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  • Well, if they aren't able to help someone else without making themselves look all high and mighty, then they should keep their mouths shut. I have actually found this site to be better than sonsofsparda, mainly because people aren't posting useless threads and new members aren't trying to tell the mods how to do their job. I would think that this site has a good reputation:) because everyone helps one another...except a few minor members.

    Exactly - it's not like we're masters at something just by doing it longer then other people have, no? It would make it a lot easier on all of us if people just showed little understanding and patience towards those who need help. I guess people always have to be stubborn about helping people while not making them feel bad.
    I'm doing fine. About to go to my drama class. (so, talk to you later!:'( )

    Sorry about all the flame wars you have to deal with.
    Man that sucks. I don't believe I spoke to her that much. But she didn't seem so bad. Obviously one of the quieter members. (Which is a good thing.) One of the only reasons i've stayed with this forum is because I still have hope for it. I refuse to be driven away by, "the bad members" as alot of the "good members" might be.

    But of course, im sure you have noticed that I have had a few slips and almost went off on a few people that ticked me off. You must excuse me, I get fed up and tired of some of the nonsense.
    Unfortunately, I got moderator status because of my stark truthfulness and because of what I can do Graphic wise. I'm pretty sure that gives levy to what I say. Once again, when some is arrogant and unwilling to accept that they are not where they perceive themselves to be, then you have no other choice but to speak the truth, and thats what it came down to in that thread. Unfortunately, you guys aren't a GFX forum and wouldn't exactly know where I'm coming from because to better someone GFX wise is to tell them what is wrong which I did with stark truthfulness which I don't see as being wrong in any particular way.
    I spammed? how? you don't have to answer right now cause i like to wanna know something.anyway i have to go and sleep. so have a nice evening and goodbye
    There aren't many people who would actually do that though. You have just said the exact samething about Photoshop, that my teacher has mention to us. I was on a Art course last year and the only time I actually used photoshop the way it's meant to be used was when I had to do my final project. You take your drawings and what not and put them onto PS an see what you can make them into for example a poster. This some of my OWN art work that I created while on last years course.....well that's not fair it won't let me upload it -.-'

    True. If you think about it it seems like if it isn't about the sigs, but about something else. Lol, everything you can, I can do better, lol I remember that advert :P
    Oh don't get me wrong, the place could be in much worse condition :) But I know this is not the case due to the staff's hard work. Agreed, this could indeed be the turning point for these situations. We will have to wait and see :)
    Too true :lol:

    Hopefully. I just wish people would resolve things peacefully via PM's/VM's and other forms of communication other than arguing in people's topics over the slightest thing. It really is a shame :)
    If your good at something like GFX then instead of bragging about it and putting people down, you should help them with any troubles that they're having with Photoshop, Pain Shop Pro, FireWorks, etc. I saw what Esura had said in his "Ello" thread. So, I decided to have a look at what's been going on, and when I looked at ND's profile I was shocked that he thought he can come to this forum and just start insulting ND for absolutly no reason at all. But I guess DA probaby said aload of stuff, but who knows. The way he acted today I don't think he's a mod, because i have never seen a mod act in such a disgusting and immature way.
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