD

@BoC: I value you and appreciate you as a friend, but you sure as hell have a tendency to reply with the shortest things to say out of most of us here :lol: A three word reply, when I wrote all that; which came from the heart? All those good things were aimed at everyone here. I'm proud to be your friend, even if we get into small fights here and there.


New Member
Vauxchen-kun;154967 said:
All that is so true, me and you started out about the same time, we were both newbs to forums, but thanks to this great community, we managed to fit in, get used to forums, and now look at you, top poster... i dont care what you say sparda, lod has his post count reduced by 2000 or so :lol:

In fact LoD got his post count back with +2000 and I still am the top poster...;)


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Sparda™;155009 said:
In fact LoD got his post count back with +2000 and I still am the top poster...;)

That's because you spam more than I do :p I did a hell of a lot of posting to earn this rank ;)

And shall we keep to the topic at hand anyway? This is about appreciating things, not saying who is greater or whatever :p
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