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That's something many Metal Gear fans (myself included) have acknowledged for a long time. Many of us just play the games because they're fun. I know you'd disagree with that, but, taste is subjective.
Have fun. You're entitled to it---you're a fan, and I'm not. I envy all MGS fans for having fun with something I actively hate.
oh looky. some more knee-jerk kids crying because they can't get over popularity of the franchise. Oh well. Rest of the world don't cares
Anyone who dislikes Metal Gear = Knee-Jerk Kids.
Kojima Fanboy Logic at its absolute finest.
If I don't like something I don't spend hours upon hours writing incompetent articles where promoting my articles as facts. If I consider AC crap from the very first game, I just don't care if it gets any awards or praised. I just get over it.
I wish you'd just as swiftly get over the varying opinions on stuff you like, instead of waddling in and branding anyone with a different opinion as a "H8TER, LOL". If a person never ceases to rant about what they don't like, they're entitled to it---as long as the criticism is valid. Which in this case, it is.
except it isn't ;) This article is barely can be identified as criticism. Its just "boo hooo" they like what I don't like. Only game I won't stop complain is DmC and only because I loved franchise before it was made. If you don't like something from get go you better get over it instead of acting like this article's writer.
I "better get over it"? Or what, Stalin, am I going to be prosecuted for "harmful opinions against the Kremlin"? Your sense of open opinions and free speech are about as shallow as the plastic folds on Kim Kardashian's artificial face.
Well if you have nothing better to do with your life as to flood forum with your pointless complaints please continue. I couldn't care less.
Let me be free to waste my time, and continue "having nothing better than to do..." but for someone who couldn't care less, you have a nasty habit of climbing up my ass any time I so much as breathe a negative word on Metal Gear.
Well how would you feel if I started bashing Star Fox on every corner? Yep. It probably annoyed you.
...except I watch people bash Star Fox all the time. I hear people call it a "series for fur-fags", or "hasn't had a good game since 64", or "needs to be killed off to make way for Metroid, since it's more popular." You know the difference between you and me? I don't gear up into full fanboy mode any time someone insults my favorite franchise...I'm not an oversensitive snowflake.
Yeah keep telling this to yourself, except you was starting arguments when somebody dared to bash DmC more than once. So at least don't pretend you're any different. But whatever. If you feel better for searching crappy articles on internet nobody cares about, go ahead. It won't take away MGS popularity no matter how hard you complain about so we
Why on earth would I be out to take away from MGS's popularity? It has enough fans as it is---fans with horrible taste, but fans nonetheless---what part of my efforts would ever be successful in stopping it? Besides, it's not like any criticism of the series goes anywhere. Fans of the series are even more deaf and obstinate to criticism than Kojima.