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I mean, Trump is the US president so I guess anythig goes at this point.
I actually meant that positively since I'm glad Ryu won(since I feel as though Ryu was cheated in his fight against Scorpion) and Broly is canon now (So people can stop with all the dumb "Broly is non-canon = bad character" argument).
You're right...Broly is now confirmed canonically bad . :p
More like canonically awesome is more like it.
I've never heard people using that as a reason why Broly is a bad character. I've always heard people say he's bad because of his silly motivation, which is a complaint I agree with.
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In all seriousness, I really don't care for Broly becoming canon. We've already had three films with him and I can't see a fourth suddenly making me like him even if it is canon this time.
The whole "Broly hate Goku cause he made him cry as a baby" joke doesn't make sense when you consider that if we are to believe that Broly did remember Goku somehow as babies then we'd have to assume Broly would also associate Goku with him being stabbed and left on a dying planet as a inphant since Gokus crying would of been the last thing he heard.
As you said, that's just an assumption. Broly's literally a guy who holds a grudge against Goku cause he disturbed his peace with his cries as a baby. Even my more gullible and younger self was kinda baffled by how silly of a motivation that was.
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The "Broly being angry at Goku for crying" is an assumption as well is my point as thier is more proof for Broly having PTSD and even then if you're subscribing to that dumb as hell baby theory then you're already admitting to believing the PTSD theory considering it already hinges on Broly remembering Goku as an infant. Broly was disturbed by Gokus crying only to feel a immense amount of pain right after that.
Even if that PTSD theory is true, they could have found a less ridiculous way to link the trauma to Goku. And while at it, maybe make it actually clear that is the reason. Cause the way they played it out, it sure looked like the crying harassment is his reason for hating Goku.
Edit: My apologies as I didn't quite express what I meant (more specifically I ran out of characters). The first movie itself is pretty vague on what Brolys motivation with the Japanese version going with the idea that Broly despising Goku due Broly realizing Goku would be the one to defeat him while the American is ambiguous with it. The whole "crying baby" thing was something that the fandom started.
But the crying would be the only thing Broly would remember considering it all happened to him as an infant. Broly as a newborn wouldn't know that he was stabbed or left on a dying planet just that Gokus crying what lead up to it.