Demi-fiend Sep 28, 2014 Eh. "A bit of fighting every now and then does make life more interesting... don't you think?"
Demi-fiend Sep 28, 2014 You know, I've just realized that you made it possible for my likes catch up to my posts. Thanks.
Demi-fiend Sep 14, 2014 Awesome -- I'm the best character in the game, after all. XD I love game where you don't have to use guns... like Mirror's Edge, for instance. ^_^
Awesome -- I'm the best character in the game, after all. XD I love game where you don't have to use guns... like Mirror's Edge, for instance. ^_^
DoomSlayer87_Sss Sep 11, 2014 Thanks for the follow , if you need any dmd or hell and hell or jc tips for the games feel free to pm me
Thanks for the follow , if you need any dmd or hell and hell or jc tips for the games feel free to pm me