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Don't plan on seeing The Last Jedi, thus I haven't watched the trailer nor plan to, despite YouTube insisting on sticking it into my feed. I said I would bar this new, inferior trilogy from my mind, and I plan on sticking to it.
V's patron
V's patron
I'm curious about it because i'm a fan of the director but i wasn't feeling the hype when i watched it.
Feel free to watch and enjoy it. As for me, well...I have an entire season of Rebels I have to watch, with the newest one debuting in a week. Not to mention my mountain of EU novels I have to get back to.
@WolfOD64 As much I didn't like TFA myself, you can't say it's an inferior trilogy until you've seen all three movies. And since you plan not to...
@Foxtrot94 Considering how many ideas it's blatantly, shamelesly stolen from both the OG Trilogy and the EU, I think I can deem it inferior in terms of originality. And that, to me, is the stamp of quality that Star Wars, on principle, needs to uphold. TFA failed on that account, out the gate.
And seeing that Abrams is RETURNING for Ep. 9, you can bet that the failure to produce originality will continue, absorbing at least 2/3 of the trilogy.
A bet can be either won or lost. And as long as the possibility of a loss exists, you still can't say anything without witnessing it yourself. Doubts and concerns are one thing, blind judgment is another. As much as I agree that this movie probably won't be all that good, much like its predecessor, high chance =/= certainty and I would never say it WILL be no matter what.
I may sound kinda pedantic, but if there is something I've always been unable to stand when it comes to entertainment media, is the attitude of expressing not a concern, but a straight up judgment without having seen the final product. You simply cannot do that and as I see it, there's no justification for doing it.
LOL, I just realized it sounds like a damn rant. I swear I'm not venting at you, I'm hella chill, it's not even a franchise I'm particularly attached to. I was just trying to get my point across as hard as I can, as I too often do, perhaps. :'D I don't want you to get the wrong impression.
Dude, I'm the bastion of giving things a chance. My favorite game series has more controversial entries than a holy book, and I'm always motivated to give each one a fair shake instead of dismissing it like most tend to do. I could say the same for practically everything else I enjoy: DMC, SoulCal, RE, Macross...and my favorite usually tends to be the black sheep precisely because of that.
The only reason I made a special exception with Star Wars, my favorite fictional franchise of all time is because A) Unlike those other things, I wasn't forced to accept that the new entry's existence came at the cost of the discontinuation of something I loved (The EU), B) No new entry I attempted to like had ever previously been borderline plagiaristic...