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So far, only IGN has made that direct comparison...because I assume they were too busy no-scoping in Call of Duty to play literally ANY of the Deus Ex games.
The Good Gentleman
The Good Gentleman
You say that, but Peace Walker DID have overall more choices and control than any Deus Ex games - at least when gameplay was concerned. And that was an itty bitty PSP title. Safe to safe The Phantom Pain steps it up?

Besides, you didn't play it, they did. So there's that.
We get it, you hate MGS. But when you make unfounded criticisms, you're just embarrassing yourself.
I think my first hint about the game not being nearly equivalent to the hype is the fact that Splinter Cell doesn't have as much control and choice as Deus Ex. The relevance? Everything from the control scheme to the animation in MGS5 absolutely reeks of everything Splinter Cell has already been doing for the last 11 years. "GOTY ALL YEAR!" (sniff)
I noticed that too, but it's also true that a game is not just control scheme and animations.

When it comes out, we'll see what defines this game and distinguishes it from the competitors.
The Good Gentleman
The Good Gentleman
Ah. I get it. So basically, this entire time you've just been talking out of your ass. :D

I fully understand if you don't like a game. However, if you want to criticize it, you need two requirements: 1-You need to have actually played the game. 2-You need to not talk out of your ass.

You've failed on both accounts. :< Hence, your opinions - and criticism - is utterly and totally worth ****. Sorry. :/
@Foxtrot94 If it distinguishes itself from the rest of the poorly-made, interactive B-Movies that comprise of the rest of the Metal Gear series, that'll be fine enough.
The Good Gentleman
The Good Gentleman
In addition to never playing it and talking out of your ass, you've baselessly hated the series all along? You DO realize that your opinions on it literally amount to absolutely nothing, right
And you DO realize that your name isn't Foxtrot94, right?
Metal Gear is the like the ultimate B-Movie.
Better send the memo to Kojima, because I think he takes it far more seriously than you do. Also, make a copy and send it to Capcom about DMC, while you're at it. I'm not looking forward to any bishonen confrontations in the rain taking place in DMC5.
I'm sorry, but it's ridiculous to say that a game like MGS3 was poorly made, when it was one of the best stealth games back then. And maybe games like MGS3 or MGS4 didn't suit your western tastes, but that doesn't make them B-movies. It's generally accepted that the overall story of MGS is pretty intricate, deep and satisfying. You want to talk about interactive movies, go play Telltale Games' GoT.
I don't know if you're judging old MGS games based on 2015 standards (I've seen a lot of that), but that would not be fair. Also, bishounen are not just 'good-looking males', they're often androgynous/feminine, slender and graceful, etc. But even if that weren't the case, who cares if DMC3 Dante looked good? By your logic DMC1 Dante was biseinen, but you don't care about that? Only DMC3 Dante bugs you? Okay...
Generally-accepted, but not my opinion. Some of us can only choke down so much ham-fisted dialogue and relentless exposition before narcolepsy ultimately ensues.
Btw, I wasn't talking about how DMC3 Dante looks---don't get me wrong, he fails in that department too with his K-Pop Hair and edgy one-sleeved jacket---he could be dressed as nicely as DMC1 Dante and still be the worst because of how he acts like a sugar-infused doucheclown with all the subtlety and charm of Snow from FF13. He's like the hot-blooded offspring of Sonic and Tidus.
I also mean accepted by critics, not just people you think are beneath you. Sure, the dialogues aren't always great, but the dialogues in MGS3 are generally good. Maybe the translation from Japanese to English doesn't always pan out, but that's not often the case. As for exposition, the games needed to explain some things through cutscenes. That's not objectively a bad thing, it depends on taste.
Dude, I had DMC3 Dante's hairstyle for a while too, even before I played DMC3. It has nothing to do with K-Pop. He also doesn't have a single sleeve jacket: And DMC1 Dante doesn't look *that* different from DMC3 Dante. I know you like DMC1, but come on, judging DMC3 Dante but not his DMC1 iteration seems a bit odd.
If we're talking about edginess, I think DmC Dante tried harder to be just that. Btw, I liked DMC3 Dante because he was basically often hiding his real feelings, he wasn't just a ''doucheclown''. But whatever, I'm not going to debate personal taste -- no sense in that.
Man, I love Metal Gear, huge fan of the franchise, but even I know Kojima sometimes writes dialogue like someone who never spoke to another human being in his life and can be for the most part just dribble. MGS 4 for example is Snake really repeating the last two things someone says back to them as a question with this buh reaction.
MGS 3 even has this random 5 minute conversation about Godzilla that's basically irrelevant to anything lol. Like I said, he writes dialogue sometimes like someone who never leaves his house.