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It's not even about political correctness...Star Wars HAS good female characters. Mara Jade, Ashoka Tano, Bastila Shan & a whole host of others. Christ, even new canon you have Sabine, Hera and Jyn. Rey just SUCKS as a character...even as they desperately force a lightsaber in her hands and crank her power level to max, her appeal as a character simply doesn't exist. She still has the personality of a rock.
True. No one complained when Sam Jackson was cast as a Jedi -- this is mostly about their written roles and their acting, in my opinion.

I also love Sabine. Gonna have to catch up with this season to see what happened. I usually wait until it's over so I can binge later on.
I like Sabine, but I LOVE Hera. Her character is so reassuring and sweet, like she's the Mom of the crew (being voiced by the actress who played Jan Ors in the Jedi Knight games also helps). I stopped Rebels for the sole purpose of waiting for it to finish, so I can binge the whole series in a single go. Probably will do that instead of going to see The Last Jedi, tbh.
Agreed. Probably the better choice.
Have you thought about a different hobby? When even stores trying to earn a few bucks more on the current fad bothers you, you might want to rethink your life and what's good for your health.
WolfOD64 ...except the fad is losing them money. Besides, why would I change my hobby? There's one underrepresented division of Lucasfilm that is still making good SW material, and it's the animation team that makes Rebels. It's not my fault that show does characters and world-building better than the godawful new main-series movies. Why does my disdain for them bother you, anyway?
Well she IS the main character of this new SW series so it would only make sense that she's the one front and center. Also, I'm probably biased here, but based on what I've seen, her character's really no different from Luke's in the original trilogy.
That is the most common complaint I've seen about The Force Awakens, that the plot and Rey are too similar to A New Hope and Luke respectively.
@Izzy It IS all the same. Luke/Rey start off on a planet of sand, Finn/Leia escape the darkside headhoncho, Kylo/Vader are only the tip of the bad guy iceburg (plus one's an emotional brat, while the other use to be one), and Hand Solo is in it. Plus the whole "training with a past master jedi, ala Yoda/Luke" thing.
Hey man, don't shoot the messenger. I have neither seen TFA nor plan to since I don't particularly like Star Wars. I do kinda wanna see Rogue One because Donnie Yen is in it....
@DragonMaster2010 Rey is similar to Luke? Luke was a bumbling, inexperienced, naive, sometimes overzealous farm boy in a New Hope. He was making mistakes and being shoved into the background constantly by people with more experience than him, and only found fleeting moments of success through a mountain of stumbling.
He has a numerous flaws as a character, most of which are pointed out to him by the likes of Ben and Han. In contrast, Rey is borderline flawless, mastering every new task within minutes of attempting it, is congratulated and adored constantly by other characters for how perfect she is. How, in any way, is she ANYTHING like Luke?
Rey being the main character isn't the problem. The problem is that she's a narcopeltically BORING main character. She's like if you took that incrediblly forced Tauriel character from the Hobbit movies, and made HER the protagonist.
She's not interesting, she's poorly-written, she's more underdeveloped than a raw egg, & is an INSULT to the wealth of infinitely-superior female characters in the SW universe, both in the EU and new canon. So much so that she was ousted by Jyn in the VERY NEXT MOVIE after TFA. The prospect of following Rey around in this new trilogy is a nightmare, one I choose to avoid by skipping out of the new trilogy entirely.
Well actually no, Rey isn't just the overall problem with Star Wars TFA. I'd say that an overly similar plot and just the way she was written was the problem. She'd actually make for a really welcoming addition to the series if they hadn't of made her so OP to begin with. I personally like her and want her character to be better developed, but it's not Rey, it's the way she's written.
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I do agree, however, that she was completely outshone by Jyn. Rogue One made TFA look like an embarrassment in comparison.
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@LordOfDarkness Absolutely. Rey is not the sole problem with TFA (THAT would be the lack of creativity, undercooked story and whitewashing of EU story elements like Jacen Solo & the Suncrusher), but she's a large problem for it. Much like the overall film, I wanted so badly to like Rey, but she just doesn't have the depth or soul of characters like Ashoka or Hera, and is far less likable as a result.
And yes, both Rogue One and its protagonist Jyn Erso absolutely defecated all over TFA. More original visuals, a stronger story, more appealing characters, newer and more creative ships/planets...and a far bigger emotional response from me. Not a great film by any means (Disney's reshoots saw to that), but far and away a superior effort, which is five times more embarrassing considering it's the SPIN-OFF movie.
I can't say I don't agree with you. I have a feeling that the Han Solo movie will go the same route as Rogue One did and decimate The Last Jedi when it comes out.