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A half-sister to Dante and Vergil

Robin Sena

Solomon Spy
Dante and Vergil didn't know they had a half-sister that does as she wants because she is the only one who has the complete power of Sparda. Her name is Katalrinima Sparda who was born from another human mother. She never wanted to let them know that she was around because she knew that Vergil be asking her questions. She finally decided to show up because she felt like she wanted to. Dante saw a girl sitting there at his desk eating a slice of pizza she bought. "Who might you be?" Dante asked. Katalrinima looked at Dante. "I'm Katalrinima can you call me Kata?" Katalrinima asked. Dante nodded not wanting to know who she is really. "Are you a devil?" Dante asked. Katalrinima looked at him. "Only a part and the other part is human." Katalrinima said.

Katalrinima tried to explain everything except for the fact she is Sparda's daughter and his and his twin's half-sister. "That's a lot to take in." Dante said. Katalrinima sighed. "Fine I'm also your half-sister I'm your dad's daughter." Katalrinima said. Dante was in complete shock. "That's weird so what you getting at I'm your half-brother along with my twin brother?" Dante asked. Kata looked at Dante. "My full name is Katalrinima Eva Sparda." Kata said. Dante can't believe what Katalrinima's middle name is.

Katalrinima looked around the Devil May Cry shop. "It's quite cute here I think I'll get comfortable." Katalrinima said. Nothing can stop Katalrinima now she wants to keep her father's power away from all demons that will abused it. She believe in the mornings when the demons can't get to unless in human form. She always around for the longest time her mom name is Katalininya.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
This is nice and everything, but am I the only one who writes tons of fight scenes? DMC is about fighting... So I thought fiction should all be about the fighting. Unless this goes into a plot about demons or something, and there being a final Boss... This won't really go anywhere quick.

Robin Sena

Solomon Spy
There will be a boss fight in the end with Vergil who finds out that Katalrinima has all of Sparda's powers.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
If it was a spoiler, use a spoiler tag...

Here is how you do one... Just quote this post, and you'll see how I did the spoiler tag.

Hi, this is a spoiler

Robin Sena

Solomon Spy
You are welcome there's gonna be a lot stronger demons when they show up. This is only a prologue so be prepared.

Robin Sena

Solomon Spy
She is the only one who can calm the souls of their father’s powers without being controlled by it. Katalrinima has been watching from the shadows trying to find one way or another to tell Dante and Vergil that she is Sparda’s daughter. She been trying it for the longest time because it’s she always wanted to come out and say to Dante that she is his half-sister. She really wants to do make sure that everything will be all right. She really wants the thing to be all right and she wants to do what she wants to do. “Hey um Kata why are you here for?” Dante asked. Katalrinima looked at him, and trying to figure out what he wants to do. Katalrinima really thought about it. “I am here to protect father’s power.” Katalrinima said. Dante got all cocky about it. “So you want to fight brother just to keep it safe?” Dante asked. Katalrinima wanted to make sure that the right to the heir of the power gets their father’s power, but she can’t. “I only here to pass on father’s powers to the rightful heir, and one of my brothers is the rightful heir.” Katalrinima said. Dante was shocked to hear Katalrinima keep saying like she actually knows father. “I’m been born in the human world.” Katalrinima said. Dante saw some strong demons and he wanted to protect his sister even it means getting injured.


Well-known Member
Er...nuuh. Sorreh. It's not just that I don't like fan characters related to original ones, but, in DMC, it's best to keep the whole 'explanation' at a MUCH later time. In addition, she would have to be named after a historical figure/fictional character, as with the case of Vergil and Dante. That's just my two cents. Sorreh if I bumped ze topic, but yeeeeah


Your breasts are illegal!!
Well, the sister could be called Beatrice, whom was a character in the Divine Comedy written by Dante Algerhi (very odd book) like Dante und Vergil.


Well-known Member
Esura;127258 said:
Well, the sister could be called Beatrice, whom was a character in the Divine Comedy written by Dante Algerhi (very odd book) like Dante und Vergil.

That's already taken by Trish. She already served the role in the first game.

In addition, characters related to original ones will most likely be Mary Sue-ish. Also, how could Dante and Vergil 'forget' they had a sister when a sister simply didn't exist to begin with? XD You'd have to have a convincing explanation for all of that.


Your breasts are illegal!!
Kaihedgie;127261 said:
That's already taken by Trish. She already served the role in the first game.

In addition, characters related to original ones will most likely be Mary Sue-ish. Also, how could Dante and Vergil 'forget' they had a sister when a sister simply didn't exist to begin with? XD You'd have to have a convincing explanation for all of that.

Um...so what if Trish served the role?
Dante and Vergil isnt exactly following the role of their namesakes either. It doesnt mean that the usage of the name Beatrice is useless.

Also, Dante and Vergil could have dozens of siblings they dont know about. No one knows if Sparda is alive or not so Sparda could of produce numbers of progeny from other women. Also, Sparda could have pure blooded demon kids 1000 years before the birth of Dante and Vergil. No one knows cause info Sparda is incognito and sparse .


Well-known Member
Esura;127272 said:
Um...so what if Trish served the role?
Dante and Vergil isnt exactly following the role of their namesakes either. It doesnt mean that the usage of the name Beatrice is useless.

Also, Dante and Vergil could have dozens of siblings they dont know about. No one knows if Sparda is alive or not so Sparda could of produce numbers of progeny from other women. Also, Sparda could have pure blooded demon kids 1000 years before the birth of Dante and Vergil. No one knows cause info Sparda is incognito and sparse .

It was pretty much already confirmed long ago that Sparda is long dead. He died sometime after having sealed the gate to the demon world (Temen-Ni Gru) In addition, no child of Sparda pre-Eva was ever mentioned. If there were, they would have been mentioned, considerin' how legendary he was. Then again, ye did mention his background is a mystery, and anyone could say he's related to him, thus, this character could be lyin'. But then again, you really cannot just walk up to Dante and tell him *that*. First off, how does she know the password? You really can't contact Dante without first sayin' what devil is doin' what. And second of all, this character could most likely be lyin'.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Sparda's entire character is a mystery. That is how he has been portrayed. Confirmed as dead? Or maybe that's what they want us to think ;)

Think about it...


Well-known Member
The dood pretty much is dead at this point, no matter how much you wanna deny zat. After all, Sparda was not there to protect his sons and wife.

If he were alive, he would have a say in just about every game there was. He would have at least tried to stop the villains.


Your breasts are illegal!!
Kaihedgie;127532 said:
The dood pretty much is dead at this point, no matter how much you wanna deny zat. After all, Sparda was not there to protect his sons and wife.

If he were alive, he would have a say in just about every game there was. He would have at least tried to stop the villains.


Dude, stories arent as clear cut as that. Since there isnt enough information given about Sparda. Also, have you played DMC2? It actually mentions the possibility of Sparda being alive (yes DMC2 is canonical too). If he was alive he would NOT have all the say so in every game. Also, remember, there is Dante so there would be no need for him owning all the villains. Remember logic does not apply to DMC's story (or any other story featuring otherworldly beings). Well it can, but not in DMC's case.


Well-known Member
Esura;127552 said:

Dude, stories arent as clear cut as that. Since there isnt enough information given about Sparda. Also, have you played DMC2? It actually mentions the possibility of Sparda being alive (yes DMC2 is canonical too). If he was alive he would NOT have all the say so in every game. Also, remember, there is Dante so there would be no need for him owning all the villains. Remember logic does not apply to DMC's story (or any other story featuring otherworldly beings). Well it can, but not in DMC's case.

Dood, I alreadeh mentioned in meh return topic that I own all four games and have played through all of them. I'm well aware of DMC2's status as canon.

As far as it stands, Sparda is dead as it comes. That's all. You were most likely referencin' a line from Lucia sayin' Sparda came back. However, this was cleared up in Sparda's own short profile in Devil May Cry 3. It mentions his return from the demon world to the human world after sealing away his power, not his survival. All sources have highly made it clear that Sparda died before the DMC storyline and no evidence of him ever living in the games existed nor were there any hints. When Sparda sealed away his power, he was half the invincible demon he once was and died sometime before Eva did. It was also stated that Sparda was deeply in love with Eva, so I hardly doubt he just go into hiding and leave his beloved unprotected. That would be rather out of character for him. I mean, seriously. Do you acutally think someone like Sparda would suddenly dump Eva and suddenly go off actin' like a sex addict makin' a hundred demonspawn every week?

It ain't about preferences of what games you did and did not like. I'm merely going by the facts as they are, not speculation. Can't speculate without solid evidence to back up yer speculation


Your breasts are illegal!!
Actually, Sparda has no character cause he was NEVER elaborated on. The only info they have on him is legends, myths, etc. How can something be out of character for a character that NEVER appeared in game. There are countless threads on stuff like this on this forum. I suggest you go look them up.


Well-known Member
Esura;127573 said:
Actually, Sparda has no character cause he was NEVER elaborated on. The only info they have on him is legends, myths, etc. How can something be out of character for a character that NEVER appeared in game. There are countless threads on stuff like this on this forum. I suggest you go look them up.

The only yhing about him known is that he fought on behalf of the humans. What more do we need to know? After all, any theory of him being alive is mere speculation and not fact. There is more evidence pointing him being dead than there is anything actually hinting anything that he was alive.
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